Chapter 345 Upgraded (3250)

He is one of the shareholders of the law firm, and he wants to lead everyone to work hard together. At this time, he dare not slack off in the slightest, so the only one who can be wronged is Mei Mengzhen.

And Mei Mengzhen is not ignorant, "I know, you supported me when I was working hard in my career. It is impossible for me to not support your career. We are now at a good age to work hard. Now we don't work hard. Do you work hard when you are old? So work hard, and I will work hard."

Study hard, work hard, and try to make the two of you a better match.

Pei Ziyu sent Mei Mengzhen back to school. Mei Mengzhen was worried about whether the space would be upgraded. There were so many emotions in her heart, so she fell asleep early.

As soon as she fell asleep, she felt warm all over her body, filled with an indescribable sense of comfort. She didn't know how long this feeling lasted. When she opened her eyes, it was already dawn, and she glanced at it. The mobile phone next to the pillow, at 6:7, they usually get up at [-], which is still early.

Mei Mengzhen put down her phone and closed her eyes, consciously entering the space.

She looked left and right, but she didn't find any difference in the space. Could it be that the space can only be upgraded once?Then what happened to the feeling yesterday.

Just when she was wondering, she casually leaned against the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, and the space mall opened with a thought.

As soon as the space mall opened, the page in front of her was the upgrade page of the space mall. There was only a progress bar in the middle that stretched back little by little, and it said updating. Mei Mengzhen felt relieved. Smiled, good guy, it turned out to be here.

After thinking about it, it was the space mall last time. This time, it should be the same if nothing happened. She just looked at the space for a long time, and nothing was right, so she couldn't see anything.

After waiting for a while, the upgrade progress bar was full, the space mall restarted, and the page was indeed updated.

After this update, there is an additional [Quantitative Harvest] function in the options bar of the settings.

What the hell is quantitative harvesting?

But because you don't know, you should try it.

Mei Mengzhen opened the quantitative harvest, and the page in front of her was like a warehouse, displaying all the things in her space in this function.

The first one is a picture of a big white radish. There is a button below to add or subtract the quantity. Of course, you can also fill in the empty space directly. Mei Mengzhen tried to enter [-] and clicked OK.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished ordering, the radishes in the black soil next to her began to be automatically cultivated and harvested.

She leaned on the sweet-scented osmanthus tree and watched over there as she worked. After a hundred radishes were planted, the black land stopped by itself.

Mei Mengzhen was shocked, now she doesn't even need to sow the seeds herself, the upgraded function is too good.

Mei Mengzhen planted other vegetables according to the gourd painting, and she found out that the quantity she can set is the number of seeds she has after purchasing, that is, she planted [-] white radishes, because She has a hundred white radish seeds, but without this number, she can't set so many.

At this time, you only need to set all the remaining seeds before, and then directly click to buy to replenish the goods. The purchased seeds will appear directly in front of her, and she will pile them into the pile of seeds with her thoughts.

In fact, it is better this way, she can know in time when the seeds are gone, and replenish them in time, which is also very smart.

Not only can planting vegetables be set, but the processing function can be directly used after these vegetables are planted.

For example, after the white radish planting is set up, there is no need to wait for it to be planted. Just click on the picture of the white radish and a prompt box will appear, asking if she needs to process it. After clicking OK, the white radish that can be processed will be displayed below. Type, she only needs to click on the type.

Of course, there is also a limit to the amount of processing, which is set according to the number of radishes she grows, one radish and one pot of kimchi, and so on. Of course, the processing fee has not changed. These side dishes are still 1 yuan a time, regardless of the quantity , calculated on a case-by-case basis.

And they can also input text during processing, and set their own LOGO for these processed packages. She only entered the word Xiyuan, and when the kimchi came out, it was printed on the package, which looked better than before. It's not so much like a three-no product.

The functions of planting and processing are directly combined, which is more convenient than before.

In this way, her energy for growing vegetables is allocated, which means that more of these processed side dishes can be sold on the Xiyuan APP.

Mei Mengzhen didn't think too much, she tried other things first, and then thought about this issue.

After setting up the dishes, she goes to set up seafood and fish fry. She usually does not have these in stock. She clicks to buy them on the spot. She buys fish fry and shrimp... After clicking, they are automatically put into streams and ponds, waiting for them It will be harvested automatically when it grows up.

This fish can also be processed automatically, and it can kill it directly. Of course, this function has been available before, but I haven't used it much. After all, there are no fish in Xiyuan's kitchen.

In addition to squid, there are pickled fish, smoked fish... Anyway, all kinds of fish can be processed, and they are charged per order.

Livestock, orchards, and tea are all the same, and the cost of processing is the same as before. The only thing omitted is that she needs to do it herself.

With this set of procedures, not only are more vegetables grown than before, but the time is also greatly shortened.

The last thing is the cream and slimming pills that did not exist in the space mall. These are not grouped together with them, but are still in the original processing function. It is renamed as self-service processing, which is to integrate the materials and process them into what she wants. , this function has also added a text function, and the word Xiyuan can also be printed on the original bottle.

This looks more like it was produced by Xiyuan.

In short, the new features after the upgrade are simply too easy to use.

Before she could be happy for a long time, the alarm clock next to her ear rang, and she jumped up from the bed excitedly, shaking the three people next to her like a bomb.

He Yiran slept on the bed opposite to her, and the whole person was scared out of his wits, "No, Zhenzhen, what kind of fried shi did you play in the early morning, it scared people to death."

She was so scared that she threw her mobile phone and hit the wall, and she didn't know if the wall was broken.

Luo Yingying was not much better than He Yiran, she was getting out of bed and almost slipped.

The one who was better was Yan Keke, who really shivered, and then there was nothing else.

Mei Mengzhen smiled dryly, "Sorry, sorry, my alarm clock was too loud and scared me."

It was really frightening that she exploded SHI like that, and it was hard for everyone to talk about her, so they just said: "Get up quickly."

A group of people just got up.

You must know that happy Mondays are always so happy, especially last year's preview was so good, and this year's Mondays are especially looking forward to.

(End of this chapter)

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