After I was reborn, I counterattacked by farming

Chapter 346: Zhenzhen's Thin Skin

Chapter 346 Zhenzhen Thin-Skinned (3350)

Lai Qianqian also has her own rules when doing things. When she posted last year, she will post at that time this year, so that this is her label and people will think of her when they hear this time.

So when that time came, everyone, even those who were still in class, opened the forum one by one.

As soon as Lai Qianqian's post came out, the forum exploded. Not only did it explode this time, but the new gossip that had been waiting for more than a month whetted the appetite of the students. Even the school's forum fell into a stage of collapse. Even the webpage Neither can be opened.

The more you can't open it, the more anxious you are, and the more anxious you are, the less you can see it. After this period of time has passed, it will be a little better.

Then it exploded again.

No way, the content of this gossip is Jiang Cheng, which is the same as what was announced last year, and the content of the gossip can be as scumbag as possible, but at the same time, everyone feels sorry for the girl who was with Jiang Cheng, and also It's ex-girlfriend Luo Yingying
But when everyone thinks about it again, no, Jiang Cheng also has a girlfriend now, and they should be more distressed by Jiang Cheng's current girlfriend.

But it's wrong to think about it, being with such a scumbag, whether it's an ex-girlfriend or a current girlfriend, everyone feels distressed, after all, the other party is a scumbag.

The current girlfriend, Chen Zhi, who had been waiting for a winter vacation, finally saw the evidence, the real thing, without any fake evidence, even if she didn't believe it, she still had to believe that the Jiang Cheng in front of her was really a scumbag in the past.

Why do you believe that he used to be a scumbag?

Because Chen Zhi doesn't know Mei Mengzhen at all, since she doesn't know Mei Mengzhen, Jiang Cheng naturally won't use her to get close to Mei Mengzhen, no matter what 'others' say, no matter how Jiang Cheng treats 'others', At least in this relationship, Jiang Cheng treated Chen Zhi very well.

Not to mention anything else, at least he didn't use her to get close to others.

Jiang Cheng and her apologized, explained and then admitted their mistakes. Girls are always soft-hearted, so Chen Zhi forgave Jiang Cheng.

But everyone knows that this matter is not over, whether it is the follow-up of the post or the follow-up of Jiang Cheng.

As the school's "wind and cloud" character, Jiang Cheng, since last semester, he will be pointed out when he walks outside. Not to mention this year's post, even Chen Zhi has received a lot of attention from everyone. focus on.

As an actress, Chen Zhi naturally hoped that she would be popular, but the popularity she wanted was not achieved in this way.

Jiang Cheng coaxed carefully that Chen Zhi would not break up with someone so easily, the two of them had been in a relationship for a few months, and they could always have some feelings, unlike Luo Yingying who only talked for a day.

As a result, this side just breathed a sigh of relief, and Lai Qianqian's happy Monday came again, and this post was posted in four chapters. This happiness lasted for a month. Couldn't take it anymore, and finally broke up with Jiang Cheng.

But, in fact, Lai Qianqian's post has ended here.

Jiang Cheng's material is gone, but Jiang Cheng, a scumbag, is sitting so firmly that there is no need for the slightest doubt.

Because of this, Jiang Cheng became completely famous in the school, no matter whether the reputation is good or bad, it is indeed famous.


Although the protagonist of this semester's gossip posts is not Mei Mengzhen, she is more or less included in every post, so that after last year's popularity subsided, it became popular again this year.

Even the fan group now has [-] people, and the group is very active.

Taking advantage of this time, Yan Keke took the lead in launching a wave of public welfare activities.

Yan Keke has the sponsorship of herself, He Yiran, and Mei Mengzhen. There is no problem with money, but she is the only one in the company. She can't do charity by herself. At this time, she needs to use the power of Mei Mengzhen's fans.

To know the current popularity, fans, even if they are just amateur fans, are very powerful.

It didn't take long for Yan Keke to gather a group of people to do the company's first charity event with her.

The night before the departure, Yan Keke sent a message in the group and said: "Don't be late this Sunday, I have prepared the banners and cameras, all you guys have to do is come, let's gather directly at the destination and collect Please reply."

Then the following followed by a swift reply received.

Mei Mengzhen really didn't pay much attention to the news in the group before, but now she found it very strange to see it accidentally, and asked casually, "Ke Ke, what are you doing, is there any event on Sunday?"

Yan Keke said: "Yes, I saw on the Internet some time ago that someone set up an unofficial shelter for stray cats and dogs. The person was kind, but the family was very difficult, and he persisted for a while. Afterwards, I couldn’t hold on anymore, but I couldn’t bear the cats and dogs to continue wandering, so I posted a post on the Internet to ask for help. I think this is very meaningful, so I will continue this life.
Then I bought some feed and pet supplies on the Internet and delivered them together on Sunday, and then cleaned up the environment there. This is the company’s first public welfare activity. There weren’t many people when I made the second confirmation, but now the 20 people are enough. I also made a banner, and I will take a photo tomorrow. I don’t have much experience for the first time, but I still want to try to be as formal as possible. "

Of course, this is not the end, "I also have plans for next Sunday, to visit the orphanage, next week to the nursing home, I have temporarily arranged the activities for these three weeks, and the things are almost ready. Thinking about it this way, I seem to be quite busy. Woolen cloth."

"Isn't it? You are much busier than me. What a meaningful thing."

"That's right, Zhenzhen, are you going? When the time comes, take pictures and stand in the C position of our team."

Mei Mengzhen sighed, thinking that if you didn't say that she might still go, if you said that, she wouldn't have the nerve to go, the C position is really unnecessary.

"Forget it, I've been very busy recently, and I paid for it, so it shouldn't be a problem if I don't go."

He Yiran suppressed a smile, "Yeah, we both contributed money, and when the money is in place, strength is not so important, but what to do when people ask, after all, this kind of public welfare is led by your name."

Yan Keke made up her mind a long time ago, "Everyone has already asked, what I told you is that Zhenzhen has a thin skin and is embarrassed to stay with so many people, so I won't go, but donated to our organization A lot of money, if there is a chance in the future, we will be together again, anyway, we will not only do charity once."

Not to mention that Mei Mengzhen's 1000 million was transferred to Yan Keke the next day, and her actions were crisp and neat, without delay at all.

"Your explanation is quite solid. Well, I'm really too embarrassed to follow you, anyway, just say what you need."

Yan Keke waved his hand, "No need, our organization has money, so what can we do if we have money?"

This... is quite the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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