After I was reborn, I counterattacked by farming

Chapter 347 Public Welfare Activities

Chapter 347 Public Welfare Activities (3450)

Time passed and it came to Sunday, Yan Keke was full of energy and took the things prepared in advance and set off.

The things that Yan Keke prepared will definitely not appear in the dormitory, even if there are not many people, the things take up a lot of space.

Yan Keke prepared uniform vests for the public welfare personnel. Although there are only dozens of vests, the school does not allow these things to be piled up, so Yan Keke specially rented a small apartment for their company, and temporarily piled them up, which can also be regarded as their company A temporary office, and the application for registration in the early stage has been passed. Although it is not large, it is considered to be a decent one.

With an office, it is natural to find someone to design her exclusive LOGO based on Mei Mengzhen's prototype. There are normal version, Q version, and the company's logo LOGO. No, when looking for someone to make a vest, I will print it On top, front and rear.

It took time to prepare these things, so of course it wasn't done recently. As early as the beginning of school, when Mei Mengzhen's money came, Yan Keke was moved to this idea.

Yan Keke found a lot of information about doing charity like this on the Internet, and what needs to be prepared for doing charity.

The banners are similar, there is nothing to change, but when it comes to clothing, each organization has different clothing.

Some are T-shirts, some are jackets, some are directly pasted with stickers, and some are also vests. After deliberating for a long time, she still thinks that the zipper vest is the most convenient. No matter what the weather is, she can wear it even when it is cold or hot. She just puts the vest on herself Out of the clothes on the line.

Clothes like this don't need to fit very well, because they have to be returned after wearing them, so the fit is made looser and the size is larger, so that anyone can wear it.

The apartment is already equipped with a washing machine, and she washes all the clothes hygienically every time after wearing them, so as to ensure that there will be no peculiar smell when wearing them next time.

Yan Keke saw that she had a lot of money, so she made 50 pieces directly with a wave of her big hand. She thought that the public welfare undertakings had just started in the early stage, and it was almost enough to have 50 people. And she looked at the photos taken by others, the largest scale There are only 50 people, and Mei Mengzhen's reputation is only established in the school, and she can't directly surpass the professional public welfare organizations outside her family, so she thinks 50 is really enough.

It's over and it's not over. Like she said, she rented a small apartment, but the small apartment feels unprofessional just looking at it like this. Even if no one sees it, she can see it by herself, and then renovated the apartment All at once, the desks and office chairs were all arranged, and even the logo of their charity organization was pasted at the entrance, where it could be seen when the door was opened or closed, and it was very conspicuous.

Now she thinks it looks like a small company.

She is quite satisfied.

Of course, when Yan Keke did these things, she kept it from Mei Mengzhen, not only from Mei Mengzhen, but also from all the girls in the computer department. Everyone had their own things to do and didn't pay much attention to her. This busy work lasted for a month, and no one really noticed that she had done so many things by herself during this month.

And her month's time coincides with Jiang Cheng's gossip posting time, so everyone's mind is on gossip, so they won't pay attention to her.

In this way, she can devote herself more wholeheartedly to public welfare, so she is naturally well prepared.

Speaking of public welfare, she did it during the winter vacation, but that kind of public welfare is purely donating money. Wherever money is needed, she just calls it here and it's over. It's public welfare, but it doesn't count.

So this time she plans to do it right, from scratch, vowing to carry forward Mei Mengzhen's charity.

Then I found the post about stray cats and dogs on the Internet, then contacted Mei Mengzhen's fans, followed the information in the fan group, and then launched the company's first public welfare undertaking.

It has to be said that Yan Keke's heart is quite satisfied.

Whether Mei Mengzhen participates or not, she has a sense of accomplishment.

Then, the event begins.

She first packed the pre-ordered cat food, dog food and cleaning supplies into the oversized Jinbei car she provided for the company, and then found a classmate who could drive in this event, and the two of them made an appointment and went straight to the car. Drive to the destination of this event.

She walked with the classmates who were driving, and the remaining 19 classmates took a taxi to meet them at their destination.

There is nothing outstanding about meeting by yourself. After all, there are so many people that even other charities cannot charter a car to pick them up, so they all go by themselves.

After arriving at the destination, Yan Keke prettily counted the number of people on the spot, and then signed in with their small group of 21 people, and then distributed clothes and gloves, and then the door-to-door activity officially began.

In fact, to be honest, Yan Keke’s selection for this event is really good. After all, cats, cats and dogs are really hard for people not to like them. Even on the road, everyone will spontaneously see stray cats and dogs. Buying things and feeding them, not to mention the food shortage crisis of a lot of cats and dogs.

So these people came here because of Mei Mengzhen, rather than because everyone loves cats and dogs from the bottom of their hearts.

A group of people see and do things, cleaning, feeding, and moving, and they are too busy for a while.

After all these are over, it is already 2-3 hours later.

During the period, Yan Keke was not idle either. Everyone worked hard and didn't get paid. She couldn't make people thirsty. She bought water in advance and put Mei Mengzhen's LOGO stickers on each bottle. Sent to everyone.

When everyone was working, she also took a camera to take pictures from beginning to end, recording everyone's hard work.

Finally, near the end, Yan Keke set up a tripod for the camera, everyone pulled up the banners and took a group photo, and the event officially ended.

Everyone packed up their things and planned to leave.

But Yan Keke felt that this was not enough, and he couldn't really just let people do hard work, so he said, "Everyone, pack up your things and have a meal together later. Although we don't have money to give to everyone for public welfare, we can't let everyone go hungry all day long." Going back, this car can’t hold so many people, everyone squeeze in a few people first, take as many seats as you can, and the rest you take a taxi, give me the invoice later, and I will reimburse you directly.”

Everyone was overjoyed, they really didn't expect such a good thing.

The address reported by Yan Keke is familiar to everyone, it is the hot pot restaurant opposite the school, the hot pot restaurant has large round tables, one table can hold two hot pots and seat ten people, it is suitable for their dinner together this time.

Apart from Yan Keke's own Jinbei, after hailing three taxis, the group arrived at the hot pot restaurant in front of the school.

When everyone was sitting in the hot pot restaurant, everyone felt a little like a dream, and the fatigue disappeared in an instant, so they wanted to talk about how they felt today.

(End of this chapter)

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