Chapter 348 Going to the Forum Again (3550)

"I like cats and dogs, so I came here this time, but I didn't expect that the arrangement of this event is quite thoughtful."

"Yes, I just didn't see Zhenzhen. It's a pity. I quite like her. I like both cats and dogs and Zhenzhen."

"Not only that, do you think this event is quite meaningful? I heard that there will be another next week. Are you still coming?"

"I kind of want to, but I'm so tired today."

Meaningful is meaningful, but tiring is really tiring. The stray cats and dogs were not cleaned very well before, and the smell is really bad. If it is not for the true love for those animals, I may not be able to bear it this afternoon.

"But it doesn't seem to be this activity next week. It seems to be going to an orphanage. I think this is more meaningful than today's one. I want to participate."

"I also think it's good, and it's Sunday, so it doesn't take up everyone's study time,"

"I think it's good, anyway, I will participate next week."

"Then will Mei Mengzhen go next week?"

One of the girls waved to everyone at the same table, and said in a low voice: "I heard that Qian Zhenzhen, who is doing charity shopping for us, donated part of it. Zhenzhen has a thin skin, and this charity is named after her name. So I'm sorry to come, I probably won't participate."

"How do you know?" Another person asked suspiciously.

"I live right across from Zhenzhen's dormitory. Yan Keke started planning for public welfare last year. I heard her talk about it several times, but I thought she was joking. After all, which student would do this? Who knows? This year has really kicked off this year.”

Hearing what the classmate said, some of them breathed a sigh of relief, "I still think it's quite meaningful, but I'm afraid it will be over if I don't do it twice. If I miss the class, I can attend."

"Why do you like participating in these activities so much?"

"It's boring, and besides, we can still make friends. If it weren't for this activity, could we have known each other?"

There are a total of 21 people in one event, 8 boys and 13 girls. It is indeed a natural place to make friends, and there is no money.

Let's put it this way, although the purpose is not simple, it is indeed the same thing, that is, you can do good deeds and make friends, why not.

"However, is this company run by Mei Mengzhen or by Yan Keke? Why is it Mei Mengzhen's name, but Yan Keke is organizing it? Or are they two together?"

"Why do you care so much? Anyway, if you do good deeds, we won't suffer."

"But I'm just curious."

A group of people were chatting, Yan Keke and another boy who was driving came over a step behind.

Yan Keke's hand is still empty, this is a souvenir she prepared for everyone, it's not something expensive, but it's very commemorative.

"Have you ordered? Eat whatever you want, you're welcome."

"It's ordered, it's ordered." A group of people booed, "We are not polite."

The hot pot here is really not expensive, even if two tables of people can eat it for less than a few dollars, Yan Keke is naturally worried that these people will be embarrassed to order and will be half full by the time they order, and the money has been spent, but things are not done properly. It's not good for people to talk about it, so I added a few more plates of meat to the two tables before stopping.

After adding the dishes, she also took out the souvenirs. It was a small badge and a small certificate. Of course, it must not be so formal, but the certificate has the company's seal on it. She will send it to anyone who has participated in the event. The last one, and the same in the future.

"This is a souvenir of our event. It's not something very valuable, but a souvenir is to commemorate everyone. It is because of everyone's participation that our public welfare activity has come to a successful conclusion. I hereby solemnly thank you for your support. participate."

I have to say that Yan Keke is really good at what she does, which even surprised Yan Keke herself.


After dinner, Yan Keke walked briskly back to the dormitory. Seeing Mei Mengzhen and He Yiran who had already returned, she couldn't help but want to show off today's achievements.

"Zhenzhen, Yiran, I did a great job today. There were no surprises from the beginning to the end of the public welfare activity, and it ended smoothly." Yan Keke asked for praise, which made Mei Mengzhen blush again Face.

"You are amazing, Keke, so what have you guys done today?"

He Yiran suppressed a smile, "I want to hear it too, did you take pictures? Let me see."

Yan Keke said: "We took pictures, from the beginning to the end, we even took a group photo, and we also took a group photo at the hot pot restaurant in front of the school at the end, but I'm too embarrassed to take out the banner, it's too ostentatious."

Mei Mengzhen breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, but fortunately she didn't take it out, the hot pot restaurant in front of the school, if she really had to take it out, she wouldn't go there again.

He Yiran took Yan Keke's camera, and the two of them looked at the photos she took today, and they had to say that they really looked good, "It would be better if it wasn't in my name." What a great event! .

She will also participate in such meaningful things, but now she is really embarrassed.

But when it came to this, Mei Mengzhen said: "Ke Ke, please don't post these things on the forum, don't."

Yan Keke was taken aback, "Why?"

The photos she took today have already been posted to their small group during the event. How long has it been? Maybe there are already in the forum, but she didn't say that.

"You sent it out, I'm going to be famous again."

Yan Keke looked away, and then said: "Ah, I posted this photo in the group a long time ago, and everyone asked me for it. It happened that one of our boys brought a notebook, and I also had a card reader, so I copied it in." , and then posted it, and there should be a set of staff for dinner."

He Yiran said: "Maybe there are already posts about this on the forum, okay, very good." After finishing speaking, she couldn't help laughing, "Zhenzhen, sometimes people are like this, Whatever you are afraid of, the more you don’t want something, the more it will give you something, or let’s relax and see how the forum is doing now.”

He Yiran and the two of them really didn't have the habit of paying attention to the forum at all times, and the two of them had just returned from Xiyuan, so they didn't have time to read the forum, Mei Mengzhen said weakly: "I hope not."

But neither she nor anyone else knew, "That's impossible."

The three of them opened the forums separately, and then, without thinking about it, this matter was put on the top of the list. Mei Mengzhen looked at the posting time, "The post was distributed at 6:37."

Yan Keke thought for a while and said, "Yes, that's right, we are eating, these people are amazing, they can post on the forum while chatting while eating." Can Yixin be used so much?She can't do it, she can only do one thing at a time, either eat well, or study hard, and can't be half-hearted.

(End of this chapter)

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