Chapter 349

But this matter is really popular. In a short period of time, the comments on the post have surpassed those previous gossip comments.

But the review was, of course, mixed.

'What kind of charity is a student doing, to show off that he is rich? '

'What to show off, it's not the case if you want to be popular. '

'No, upstairs, this activity is very meaningful. '

'It's meaningful, but don't you think it's utilitarian to use your own name? '

'It's just that I'm popular in school. I really think I'm a star, and I also do charity. How much money can you donate as a student. '

'It's not always supported by everyone. In the final analysis, this kind of public welfare activity is to cheat these fools of money. '

'We participated in the event, and the money was confiscated throughout the whole process, and we even had dinner at the end. '

'That is, the person in charge of the taxi fare who came back reimbursed us on the spot. It's obviously for public welfare, why did you say it so disgustingly from your mouth. '

'Hmph, how much did you charge Mei Mengzhen to speak for her like this. '

"Don't be threatened, so don't dare to tell the truth. Don't be afraid. If there is a problem, we will report it to Jing immediately."

'You people are too dark in your hearts. It is obviously a very positive public welfare activity, just helping cats and dogs. Why do you say this. '

All of a sudden, the reviews on the forum all tended to be negative. It was obviously a good deed, but it got such a review, which was unexpected by Yan Keke.

After reading the comments on the forum, she was completely stunned, "I, Zhenzhen, I didn't think of this. I thought, why are these people doing this? This is clearly a good deed, how can they distort the facts like this."

It's just like the saying that things must be reversed when they are extreme. She has been in the limelight too much and has been positive for too long. Naturally, some people can't understand it. It is normal to black her at this time.

But the tone of these people's comments is really like those sailors who can be taken care of by spending money in later generations. Could it be that they already have this profession at this time.

There are, but she is not of this level.

So these replies are not the navy, but Liu Bochao.

Liu Bochao's thoughts were obvious, she just wanted to discredit Mei Mengzhen, who made this person wrong him, he thought it was a matter of course for him to take revenge on her, but he also knew that it was very easy to use his ID to post. It was easy for people to find out that it was him, so the posts he replied to were anonymous.

Today's school forums can really reply to posts anonymously.

But they ignore the campus network and ip address when replying to the post.

So is anonymity really anonymous?
As long as someone with a little bit of computer technology can definitely find out who this person is by following the clues.

It just so happens that Mei Mengzhen is a computer major. She and He Yiran love to go to the self-study room when they have nothing to do. Even if she didn't learn these things, she has read a lot of these books. She has a good memory and can really use them See knowledge try to find this person.

Mei Mengzhen comforted: "The IP addresses are all the same, it should be the same person, I think he has a grudge against me and came to hack me, I will try to find out who this person is."

He Yiran became interested and said, "Yo, you can do this too."

Mei Mengzhen was already typing on the computer, "We always go to the self-study room, I have learned all the content in class, I can only read some super-professional content, I remember how to operate it, but it is the first time to use it, I don't know if it will work."

Mei Mengzhen was talking, but her fingers didn't stop, she kept typing the code on the keyboard, He Yiran could understand a little bit, but Yan Keke was just reading from heaven, "Zhenzhen, what are you doing, what are you doing?" Are these taught in professional courses? Oh no, will we teach these in the future?"

He Yiran said: "What are you thinking, how can we teach these things in class?"

The teacher also teaches students how to become a hacker, how is it possible, this is all self-taught.

When she heard that she was self-taught, Yan Keke was relieved. She was really afraid that if the teacher taught this, she would never be able to pass the exam. "Zhenzhen, what are you doing now?"

"I'm tracking that person's computer based on that person's IP address to see if I can find his information from his computer. It would be even better if there is a camera." She was able to hack the camera at the same time.

"That's okay, then have you found it?"

Mei Mengzhen paused, and the result came out, "I found it, I have already found it."

The progress bar on the computer was filling up bit by bit. Before Yan Keke and He Yiran could get close to take a look, the door was pushed open vigorously, "It's bad, it's bad, Zhenzhen, you've been hacked, This person is too hateful, how could he distort things like this, I am so mad, if people know who this person is, I will definitely tear him into pieces."

Lai Qianqian's voice was so recognizable that everyone was attracted as soon as the door was opened. After Lai Qianqian finished speaking, Mei Mengzhen pointed to the computer and said with an evil smile. : "I just found out who that person is, and I kind of want to know how you're going to tear that person into pieces."

As soon as Mei Mengzhen finished speaking, Lai Qianqian smiled awkwardly, "Ah, I got it, who, the news is quite fast, did someone pick it up so soon?"

"No, I hacked into his computer, but I haven't watched it yet, wait."

Everyone's eyes were once again attracted by Mei Mengzhen's words. When everyone looked at the computer, Liu Bochao's big face was checking the status of his computer. That face was as ugly as it could be.

He Yiran didn't even notice, "I'm really serious about this person, you turn off the computer quickly, it's too ugly."

Lai Xixi said excitedly: "Why are you shutting it down? How did you do it? This ugly man is so weird. Don't we have the materials for my Happy Monday? It's ready-made."

Everyone looked at the excited Lai Qianqian speechlessly, but they had to boast that Lai Xixi was really dedicated to her work and brought her profession to the extreme.

Mei Mengzhen said: "If you are not elected as the president of the news agency this year, I will not accept it and must protest the re-election."

Lai Qianqian said in an arrogant tone, "There's no need to protest, it's already decided to be me."

"Hey, I'm going to change my name to President Lai soon. President Lai will also take care of us in the future."

"That's for sure, which one of us is with whom?"


After Liu Bochao's computer was hacked, he lost control for a short time. No matter how he turned the mouse and keyboard, the computer was in a state of being unable to move. The key was that he was responding to a post on the forum, and now he couldn't type. He felt that At this time, not only Mei Mengzhen was against him, but also the computer, so he dropped the mouse angrily.

When the mouse was dropped, the four girls in front of the computer trembled when they heard it.

Lai Xixi said: "Why is this person so hostile?"

(End of this chapter)

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