Chapter 350 Concealing the truth (3750)

When Liu Bochao picked up the mouse and moved it again, the computer had resumed moving, but it became abnormally stuck. Liu Bochao was angry and felt that not only Mei Mengzhen, but also the computer was against him. He pulled the power cord angrily and wanted to shut down the computer and restart it. But he did a stupid thing, the laptop can be used even if it is not plugged in.

After unplugging the plug, he found that the computer screen was still on. He patted his forehead, cursed a few more curse words, and then sat back in his seat and pressed the power button for a long time. After a while, he turned the computer on. closure.

The computer over there was turned off, and the screen on her side also went black.

But in front of the computer, Lai Qianqian took a picture of Liu Bochao's actions just now.

Lai Qianqian took the photo and was satisfied, "These materials are enough for me. I didn't expect to gain so much from the trip. I hurried to edit it. The photo of Liu Bochao's embarrassing face will be posted on the forum tomorrow. I hope it can be done." Get the comment back."

Although she didn't really care, but seeing Lai Qianxi's firm and serious appearance, she couldn't refuse, "Okay, thank you."

"Thank you, whoever we are with whom."

Lai Qianqian came in a hurry, and left in a hurry.

When the people left, Yan Keke said: "Zhenzhen, you are so amazing, can black people learn computers by themselves? Do you think I can learn by myself?"

He Yiran said solemnly: "Ke Ke, sometimes people still have to learn to recognize themselves."

However, Yan Keke didn't have the heart to recognize herself, and her mind was filled with thoughts in an instant, "Hacker girl and elite lawyer, Zhenzhen, you are really heading down this road."

He Yiran squirted out a mouthful of Coke, she didn't want to drink water all the time, but she loved to drink water, but this Yan Keke always liked to say things that made her squirt while she was drinking, this kind of behavior of squirting water was very She has no quality, but she really can't help it.

"Stop, don't discuss this matter, the more discussions get worse, I want to live a few more years." She would really be pissed off by these people.

Lai Qianqian got the evidence, and after several hours of hard work, she finally put together the information.

In fact, she was a little happy in her heart, after all, Jiang Cheng's gossip series was finished, and she really didn't have anything to release for the time being.

Tomorrow happened to be a blank, and she was still thinking about the news in a hurry, so Liu Bochao came to her door herself.

Mei Mengzhen must not mention the computer in the black family, so when taking pictures, she was very careful to only take pictures on the computer screen, and it was enough to obtain useful information.

In addition, she was still worried when she returned to the dormitory, and she also deleted all the reflective images on the computer. She didn't have this technology herself, so she asked Tian Sha from the same department to help her. No matter what, she couldn't show any Meimeng anyway. Information about Jen herself and her dorm.

Naturally, Tian Sha accepted it with pleasure. Because of Mei Mengzhen, she received the photography business from last year to this year. Although she earned only a small amount of money, for a student, it is already a lot of money. I am just grateful for this. She should volunteer to help if she has little money.

While waiting for the photos, Lai Qianqian thought about how to write the gossip copy based on the photos.

After all the pictures were uploaded, Lai Qianqian inserted the picture into the text just now, and it was saved.

Liu Bochao's face-to-face photos must be the first picture in her copywriting, but posting people's face-to-face photos is too tasteless and she can't do this kind of thing, so I put a mosaic on people's faces that I don't care about. Covered up a bit.

By the way, she also wanted to play with the cover-up, she really couldn't believe that no one would recognize him in this photo.

The next content is the picture of the content being input into Liu Bochao's computer.

Of course, this evidence must have no credibility. After all, the computer screen is a computer screen, and there is no evidence to show that this screen is exactly what Liu Bochao is typing, so she combined the anonymous account name and then posted the IP address. She thinks this is invulnerable. .

It is actually not too difficult to check the IP address, even if she is not from the computer department, but she knows that as long as she is proficient in computers, she can find it out by herself.

As long as people check it themselves and combine the two, they can know that she is telling the truth.

Of course, if Liu Bochao knew about the news she was going to post in advance, and then changed the computer overnight, she would be helpless.

Lai Qianqian finished editing the information, carefully checked it again to make sure there were no loopholes, and then saved the document, and saved a copy on the computer. For safety, she also saved a copy in her USB flash drive, and even in the network drive. Saved a copy.

Responsibility is quite high.

This means that there is no scheduled release function at this time, otherwise Lai Qianqian would have to edit, typesetting, and schedule release directly on the webpage. Thinking of this, Lai Qianqian also feels very pity.


The next day.

The students of the journalism department are going to class as usual.

The only difference was that after the get out of class bell rang, everyone didn't leave quickly, but looked in Lai Qianxi's direction and what she would do next.

As she said herself, her posts are scheduled at a fixed time, saying that it is a happy Monday is a happy Monday, and that it is posted at that point on Monday, and each of her posts is posted at that time.

And this posting time also matches the time of my professional class.

The bell here is over, and if there was no gossip, Lai Qianqian would just pack up her things and leave.

But if there is gossip, it will be like her now.

First pack up the books, then take out the computer, turn on the computer, open the document, copy and paste the content to the forum, automatically typeset, edit the title, check the time, um, click publish.

A set of movements is smooth and smooth, and everything is done in one go.

As for them, it is enough that their actions are completely consistent with Lai Xixi's.

Also turn on the computer, turn it on, and then open the forum. There is no typesetting or anything, and they don't need to post news, but from here on, it's all about refreshing the webpage.

Until Lai Qianqian's post was refreshed, Lai Qianqian turned off the computer, closed the computer, and left the classroom without looking back, and those of them just read the post.

Although today's content has not been published yet, it still attracts everyone. After all, it is Lai Qianqian, what is Lai Qianqian, the guarantee of gossip.

"I'm so excited. What kind of gossip do you guys think this issue will be? This damn campus network can't even post a picture."

"Who knows, Jiang Cheng's gossip is so easy to drink, it has become a magic weapon for us to eat."

"That's right, I think it's a pity that there is no such thing, or that Qianqian hasn't paid attention to Jiang Cheng recently."

"No, no, I have a friend from the acting department. I heard that Jiang Cheng has reformed himself. He treats his new girlfriend very well. I guess there is nothing to write about."

(End of this chapter)

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