Chapter 351 Suspected of making a show (3850)

"Then what's the content of this issue? Does Sissy have a new goal? I found a new scumbag for everyone."

"It would be really interesting if that were the case."

People really don't have much interest in a scumbag reforming himself, but if it's a new scumbag, they can really have some ideas.

The photos on the webpage were finally swiped out, and I was shocked when I saw the photo that caught my eye.

Yes, shock.

Everyone was just making a joke, but they didn't expect to find a new scumbag.

Even though the photo was photoshopped, it could still be seen that it was a man.

However, I am more interested in the content than the photos.

And when everyone read it carefully, they realized that the content of this issue was somewhat different from the previous ones.

This scumbag is not cheating on girls' feelings, but maliciously leaving comments in other people's posts.

Combining yesterday's hot post and thinking about today's post, everyone knew it.

But just because it is clear, it is more interesting.

After all, Mei Mengzhen was something to watch.


Everyone then looked down, carefully, not revealing any punctuation marks.

Then was speechless.

First of all, you can't see people doing public welfare, and you think it's okay to be dissatisfied with people doing shows. Who can have no point of view.

But you black anonymous have a problem.

This is not an external website, this is a school forum. If someone from another school leaves a message on another school's forum, you don't need to guess to know that it was posted by someone from the same school.

For my classmates in the same school, those who do things with a hidden head and show their tail, hide behind the computer and be a keyboard warrior, dare to do it or not.

Everyone didn't have a good opinion of him.

In addition, Lai Qianqian's number was really not distracting. Everyone looked at the photo and immediately felt that this person looked familiar.

Several students pointed to the person in the photo and said, "Have you seen this person somewhere?"

"It looks familiar to me too."


Well, Lai Xixi is gone, no one can ask.

"I think I've seen it somewhere."

"Don't worry about it for now, this mosaic is so carefree, if it is seen by an acquaintance, it will definitely be picked up. Let's talk about it later, let's read the content below first."

What follows is nothing more than some solid evidence.

Especially those who know a little bit can tell at a glance that this is someone else's computer, but they don't say it on the spot, but they are very angry because of this incident.

"Dare to act but dare not to be, this person is really good enough. By the way, who is this person?"

"Wait a minute, I refreshed, and someone posted a message on it, saying that this person is Liu Bochao from the Department of Economics."

Liu Bochao



Everyone thought the name was a bit familiar, but the hot pot restaurant happened last year, so I couldn't remember it for a while.

"Oh my god, someone gave directions on the forum. Do you remember the hot pot restaurant post last year? Liu Bochao is the one who hurt the eyes of Mei Mengzhen and He Yiran."

As soon as these words came out, the classroom exploded instantly.

"I'll go, last year, no wonder I don't remember."

Co-authoring is unwilling, and after a year, I still want to take revenge.

It's too scary for this person to hold grudges so much.


It didn't take long for this post and the post of the hot pot restaurant, which had been silent for a while, to be upvoted again by everyone.

There is a video in the hot pot restaurant’s post, but the video is not mosaiced, and compared with the face that has been mosaiced, it is clear at a glance who the face is if it is not Liu Bochao.

But some people don't understand, "Why did Liu Bochao do this? What is he doing like this?"

"What else is there to do? To tarnish the reputation of others and to vent your anger on what happened last year."

"But that was all last year, as for?"

"But I think what Liu Bochao said is true. Although Mei Mengzhen is good-looking, and although the previous incident was wronged, it is indeed suspected of doing public welfare."

"That's right. She's an amateur, and she's not a celebrity. She's doing charity work. It's public welfare. Has she gone? This charity has made her famous. She didn't go to it herself. It's not public welfare."

The person who has actually participated in public welfare activities this time explained: "I went there yesterday. I think this activity is very meaningful. It is named Mei Mengzhen, but I heard that Mei Mengzhen Mengzhen, He Yiran and the person in charge of the company, Yan Keke, all contributed money, Mei Mengzhen and He Yiran contributed the most money, they didn't want to show off, that's why they didn't go."

"I heard, so you haven't seen any evidence, which means it may be true or false."

"But don't you think the possibility of it being fake is very low? We are all students, and we don't make any money so how can we have so much money, so there is a high possibility that the family will pay them. Maybe they have money at home. For To them it’s small money.”

"You must have forgotten the novel written by Liang Xiao. They have already said that. The novel is full of Mei Mengzhen's real experience. She has no parents and has a younger brother. The demolition funds are divided by relatives. Now, where did she get the money? If her family is really rich, the relatives will definitely not only think about the demolition money, but if they are really poor, where will they get the money to donate."

"But the novel doesn't necessarily have to be true. Even though Liang Xiao said so, if it's a publicity stunt, and I haven't confirmed it with others, it might be fake."

"Then you haven't confirmed the donation with others, how do you know it's not fake?"

"No, just ask."

"If you ask people, tell them, and they may not tell the truth."

While everyone was discussing, the students around shouted: "Hurry up and refresh, there are new posts, it's amazing."

"Wow, it turned out to be true. This receipt cannot be faked."

That's right, Yan Keke didn't come here yesterday to think about it, but thinking about it today, she felt that she was missing a trick without a stone hammer, so she simply posted the donation record.

Anyway, donating money to do good deeds, how could it be wrong.

Yan Keke used QQ to discuss with Lai Qianqian early in the morning.

Lai Qianqian is naturally fine, and it is a good thing. After posting the gossip post in the classroom, although she left the classroom, she did not go far. After waiting for the effect of the post for a while, she continued These payment records were edited and released.

Yan Keke was the first to donate money. She was very smart and knew that the donation would only be effective after the public welfare company had been registered first, so that's what she did.

The company's registration certificate is all there, and she herself has a photo for the record.

After the company was registered, the first donation was sent from her own account. The time shows that it was last year, which was the same day as the company was registered.

The registered name of the company is Mei Mengzhen Charity Project Foundation, a public welfare organization, and the establishment is very formal.

(End of this chapter)

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