Chapter 352 Fallen (3950)

This public welfare organization uses Mei Mengzhen's name, but the person in charge is Yan Keke, who has nothing to do with Mei Mengzhen. It is purely Yan Keke's support for Mei Mengzhen, which is clearly stated in the post.

But these are not the main points, Yan Keke's donation is really amazing.

500 million, Yan Keke donated 500 million, this is not a small amount, this fat little girl, is this fat girl who looks so inconspicuous so rich?
It was only when everyone came to their senses that they realized that, by the way, that chubby little girl came over for a winter vacation last year and seemed to have lost a lot of weight.

But that's not the point either.

The second payment was made by He Yiran, and the payment time was during the Chinese New Year, and the amount of the payment was 1000 million.

This number is not small.

This amount made everyone who saw it blow up again. It's the same sentence, are everyone so rich now?Can a newly established charity be able to hit 1000 million just so casually?Is she so relieved?
The next thing is Mei Mengzhen. The payment time is at the beginning of the school year. Everyone thinks that it makes sense. It was done a few years ago. Who is not busy during the Chinese New Year, so the payment can be done after the new year. .

But the amount is still 1000 million.

The promised no-father-no-mother demolition funds were cheated away by relatives. I thought they were taking a counterattack character design before, but who knew that the one who got it right was Bai Fumei.

Of course, it's not over yet.

Immediately below there was a donation slip, Liang Xiao's 1 yuan.

Liang Xiao's 1 yuan came the day after Mei Mengzhen finished donating the money.

I have to say that everyone who watched the previous 500 million and 1000 million was very excited, but it didn’t feel real. Liang Xiao’s 1 yuan was really down-to-earth.

But after everyone reacted, they said: "Is 1 yuan a small amount? Liang Xiao doesn't seem to have a good family background. Is this 1 yuan just taken out casually?"

"Yes, I can't take it out, even if I ask my parents, I can't take it out, and my parents won't give it to me at all."

"So the family conditions of these people are pretty good."

"I felt cheated instantly, but classmate Bai Fumei and Mei Mengzhen are even more attractive, okay?"

Everyone was stunned. In this way, it is true that Bai Fumei fits Mei Mengzhen's appearance better.

Beauty, weakness and misery are really not suitable for her.

Speaking of this, everyone felt that their topics seemed to be getting more and more remote, "Wait, let's not talk about this for now, this donation slip cannot be faked, if it is fake, it can be found by reporting and checking, so people It’s impossible to post it blatantly, isn’t it afraid that people will check it? So, this public welfare cause is donated, and they intend to do public welfare seriously.”

"I'll just say it's true, but you still don't believe me. We talked in the group that day, and we said we asked Zhenzhen to go with her, but she knew that Zhenzhen felt embarrassed when we asked her to take a photo at the end. No, life and death will not go."

"Speaking of which, Zhenzhen is quite low-key. Speaking of it, this person has too much dirty and malicious heart."

"But if it weren't for this, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to see the donation slip later."

"By the way, what does Zhenzhen look like when she is shy? I really want to see it. It must be super beautiful."

"It goes without saying that Zhenzhen won't be beautiful someday."

And thinking about it this way, maybe Mei Mengzhen might have done so many good deeds before they knew it.

Speaking of which, she is really a kind girl.

Mei Mengzhen: ...

I don't want the halo of the heroine, I don't want to make up my mind.


After a long while, the topic returned to Liu Bochao.

Liu Bochao didn't expect that what he did did not ruin Mei Mengzhen's reputation, but instead made her gain more favor.

So why did he do this? He worked so hard to swear so many bad words and made her a wedding dress.

Liu Bochao was annoyed, "Damn, everyone must be mentally ill."

Of course, what Liu Bochao did could not be hidden from Jiang Cheng, who is in the same dormitory.

After all, there are still two people in their dormitory now, there are only two people there, how can the other person not know what the other is doing, let alone Jiang Cheng who is always paying attention to Mei Mengzhen.

But after Jiang Cheng found out, he was not moved by Liu Bochao's behavior, and kept a calm state throughout the whole process.

Liu Bochao was so excited that he didn't pay attention to Jiang Cheng's state at all. He was immersed in his own world and posted some unsightly words in the posts one by one.

But Jiang Cheng was still a little unwilling, especially after the donation slip came out.

Although he had a chaotic life this year, Jiang Cheng felt that he knew everything about Mei Mengzhen because of the chaos.

No matter how perfect she was in his heart before, she is already vulnerable now.

With Mei Mengzhen's status, even if she is pretty, he still feels that this person is not good enough for him.

But the fact of life experience is true. According to his relatives, Mei Mengzhen should not have much money, whether it is himself or his family members. So where did the money for Mei Mengzhen's donation come from? .

The image of the man standing beside Mei Mengzhen appeared in Jiang Cheng's mind, could it be that he gave it to him?

Jiang Cheng thought about it and thought it was wrong, because that man looked very young and his family background seemed to be very good, but he didn't look like someone who could take out 1000 million yuan.

You know, his family is already in a pretty good position, even if his father can afford it, he may not be willing to donate so much.

Jiang Cheng thought about it again, and then focused his thoughts on Fan Tianyu, but he had asked about it at the time, and his father only explained that he was the owner of a restaurant, and he often went there for dinner, but there were no more details. revealed.

In his understanding, how rich can the owner of the restaurant be, and looking at Fan Tianyu's clothes, he is not as good as Mei Mengzhen's partner, and the car is just an ordinary car that costs 10. It was his father who was indiscriminately attentive, so as a matter of course, Jiang Cheng felt that it was impossible for Fan Tianyu to give the money.

So where did the money come from?

Jiang Cheng had an idea in his mind that he shouldn't have, whether Mei Mengzhen...

Jiang Cheng shook his head, no, even though Lai Xiqian's postings had wiped out most of his feelings for Mei Mengzhen in this month, he still didn't want to believe that Mei Mengzhen would be like this—degenerate .

Jiang Cheng didn't want to hide any more. For things he didn't know, he wanted to follow Mei Mengzhen's way and use the power of everyone and the power of the forum to give him an answer.

Of course, it would be better if he didn't think so. If so, Mei Mengzhen would seek her own death. Even if her reputation is ruined, it would be her own fault. If you miss the scenery, you also have to enjoy the abjection.

After all, to be an upright person is to be aboveboard, and to fall into the quagmire is also his own doing, no wonder he.

(End of this chapter)

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