Chapter 353 Talent Recruitment (4050)

Jiang Cheng's use of the word open and aboveboard is really not convincing. After all, his method of chasing people back then was not an open and aboveboard method, and he used Luo Yingying to achieve his own goals.

But Jiang Cheng couldn't possibly feel that he was wrong.

Jiang Cheng had already made up his mind, but he suffered too much from being cheated, so he was a little afraid to ask him to take the initiative to do these things.

Liu Bochao next to him was losing his temper, and he seemed very unwilling, so give him this chance...

I just don't know if he will accept it or not.


"Bo Chao, I have something to tell you."

Liu Bochao was so angry that he dropped another mouse. The mouse is not expensive now, and the student party is not very good at using it, but because the student party has less living expenses, it can't afford to change it frequently. Right now he is feeling distressed.

"what's up."

"Some things happened during the Chinese New Year. I didn't tell you about Mei Mengzhen."

As soon as he heard that it was about Mei Mengzhen, Liu Bochao became interested, "What's the matter, tell me."

Jiang Cheng narrated what he knew during the Chinese New Year. Liu Bochao became more and more excited when he heard it. He always felt that he seemed to have caught Mei Mengzhen's little tail.

The two had the same heart, and after Jiang Cheng finished speaking, he naturally began to plan what to do next.

Both of them have suffered losses, and one is still suffering, so naturally it is impossible to be so impulsive again. While sorting things out, they are also waiting for an opportunity.

But the time is certainly not now.


Happy Monday, both Lai Xixi and Yan Keke got a wave of bonuses.

Lai Qianqian originally thought that public welfare was a very positive thing, and it didn't require everyone to contribute money, it only needed to contribute. In fact, she also wanted to come on Sunday yesterday, but there was a little bit of trouble at home. The matter was delayed, and she will definitely go this week, so after posting the donation certificates of several people on the post, she then promoted Yan Keke's planned public welfare activities for next week and next week.

Because of the good publicity, it didn't take long for their team to grow again.

Yan Keke followed the original method and left her QQ group number to sign up.

The members of the group spontaneously started a group solitaire. As more and more people joined the group, more and more people signed up.

Looking at the number of registrations from more than 300 people, Yan Keke was fine, but Mei Mengzhen and He Yiran were a little dumbfounded.

He Yiran said: "Zhenzhen, is your appeal so strong?"

"No, it's better for Sissy to promote it."

As soon as Lai Xixi was mentioned, Lai Xixi and Tian Sha came to their dormitory.


Lai Qianqian greeted everyone refreshedly, and Tian Sha also followed behind with a shy face. It was obvious that the two of them had something to do.

Before Yan Keke could ask, Lai Xixi said: "Keke, I really didn't have time yesterday, but it doesn't matter, I have time now, I have decided, I will participate in public welfare with you every Sunday from now on. Leave your public welfare information to me to sort it out."

She takes the initiative to take on this responsibility, she is confident to do well, and she has time to do it, even if she has other things to do in the future, or the news agency has something to do, she will still be able to spare time, because it will take a day here Time, no matter how busy you are, you can't be so busy.

Tian Sha waited for Lai Xixi to finish speaking, and hurriedly said: "Let me take photos of your public welfare activities. I saw the photos on the forum last night and regretted not participating. I will go to every event in the future. , although it looks hard, but this kind of activity is also very meaningful."

After the new year, the popularity of campus photoshoots has dropped a lot, but there are still some to ensure that life is no problem. If there are fewer photoshoots, time will naturally be free. She also wants to do more meaningful things at the right age.

It just so happened that Lai Qianqian also had the same idea, so they came here together.

"That's right, after they came back yesterday, they had a very interesting chat. I regretted it to death. You said that my mother could not find me anytime, but she wanted to find me yesterday." Lai Qianxi regretted it very much when she thought of this. He didn't participate, "In the future, I will cover your posts."

In this way, although there is no gossip on Happy Monday, isn’t it more meaningful to show love in public welfare activities than gossip?

The more Lai Qianqian thought about it, the more it happened, and she decided in her heart to occupy the weekly gossip time with the weekly public welfare activities.

The two are enthusiastic, but Yan Keke is very strict about everything about Mei Mengzhen. The two people in front of her have some skills, and she also wants to recruit talents, "I'm very happy that you think so, but I listen to your tone, You want to be with me for a long time, right?"

"Yes, we discussed it before we came here. We will follow your team. Let's not mention it after graduation. Anyway, during school, as long as your charity is still there, we will always follow you." Lai Qianxi and Tian Sha looked at each other With a glance, he said firmly.

Yan Keke frowned, thought for a while, and said, "If you two want to work with me for a long time, I can pay you wages."

The two waved their hands again and again, "No, we don't want money. This is for public welfare. No one else has collected money. How can we collect money?"

"No, listen to me, I won't be polite to you anymore. I rented a small apartment as the company's office space. It's near the school and within walking distance. Limited, I would like to find someone to share it for me.

The two of you are capable, one can write and the other can take photography, which is exactly what our company needs. Since you two want to help me do it for a long time, why don't you join the company directly?
This is not a matter of a day or two, so it is no problem for me to subsidize you some, and you have the ability, I also want to keep you for a long time,
Of course, the salary is definitely not much, just to subsidize it and cooperate with my work. It will definitely not be difficult for you. After all, I can do it, and you will definitely not be worse than me.

Or, you two think about it. "

The two of them really have to think about it.

Although the two of them said that they would help Yan Keke take pictures and write copywriting in the future, but that is to say, no one has any trivial matters. If they are not from the company, they don't have to come if they just say hello.

But once they join the company, they are part of the company, and you can't just say hello if you have something to do suddenly.

This day must be free.

Of course, this is not too much for a student party. The two of them are single now, their studies are good, and their living expenses are also good, which means that they don't need part-time jobs, so they really have time.

Tian Sha said: "May I ask what your usual work is? I don't have a clue, what if we can't do it."

(End of this chapter)

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