Chapter 354 Moved by Money (4150)

Yan Keke waved his hand, "The work is very simple. We must not empty-handedly show our love. Every time we go to a place, we prepare gifts in advance. For this, it is best to ask in advance what is needed there. Of course, some places will not say. Let's buy it according to our needs. At this time, we will contact the merchant to see if we can buy it at the purchase price.
Although we have money, we have to spend every penny wisely, so we should save money. In addition to the company, I also rented a garage as a warehouse. The cat food and dog food before were delivered. I piled them up there. If the warehouse can fit it, we will deliver it by ourselves. If it can’t fit it, we will contact the merchant and send it directly. It’s just that we don’t have a driver. There was a young man who could drive in the last event, and I asked him to be the driver. coolie,

Of course, if these follow-ups are done smoothly, I will definitely match them. After all, the company must be formal, and the equipment it should have is still complete.

Then let these people drink water, these must be prepared in advance, and our public welfare company is initiated by Zhenzhen, so I also asked someone to design Zhenzhen’s Q-version LOGO stickers, which should be pasted on the water above, and then send to others,

There must be something to do when you go there, you can’t just look at it, cats and dogs are for cleaning, but it’s definitely not good to see the elderly and children. What I’m doing now is designing activities, trying to get everyone involved, and then taking pictures at the end of the activities. There must be dinner parties, everyone is free to participate, and there must be no less dinner parties after the end.
The last thing is to keep accounts and do accounts, but these are all simple, and I can do it myself for the time being. "

After Yan Keke finished speaking, he continued: "What you have to do is to discuss price comparison with me, contact the merchant and I will do it myself. The main reason is that I can ask my dad for help. In fact, it really means designing the content of the event, posting water bottles, Just take pictures, copywriting, and dinner parties, it’s easy to say, but it’s also troublesome.”

Everyone who Yan Keke said has never been in contact with it, so no matter how it sounds, it sounds interesting.

However, Lai Qianqian had a doubt, "Ke Ke, what if our company runs out of money?"

"No, we will gradually gain fame in the process of doing it. At that time, there will be donations from some caring people, and my own pocket money can also be used to make up for it. If it doesn't work, I will find Yiran and Zhenzhen. I want it." Yan Keke's words were so natural that the two of them, who had listened well, suddenly felt a little overwhelmed.

"Co-authoring is someone giving you the bottom line." He Yiran said unfairly, although he did it logically, but what was the last sentence, of course, even if Yan Keke didn't say it, He Yiran would continue to donate when the money was used up, Mei The same is true for Mengzhen, after all, she is still called by her name.

Yan Keke looked arrogant, "That is."

Hearing this, both Mei Mengzhen and He Yiran rolled their eyes.

I really didn't see it. I thought this person was serious and energetic, but I still had this thought.

Of course, not annoying.


When she heard that someone was trying to cover her up, and after knowing that both of them were rich, Lai Qianqian also felt that this job was a good deal.

"How much is it a month? Of course, I don't want a high salary, but since we are part-time workers, let's make it clear, one yard is worth one yard, and if you save money, you will hurt your feelings in the future."

Tian Sha also agrees with this point, "Yes, we are considered regular workers or part-time workers."

"It should be a long-term part-time job." Lai Qianqian said again.

Yan Keke said: "You two must be long-term regular workers if you want to join, but because we haven't graduated, we won't pay the social security. Some public examinations require the status of fresh graduates, so you won't be able to pay the social security. In case you have It’s not good if this idea is delayed by this, so let’s have a one-month trial period, 2000 yuan for the trial period, and 3000 yuan after becoming a regular.”

Yan Keke's salary is really high. In Jiangcheng in 09, graduates from many places could not find a job worth 3000 yuan, let alone students who were still in school, and those who were working while studying.

He Yiran shook his head, thinking that this person is really not in charge of the family and doesn't know the price of firewood, rice, oil and salt, and the waiters in Xiyuan only have this salary, and it is much more tiring for him to work for a day, but it is hard to say in front of him.

What's more, if the public welfare company is really established, there is no telling how many jobs there will be in the future. If the workload increases, the salary will be fine.

The two of them were overjoyed. I didn't expect it. I didn't expect it. I just wanted to show love, so I didn't think about money, but who knew that finding a job, and such a high salary, were all related to their major and interests. work content.

Lai Qianqian was moved, "Zhenzhen, I will definitely do my best in the copywriting of public welfare posts, and work hard to make your name famous."

"Zhenzhen, I will definitely take pictures of the event that are very touching, and let everyone know that you are a caring person."

The two messed-up people who were moved by money left after finishing their words, leaving Mei Mengzhen squatting on the ground really helpless.


She wants to cry.

Yan Keke doesn't know, "Zhenzhen, listen to me, really, I think this deal is a good deal, these two are talents, we should keep them well, maybe the company is really because of our cooperation Happy and flourishing.”

Mei Mengzhen opened her mouth, closed her mouth when she wanted to say something, but finally said: "You paid someone else's wages, don't forget your own."

Yan Keke was even more moved, "Zhenzhen, if you don't tell me, I really forgot. You are so kind to me. I won't suffer from my own company. I'm the boss. Let me raise my salary. How about 3500?" , 3500 yuan doesn’t seem to be able to do much, but it is also my hard-earned money, and when my salary is paid, I will donate it all to our company.”

He Yiran had been holding back her laughter for a long time, but now she couldn't help laughing and fell at her feet.

"Coco, you can do it, you can do it."

"Ha ha ha ha."


The trio of the public welfare team was formally established. I have to say that with the help of these two people, Yan Keke really felt a lot easier.

Although Yan Keke only had so many things to say, and the main things were all on her own shoulders, but with so much money from others, how could the pure student party really only do so few things.

The three-person team worked with a lot of discussion, and the process of solving problems was much easier than when they were alone, and the time to complete things was much shorter.

A week passed quickly.

The time finally came on Saturday morning. Mei Mengzhen was planning to go to Xiyuan. Seeing the busy Yan Keke hesitated to speak, she finally said, "If you don't have a driver, just call me, I will drive , I’ve also opened Jinbei, and I’m free on Sunday.” In fact, she’s also free on Saturday, and the most she does every week is go to Xiyuan to eat and drink.

(End of this chapter)

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