Chapter 355 I Can’t Pretend (4250)

She used to go out to play when Pei Ziyu was not busy, but recently when Pei Ziyu got busy, she didn't even have time to make phone calls. Usually, the two of them contact each other through QQ as she said. She sends messages to each other when she is free, and the other party If you have time, I will reply to her here, but the time must not be timely, so there is really a lot of time, and this charity is just driving a car under her name, so there is no loss.

When she mentioned this matter, He Yiran felt that she could do it too, "I can do it too, and I want to add a little love to Zhenzhen's public welfare. Doesn't Xiyuan also have a Jinbei? If you don't have enough, just borrow it. You guys now It’s still in its infancy, and two Jinbei cars are enough.”

Now she has also become a shareholder of Xiyuan, and she is more comfortable using Xiyuan's things.

Moreover, the Jinbei in Xiyuan is indeed useless. On weekdays, Mei Mengcheng drives a minivan to haul goods, and two trips a day can meet the daily consumption of Xiyuan. The role of the Jinbei is at most one week. I drove back in two weeks to deliver some food to my family, and then there was nothing more.

"Let me talk to Brother Tianyu, let me borrow it."

Yan Keke naturally did not object.

When Mei Mengzhen arrived at Xiyuan and told Fan Tianyu about this, he was completely shocked, with an expression of disbelief, "Zhenzhen, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, you're playing tricks behind your back." A lot, you really, why didn't you tell me such a meaningful thing, you donated 1000 million each, how much can this be, you asked that chubby to give me the account number, and I will give it to Zhenzhen Public welfare has added a touch of color."

Mei Mengzhen's helplessness increased again, but Mei Mengzhen still couldn't explain it clearly, but why not use the free money.

When Yan Keke was making the final confirmation with Lai Qianxi and Tian Sha, she just received a transfer from Fan Tianyu.

Yan Keke was about to make a call when Mei Mengzhen called.

Yan Keke wiped off the sweat that didn't exist on her forehead, and said, "Zhenzhen, that money."

"Have you received the money? I talked to Brother Tianyu about the car, and I told him about your public welfare company. He insisted on sending the money, so I let him call it. You can keep it, too. His love money."

Yan Keke was overjoyed, she didn't expect to have another person supporting her career, "Okay, thank you, Boss Fan, for me."

Yan Keke hung up the phone, the smile on her face never stopped, Tian Sha asked curiously: "What's wrong with you, what money is it, you laugh so happily."

"Zhenzhen's cousin, donated 1000 million to our company, just arrived and told me that our company is rich again, I really think our company is so rich, I didn't expect so many people Supporting my career, such money can really support me until I graduate.”

Although everyone came to support her because of Mei Mengzhen, she was also a supporter of Mei Mengzhen. She was happier that everyone could support her because of Mei Mengzhen.

The two of them were shocked by the fact that it was 1000 million yuan, and they were even more shocked to find that their company seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

Yan Keke said: "By the way, Sissy, I forgot. Our company has a Weibo. After you post the post on the school forum, edit it and post it on Weibo. You only need to post group photos and material photos. It should be enough to just edit a few sentences, and... anyway, I let Zhenzhen pay attention, and I also told her not to pay attention to other messy things, let’s talk about it later, that’s all for now.”

Lai Qianqian nodded, "Small, I've played Weibo before, and I know how to do it. I'll post the last public welfare editor in a while, and we will post it in time in the future."

"Okay, I'll give you the account number, and you just need to control the time."


Yan Keke was very busy here, and Luo Yingying was not idle either.

Liu Pei usually works with Luo Yingying, but this week there is something at home, so he went home by car after class on Friday.

Although Liu Pei is gone, the goods are indispensable. There is an online store on one side and a night market on the other. If you stop buying on weekends, you will have nothing to sell next week. Even if you are alone, Luo Yingying can't stop buying.

Luo Yingying has her own experience in buying goods. First, she went around the wholesale market to learn about the current popular styles. While looking at them, she also saw the prices of each store.

Then I go to the store where she often buys goods to pick up the goods. After knowing the price clearly, I can negotiate with others.

No one delivered the goods after they arrived. She asked the merchant to pack all the goods, and went downstairs to find a shoulder pole, and picked them out for her one by one.

Because it doesn't need to be sent far, the poles are not expensive. After picking up all the goods, I will find a truck to send them back to her school's warehouse, and this week's goods will be over.

The two of them have limited energy, and they do have online stores, but they are all business among schoolmates. In fact, their income is not as much as that from the night market.

But the two of them experienced the joy of being an online store.

Reply to the customer on the Internet, if they want it, they can pack it directly, and then contact the courier.

The wind doesn't blow, the rain doesn't catch, if the business is better, she wants to give up the night market business and concentrate on building an online store.

This side sent the goods back to the warehouse, and the other side just locked the door when they met a person head-on.

Chen Zhi.

The eyes of the two collided, and their expressions were obviously a little embarrassed.

But the two were not familiar with each other, and they had no intention of saying hello to each other, so they just passed by after the embarrassment.

But after the two passed by, Chen Zhi looked back at Luo Yingying thoughtfully.


in the afternoon.

After all the preparations are completed, it is no big deal just to load the supplies into the truck.

However, the materials they prepared this time really couldn't fit in a car.

Yan Keke's gifts are always prepared in a practical direction.

The weather is getting warmer, and thick winter clothes are definitely not needed, but children grow up fast, and last year's clothes may not be suitable for them, so I bought some thinner padded jackets and some small coats, and prepared another Some school supplies school bags, notebooks, pens.

The latter doesn’t take up much space, but the former really does. After her own Jinbei has filled the padded jacket and coat, it really can’t fit anymore, let alone the public welfare volunteers she gave to her. Prepared water, public welfare vests, souvenirs and so on.

Just when she was at her wit's end, Yan Keke's mind recalled the appearance of Mei Mengzhen and He Yiran talking to her that morning.

She grinned, and immediately called Mei Mengzhen and He Yiran.

Mei Mengzhen couldn't believe it when she received the call, "I told you this morning, you called me at night and asked me to help drive. I have reason to suspect that you just want to trick me."

"This is really not true. You will know when you come here. It really can't fit in a car. Let Yiran use the gold cup in Xiyuan. It's best to come now. I'm afraid I won't be able to make it in the morning. I'd better pack the things in advance." Take it easy."

Mei Mengzhen hung up the phone helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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