Chapter 356 I am very strong (4350)

Seeing that his expression was wrong, Fan Tianyu asked, "What's wrong?"

"I told Ke Ke in the morning, if there is no driver, I can drive for you, and Xi Yuan's car can also be borrowed from her. No, the call came at night."

Fan Tianyu smiled, "Use it, it's useless if the car is parked."

Yes, indeed yes, but she looked at Fan Tianyu and then the time, "It seems to be getting late, why don't you come with us and go to work as a coolie."

Fan Tianyu stuffed a piece of orange into his mouth, he was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and he agreed without thinking much, anyway, he was still sitting, "It's ok."

The two of them went out of the private room, called He Yiran, and asked Yan Keke if he wanted to prepare a supper, and then went there.

Yan Keke has a total of 5 people here. In addition to the regular employees of their public welfare trio, there are two other boys who are here to help.

But saying that they came to help, the two boys also had their own goals.

Yu Yan, Minister of Arts and Culture, Lai Qianqian had some contact with him because of last year's party.

The more Yu Yan thought about it, the more she felt that Lai Qianqian was pretty good, no, it created an opportunity for herself.

Another boy named Jiang Xian is a student of the director department and a member of the photography club. He loves cats and dogs, so he also participated in the last public welfare event. He was the boy who drove Yan Keke.

This boy has a good impression of Tian Sha, originally out of his own interest, but unexpectedly ran into Tian Sha by accident, isn't this God creating opportunities for him?

Therefore, the two people with a purpose, when working here, no matter how you look at it, it is a scene of a pair, and the atmosphere is quite ambiguous.

When the three of them came over, they saw such a scene.

The left and right sides are in pairs, and the only person in the middle is Keke, who looks lonely.

But Yan Keke didn't think so. She was so nervous that she didn't realize what was going on right now.

He Yiran looked at it from a distance and wanted to laugh, "You said that Keke is doing charity work, she can open a matchmaker's house, look at her like this, I'm afraid she hasn't figured out what's going on."

"It's good if you don't know clearly. If you do, you'll be tired." Mei Mengzhen was really speechless.


Mei Mengzhen approached and shouted over there: "Ke Ke."

Yan Keke looked up and saw that they were coming, so she quickly waved, "Zhenzhen, Yiran, Boss Fan."

Fan Tianyu responded quite consciously, beckoning, and raised the takeaway in his hand, "I've delivered takeaway for you."

Yan Keke is so excited, Xiyuan's food is the best, but the food has to be put away first.

After the group of them approached, Yan Keke quickly introduced to everyone, "This is Mei Mengzhen, you can call her Zhenzhen, this is He Yiran, you can call her Yiran, this is Fan Tianyu, Boss Fan, Zhenzhen My cousin, he was the one who donated 1000 million to us in the morning."

After Yan Keke finished introducing this side, she introduced her side, "This is Lai Qianqian, this is Qianqian, this is Tian Sha, this is Sasha, this is Yu Yan from the sophomore year, and Jiang Xian from the junior year."

After introducing the people on both sides, Yan Keke couldn't wait to enjoy the delicious supper, "Boss Fan, thank you for the takeaway."

Fan Tianyu handed the takeaway to Yan Keke, "The five people you mentioned, the five people I prepared, why don't you tell us what to move to the car first, and you eat slowly and we'll make it, or we'll make it later It's late, why can't I go back to the dormitory?"

The two boys were embarrassed, "Let's go together, we can eat later."

"It's okay, you're welcome, just eat."

Yan Keke's garage is in the alley opposite their community. This side is full of old houses, with twists and turns, but cars can drive in. "Boss Fan, just drive your car here." After she finished speaking, she pointed inside, "That's all, just put it in the car. There will be 30 people tomorrow, and I will pack the vest and put it there. You can see how much water you can stuff. In short, the more the better." good."

Fan Tianyu nodded, "Okay, I understand, you guys go eat."

After Fan Tianyu finished speaking, he turned around and opened the Jinbei outside, while Yan Keke had already unpacked the takeaway boxes and handed them one by one.

Yan Keke handed the box and asked, "Zhenzhen, what did you bring us, it smells so good."

But don't think about it, it must be a staff meal. Mei Mengzhen doesn't allow other dishes in Xiyuan to be packed, but the staff meal is really delicious.

Mei Mengzhen said: "What time is it? There is no staff meal. I asked the chef to fry a few dishes and make some rice. I put some in each dish and packed it to save you. You have no place to add food. It's easy to eat, but tastes like a staff meal."

After all, from the same chef's hand.

When she heard that it was fired alone, Yan Keke was moved, "Zhenzhen, you are so kind to me."

After Yan Keke finished speaking, she opened her packing box, and the fragrance immediately overflowed.

While Yan Keke was eating by himself, he did not forget to greet the other four people, "Eat quickly, Xiyuan's food is delicious."

All four of them swallowed their saliva, and they knew it was delicious when they smelled the aroma, so there is no need to sell it. After several people tasted the taste, they couldn't help but praise, "It's delicious, this is too delicious."

"But what is Xiyuan? A place to eat? Why haven't I heard of it?" Lai Qianqian said.

"Xiyuan is a restaurant opened by Zhenzhen and her cousin. It only accepts reservations for high-end restaurants, but recently Yiran has also invested in it. The three of them are the owners of Xiyuan."

Yu Yan paused while eating, thought for a while and asked, "Is it the Xi Garden in Nianxiangyuan? I heard from my dad."

The few of them knew each other well, and it seemed that Yu Yan's family background was pretty good.

Yu Yan also heard from his father that Xiyuan became popular too fast and became popular too quickly, and he didn't know the root cause, but many big bosses protected him. This restaurant is really high-end. The key is that it is still difficult to make reservations. It is expensive to eat, but the taste is really good. If these three people are the bosses, they can explain why they can spend so much money.

As soon as the words fell, Fan Tianyu's car drove in slowly, and he got off the car and began to move the goods.

Naturally, Mei Mengzhen and He Yiran couldn't just watch, so they hurried over to help.

"Eat, don't move, we just come."

Mei Mengzhen's strength has also increased a lot after being recuperated by the spiritual spring water. Not to mention being able to lift a cow, but it is not stressful to carry three boxes of 18 bottles of mineral water at a time.

But this scene is a bit scary. After all, Mei Mengzhen is thin, with such thin arms and legs, and she lifts so many things at a time. No matter who sees it, she is afraid that she will break herself. .

Yan Keke even said: "Zhenzhen, take your time, don't rush, pay attention to your image."

That's right, it is to pay attention to the image, not to fear that she will break it.

"I can lift, I have great strength."

(End of this chapter)

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