Chapter 360: All Come (4750)

There are really a lot of supplies in the two gold cup cars, especially the clothes car, which was stuffed down yesterday, but when the door was opened today, the clothes instantly tilted down and rolled on the ground, spreading all over the place. People hurried forward to help classify and move inward.

Not to mention the strength of a large number of people, the car was quickly emptied if one person took a few items.

Everyone attacked another car, and after a while, the clothes in this car were also emptied.

At this time, looking at the piled up clothes, Mei Mengzhen suddenly realized a problem, "Is there any shortage of these things?"

Since all the donations have been donated, let's do it in one go, so as not to make people feel that they are just putting on a show, being stingy, and the supplies in front of them are only two gold cup cars, which really don't have much stuff.

As soon as this end was finished, another truck drove in from the other side. Yan Keke hurriedly waved, and then called volunteers to walk towards the direction of the car, "Please help me, this is the rice I bought. Handle oil and noodles with care."

This truck is similar to their minivan in Xiyuan. It doesn't look big, but it can actually hold a lot of things.

"They are more thoughtful than you. They should have ordered the goods somewhere and delivered them directly." He Yiran teased, after thinking for a while, he said: "This is very well done, and it's a waste of money. I guess it can be paid for." donate money,"

The car gets really busy for a while.

After the car drove away, sure enough, Yan Keke took out the donation slip, 30.

The two of them watched the actions here outside the courtyard, He Yiran couldn't help laughing, and said with a clear look: "Let me just say it."

In fact, the donation of 30 yuan is really not much, but this orphanage is not big, and dozens of children can be used for a long time. Besides, they don't just donate once, and they can arrange time to come again later, as For a newly opened charity organization, there is really no need to donate so much money at the beginning. People with a lot of heart may think that they are showing off.

Mei Mengzhen was thoughtful, "Actually, it's good for Keke to do these things. It's true. It would be even better if it didn't hit my name. I'm sure I will participate every time."

He Yiran said: "Are you stupid? If it wasn't for typing your name, Keke wouldn't be able to do these things. You haven't seen how much this girl worships you. You are simply her goddess and idol now. Not to mention the strength of idols is really great, you must always walk on the right path, otherwise if you accidentally go astray, Keke might also go astray with you."

As the saying goes, it is the kind of people who sell people and help count the money, Yan Keke probably is like this, once Mei Mengzhen goes astray, Yan Keke may even help the evildoers.

"Don't say that. If you say that, I feel even more pressure. I just want to live a normal life. Why do I have to be an idol?"

"Let's not talk about idols or anything else, I just want to know what ecstasy soup you poured into Keke to be so convinced by you." He Yiran pointed to the banner that everyone was slowly opening and said: "This is really for you." I did it, looking at Ke Ke like that, I really have no other selfishness at all, even if I put it on me, I may not be able to do it."

But how does she know the reason? She really didn't do anything, could it be the halo of the heroine.

But it's not right to think about it. How could the heroine's halo only shine on Yan Keke alone, but in fact, everyone is not right, it seems that they all support her, so the heroine's halo is not enough?
Mei Mengzhen twitched the corners of her mouth, she was just an ordinary person in the ordinary world, how could she have any aura, maybe it was because Ke Ke saw her right, just like Liang smiled at her, she smiled at Liang In that way, it is an unconditional relationship without asking for anything in return, why think so much.

Mei Mengzhen said in a flat and arrogant tone, "Maybe this is the charm of personality."

He Yiran glanced at her, opened his mouth to say something, but finally closed his mouth, she was really afraid that Mei Mengzhen would say something nasty, and it would be bad if people heard it and ruined her image.

"Yes, you are right."


In the yard, after moving the things, they were put aside neatly and put together with the pile of supplies just now. At the moment, everyone is tearing down the banners, and they took a group photo before the supplies were moved into the house.

Tian Sha was also fiddling with the camera in her hand at this time. I have to say that the camera that Yan Keke provided for the company was much better than her own. When she was trying to shoot, she suddenly thought of Mei Mengzhen and He Yiran. Yan Keke asked: "Keke, did you also invite Zhenzhen and Yiran to take pictures together?"

Yan Keke thought about it, but Mei Mengzhen told Wan Wan not to call her, so she was very embarrassed, "I'm sorry Zhenzhen, she won't come in to shoot, forget it." Although she also wanted to.

Tian Sha hesitated for a while and said: "Let me go ask, it's all here."

That's right, I've come here, even though I'm just driving, but I'm here, and I'm helping out, wouldn't it be a pity not to take a photo?
After Tian Sha finished speaking, she walked towards the two of them. Mei Mengzhen had been watching this side, but now she saw someone coming, she was taken aback for a moment, and quickly asked: "What's the matter, why are you here?" ah?"

"Calling you to come and take pictures."

The two of them backed away uncontrollably, with rejection written all over their bodies, "No, you guys go ahead and shoot, I won't go."

"Come together, you've all come here, and it's not like you haven't done anything, why don't you shoot."

"We didn't do anything, why don't I take pictures for you, you haven't set up the tripod yet, I'll do it." Mei Mengzhen really knows how to play with the camera, and she can take pictures for others, but she really can't do it herself. She is already in the limelight enough, she really doesn't need it.

After finishing speaking, Mei Mengzhen felt that this was really feasible, so she brought He Yiran into the orphanage, and before Tian Sha could react, she grabbed the camera, "You should adjust everything."

"It's adjusted." Tian Sha replied honestly. Of course, she really didn't realize it. After Mei Mengzhen took a few pictures with the camera, she realized that something was wrong. You shoot, what do you use to shoot, I am a photographer, and I also have a tripod, so I need someone to shoot."

Tian Sha wanted to grab the camera back after she finished speaking, but Mei Mengzhen couldn't let it go, everyone came in, and she would definitely take pictures after handing over the camera, "No, the photographer is also very hard, how can I not take pictures, No one can take a good picture with a tripod, hurry up, hurry up, everyone stands up, Yiran, you go too."

He Yiran really didn't realize it, she just planned to follow Mei Mengzhen in to take a look, why did she suddenly call her to take a picture.

(End of this chapter)

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