After I was reborn, I counterattacked by farming

Chapter 361 No One Thinks It's Impossible

Chapter 361 Everyone Thinks It's Impossible (4850)

Tian Sha didn't react, she looked at the people behind who were already in place, and subconsciously pulled He Yiran into the team.

In this way, several pictures were taken in a row, until after the group photo was over, they separated and got busy again.

Mei Mengzhen returned the camera to Tian Sha, and said proudly, "My photography skills are pretty good."

"It's okay, but I called you to come in and take pictures, why did you become a photographer instead?"

Mei Mengzhen choked, "Sometimes there are some things, so don't be so serious, the filming is over."

It was true that the filming was over, and the supplies couldn't just be left at the door. Yan Keke immediately called on everyone to move supplies such as rice, oil, and noodles into the warehouse, and distributed clothes to the students on the spot.

No matter how bad the conditions in the orphanage were, there were still cabinets for storing clothes. Besides, the clothes were for the season, so why put them away, everyone just put them on.

I was busy all morning with only supplies, and lunch must be settled at noon. Mei Mengzhen asked, "What's going on at noon? Shall I go buy a box lunch?"

Yan Keke said: "No, I made a greeting in advance, and I will eat here at noon. After the students finish eating first, they will take a nap, and we will eat during the nap. I paid the money separately, and I agreed with you." For the same meals as the students, 500 yuan should be enough for more than 30 people.”

The receipt for the 500 yuan was also issued separately, so that when the photos came out, they would have to blackmail someone for lunch when they did good deeds.

It's pretty reliable.

"Okay, let's take pictures of the children eating too, to see if the food is the same, if we can't eat well, the children eat poorly, this comparison will be controversial."

Of course, more than 500 of them don't expect to eat much good food for 30 yuan.

After finishing speaking, Yan Keke led Tian Sha to work again, and the rest of the people finally had time to rest after doing physical work for more than an hour. They quickly found empty seats and sat down. Sissy didn't say anything, and led the two of them to fire water for everyone.

It is also quite impolite to use people.

Lai Xiqian said bluntly: "Although this company is owned by Keke, it's not in the name of Zhenzhen. What's wrong with calling you to do things?"

no problem.

Must be ok.


Everyone rested for a while, the children finished their lunch, and their lunch began. Yan Keke did pay attention to their lunch and confirmed that it was the same as the children, so she was relieved.

The simple lunch here is expected. After all, there are so many people, it is impossible to make so many tricks for everyone to choose like the school cafeteria.

But a stir-fried meat with vegetables and a vegetarian soup is really unexpected.

Everyone didn't say anything while eating the food in the cafeteria. It's impossible for children to eat it, but they can't eat it, but the taste is really ordinary.

Everyone picked up the rice in the bowl and asked each other in a low voice: "Do we have dinner together tonight? Last week's hot pot tasted pretty good."

Although they didn't come here for this meal, they were very curious. After all, the lunch at noon was too unpalatable, so they really wanted to look forward to the evening meal.

Who would have thought that Yan Keke, who was passing by, would have overheard it, and Yan Keke whispered, "There is a dinner party tonight, but it's not hot pot, but the taste is also very good, you can look forward to it."

A group of people were really excited for a while because of this sentence.

After lunch, after a short rest, the children woke up from their nap, and then the afternoon play time began.

The children are not particularly old, and it is Sunday, so naturally they would not arrange for the children to take pictures in class. It was originally suspected of being a show.

Playing games was divided into several groups, some played football, some played with the amusement facilities in the yard, and some drew, sang, and told stories.

I have to say that this afternoon was really well-arranged.

Time passed quickly, Yan Keke led everyone to leave before dinner.

The children are reluctant to part, but the parting is just around the corner, and they have to go if they are reluctant.

Yan Keke couldn't see such a scene, but she didn't dare to promise something if she would come again next time. Although she wanted to come, who could determine the next time? She didn't like to promise such uncertain things. If she can't do it, there will always be a lump in her heart.


After leaving the orphanage, the arrangement was almost the same as last time. The two gold cups could accommodate quite a few people, of course within the legal limit.

Mei Mengzhen's car could accommodate a few people, so in the end she called three taxis, and all the people were arranged.

A total of 6 cars drove all the way to Xiyuan before stopping.

Fan Tianyu answered Mei Mengzhen's call early on, and told the kitchen ahead of time about the dinner for more than 30 people.

When they are on the road, they start cooking directly, and they can serve it directly when they arrive.

The meal for the dinner party is a staff meal, it is a staff meal, and it is impossible to exceed the scope of a little employee meal. After all, the budget for one person is only 30 yuan, and they are all paid for it.

As a businessman, everything should be clear, relationship is relationship, money is money, so it can last for a long time.

But after things were done like this, Fan Tianyu also felt that it was indeed feasible to acquire or buy some of the shares.

Otherwise, it would be really troublesome to eat like this every week. If the company has shares, it will be enough to write off the accounts directly. These consumptions must be based on the purchase price, just like him sending food home.

The more Fan Tianyu thought about it, the more he felt it was feasible, so he decided to discuss it with Mei Mengzhen.

By the time these people arrived at Xiyuan, it was already past 5 o'clock, and the meal at noon was really bad, so they just waited for something good to eat at night.

Everyone looked forward to getting out of the car, but Nian Xiangyuan, the environment is very nice, but it doesn't look like a place to eat.

Those who had never been here were taken aback for a moment, and quickly asked, "What do you eat here?"

"What's there to eat here?"

"I don't know, I've never been here before."

From the outside, Xiyuan looked like a very ordinary big courtyard, and judging from the name, it didn't look like a place where they could eat. No matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find a place where they could have dinner together.

At this time, a girl stood out from the crowd, looked at the signboard of Xiyuan and asked in disbelief: "Could it be that our dinner party is in Xiyuan?"

"Xi Yuan?" The girl heard the words, pointed in the direction of Xi Yuan, and asked, "What's wrong with Xi Yuan."

The reputation of Xiyuan is not obvious, and people who come to eat rely on introductions, so although the business is good, it is only known to a small range of people, but since it exists, there will always be people who have come or heard of it.

Obviously this girl said, "The food in Xiyuan is delicious, but it's super expensive." The girl was very emotional when she spoke, dancing and dancing as if it was really delicious, and it was really expensive, "Here is a dish The dishes cost at least a thousand yuan, no matter how willing we are, we probably won’t let us eat this, I heard it was hot pot last time.”

Even if there are many people, it is not particularly expensive.

When they heard that a dish cost thousands of dollars, everyone thought it was impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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