Chapter 362 Heartbeat (4950)

"It's so expensive, no matter how rich you are, you still can't bear to give us this kind of food. After all, there are so many of us, a meal can't be worth... hundreds of thousands."

They have a lot of people and eat a lot, the number of hundreds of thousands should be about the same.

But spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to invite these volunteers to dinner is impossible for anyone.

Hearing this, everyone who was expecting it also changed their minds, "Yes, it's too expensive, it's impossible."

"A meal here is more expensive than a donation. Don't even think about it."

"Of course not. Then what do we call doing good deeds? It's clearly a dinner party."

As soon as everyone rested their minds, Yan Keke got out of the car and said to everyone: "It's at Xiyuan, but we can't afford the dishes we ordered. I specially ordered a staff meal with the boss of Xiyuan. The taste is also very good, I will bring you here to try it today, if you like it, all future dinners will be here."

Before Yan Keke finished speaking, Fan Tianyu came out. As soon as she finished speaking, she introduced to everyone: "This surname is Fan, and he is the boss of Xiyuan." As for the identities of Mei Mengzhen and He Yiran, she has no clue. Talking about the introduction, the two of them will talk if they want to talk, and they don't want to talk too much about her.

Fan Tianyu smiled politely at everyone, "The seats have been arranged for you, the private room here is relatively small, so many of you can't fit in, the private room opposite is bigger, you go and sit opposite."

After Fan Tianyu finished speaking, he took everyone to Xiyuan's special room for large private rooms. There are really few used here, after all, they are all big tables, but since there are big tables, occasionally someone comes to book a room One or two tables, according to the price of vegetables in Xiyuan, can be used two or three times a year, and the rent here can be earned back, let alone during the Chinese New Year, so they can't lose money by renting it there.

Fan Tianyu took people up to the second floor. There were two big tables in the lobby on the second floor. One table could seat more than 20 to 30 people, but there was another empty table, which was unnecessary, so we sat at two tables directly. That's enough, you don't have to squeeze, and you can eat more comfortably.

Fan Tianyu had used a partition between the two tables before, but it was a movable one. At this time, the partition had already been removed, and it was like a separate private room for them to use.

"Sit down, everyone. Are you hungry? I'll have someone deliver the food now."

After Fan Tianyu finished speaking, he left. As soon as he left, two waiters went upstairs with tea.

As for the cups and bowls, they are all on the table, and you can drink them upside down.

The girl had obviously been here before, and after being brought up, she sat directly on the table next to Yan Keke, and now she also asked curiously: "Keke, I just heard you say that you know Boss Fan very well. ?"

Yan Keke said: "Not very familiar, Boss Fan is Zhenzhen's cousin."

Of course, when Yan Keke said this, she looked in Mei Mengzhen's direction, and Mei Mengzhen only said it after she agreed.

This remark immediately exploded among the crowd, and the girl was even more surprised: "Cousin, Boss Fan is Zhenzhen's cousin!"

This is a shocking melon. People who don't know Xiyuan may not understand it, but she really understands it. Her parents often come here for dinner, and she will come with her when she is free on weekends. She has heard from her parents a long time ago. A lot of things about Xiyuan.

Some people pushed about the rise of Xiyuan, and the boss of Xiyuan has a backer. If this is the case, Mei Mengzhen's cousin is the boss of Xiyuan, so it seems that it is not unreasonable for her to be rich.

That girl wanted to have a relationship with Mei Mengzhen, but what should she do if she went over so hastily and caused people to be disgusted, she immediately calmed down, and she will call her mother later to talk about it.

That girl's heart was surging, but she just knew that she was the cousin of Xiyuan's boss. If she knew that she was also Xiyuan's boss...



The food was ready while they were still on the road, and they didn't sit here for a while before the service came from there.

The staff meal in Xiyuan looks not much different from the food served outside, but the aroma can’t be concealed and goes straight to people’s noses. Before the food goes upstairs, everyone’s mouth waters when they smell the smell. After coming up, everyone hurriedly filled the rice, without paying attention to anything, and started eating directly.

No way, they were already hungry after a day's work, and they couldn't hold back the smell of such delicious food.

The first round of meals came, and they were empty before they were satisfied. Everyone was not full, but they were embarrassed to ask for more. After all, from what the girl said just now, eating here seems to be very expensive.

But eat as long as you want, Yan Keke immediately asked Mei Mengzhen to call and urge the other side to hurry up and bring up the second round of dishes. When they heard that there were still some to eat, everyone was planning to put down the dishes and chopsticks. I took it in my hand and continued to eat after a while.

Fan Tianyu knew that the food was delicious, and he also knew that these people would eat it fast if they hadn't eaten it before, so he made a lot of it, but he really didn't expect to eat it so fast.

The dishes he serves are all made of iron plates, the kind that are used for staff meals. Needless to say, they are big, and the depth is as deep as an index finger. His side is full of dishes. The two people who carried it over knew how solid the pretended uncle was. Fan Tianyu sighed, "It's really edible."

He completely ignored that he was so edible back then.

There are two dishes on one plate, and two dishes are served on one table at a time. If there are too many cooks here, they can’t cook here. When this side hangs up the phone, he can only urge him, "Hurry up a little bit, there are all dishes over there." It's almost over."

The back chef didn't expect to eat it so quickly, but the dishes were cooked, "There's no way, you can't eat raw."

When this side is ready, you can bring it over immediately, and then continue to say: "You eat first, and you can send another dish."

One more delivery is more or less enough.

I didn’t feel like I was in a hurry to eat just now. I thought my stomach was not full, but after sitting for a while, I gradually felt full. In fact, it’s almost the same after eating this round, but it’s okay to eat more.

Everyone thanked them while eating, and after the three rounds of dishes were finished, they really couldn't hold on any longer.

Fan Tianyu came over to say a few more polite words, "Do you want to eat some more, are you full?"

Everyone took turns to refuse, full, really full.


The people who were full were leaning on the chairs, rubbing their stuffed stomachs, although they were hard to hold, they were satisfied.

"The food in Xiyuan is really delicious, Zhenzhen, do you come here often?"

More than often, He Yiran complained: "Basically, I stay here during the holidays."

Mei Mengzhen replied, "You are not the same."

We are in the same boat, so let's not talk about each other.

Afraid of causing envy and disaster, the two of them stopped bickering. After resting for a while, Yan Keke asked, "Do you all think this food is delicious?"

"It must be delicious."

"Yes, I have never eaten such a delicious meal."

"too delicious."

(End of this chapter)

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