Chapter 363 Become a Shareholder (5050)

Yan Keke said: "Then our future dinners will be here, but there is one more thing. After our event is over, I can pay for the car for you to come to eat, but we will not cover the fare for your return after the meal. Yes, there is also a bus that goes directly to the school, and it is convenient to go back, but I don’t know if you want to.”

Yan Keke's words are actually reasonable, one trip is enough for you, how can you take two trips, if you go back to different places, do you have to pack a few more trips, it's not like that if you have money Yes, besides, there is a direct bus here, so it's not troublesome. If it really doesn't work, I can still eat at the school gate next time, and it's convenient to go back to school.

"Okay, I think it's okay, I'll go back by car, it's not like there's no direct bus."

"I also think it's okay. The food is so delicious, it's worth walking back by myself."

"It's still early after dinner, so I don't think it's a problem if I have a car."

Everyone agreed, and the matter was naturally settled like this. Although it was possible to go back directly by bus, the distance was really long. After resting, everyone put their bags on their backs and left quickly.

The students can go by themselves, but Yan Keke is not without a car, this car still has to drive back. Yesterday's group of five was still five people driving the gold cup back to school, Yan Keke didn't feel that she was bright at all. , I went back in a car.

After sending a few people away, Mei Mengzhen and He Yiran also planned to go back to school.

Just as the two of them were about to leave, Fan Tianyu called to her, "Zhenzhen, don't leave yet, I have something to say, both of you listen."

Fan Tianyu was talking about the public welfare company, "I really think it's appropriate to buy or buy a part of the shares, so that you don't need to pay for dinners in the future. Don't you think it's troublesome to collect money every time?"

"Isn't this the same as paying for guests in your other private rooms? Why bother to collect money?"

Fan Tianyu didn't think so, "People pay the full amount, and the other side pays the bill directly. It's different for you, mine is accounted for separately."

"That's considered an acquisition and shareholding, and the account is still kept separately." Why is it different, it doesn't need to be kept in the account.

"No, I can remember it like delivering food to our own house. The way of noting is different." Fan Tianyu was so entangled.

But for this matter, He Yiran is also supportive, "I think what Boss Fan said is right, Keke originally started the company under your name, and she does so many things for you, you don't have to be so entangled, you She might be happier if she really wants to buy their company, so you two will advance and retreat together, besides, it’s not that you don’t give money, you can still treat her badly.”

He Yiran thought for a while and then said: "And this is just to buy shares when her company is not established. When the company is established in the future, it will be difficult for you to invest in shares. After all, if you do well, you can buy shares. If you can't do well I don’t care about the suspicion, Zhenzhen, I really think it’s okay, it’s my own company from now on, and it’s easier to invest money.”

This is true.

Fan Tianyu said: "You don't need to buy it yourself, we can buy it in the name of Xiyuan, buy part of her shares in the name of our bosses, not all, and then make a food stamp or something, just in case during the dinner If someone can’t come because of something, we will issue a food stamp subsidy, and they can come and eat at any time if they have food stamps. Of course, it’s also a staff meal, so just eat with our employees.”

"It's a bit early to say that."

The shares have not been bought yet, and the food stamps have come out. The key is how this idea came about, but she thinks what the two of them said is also reasonable. Mei Mengzhen sighed, "Then let's talk to Ke Ke first. Excited, but what if you don’t want to.”

This is impossible. After returning to the dormitory at night, He Yiran mentioned that Yan Keke would immediately give the company to Mei Mengzhen, "Zhenzhen, you really want my company, great, I will work for you in the future .”

This is really unnecessary.

"I didn't want to, after all, it's your company and you founded it, but Brother Tianyu and Yiran both persuaded me, saying that in the future, I always choose this place for dinner, so I might as well count it as my company's company." After the dinner, you will not be charged when you come to eat after the end, just keep a record of the number of people, so I want to buy a part of the shares, see if you are willing."

Yan Keke couldn't help nodding, thinking that this idea was really good, "Then if this is the case, is it considered that we are doing business together?"

He Yiran said: "Forget it, why don't you forget it? Boss Fan also said that some food stamps can be made at that time. In case someone who has been busy all day and has no time to eat at night will give a food stamp subsidy to that person." , that person can go there to eat whenever he is free, in short, he can’t let the person who has done things suffer.”

Yan Keke's brain got even worse, and she also thought this idea was very good, "Okay, leave this to me, I'll contact you to design food stamps for me first, and then I'll tell the people in the group after the design is done, Tomorrow, it’s time to count the number of people who will participate in next week’s activities, and you can come to the acquisition, and I’ll just sign it.”

However, Mei Mengzhen asked: "Ke Ke, why don't you ask us how many shares we want to buy from you?"

Yan Keke said happily: "Zhenzhen, you can give this company to you. You can buy as much as you want, and I know that since you are buying, you will definitely not let me suffer. Besides, my company is just started, so it is worth it." It’s not much money, so don’t give too much, just make sense.”

Although it is meaningful, it should not be too much.

Mei Mengzhen has a ready-made lawyer here, no matter how busy Pei Ziyu is, he can still find time to make a document for his company.

As soon as the situation was confirmed here, Mei Mengzhen called over there.

Pei Ziyu was working overtime in the office, and it was quite unexpected to receive a call from Mei Mengzhen.

Ever since he got busy, Mei Mengzhen has been very tacit and has not called him again. It is a lie to say that she is not disappointed, but it is also true to be considerate. , I miss him too much.

Of course Pei Ziyu hoped it was the latter, but otherwise, it was actually the former.

Although he was disappointed, he still had to do serious business, but, "Yan Keke opened a public welfare company named after you to do charity?" When did this happen and why didn't he know.

"Yes, it's just opened, and it's only been two weeks since we officially started public welfare. There must be no problem with the procedures. Keke said that the company's procedures are handled by her father, and now the company is acquired in the name of our Xiyuan. For a part of the shares, on the one hand, the company is carrying out activities under my name, and on the other hand, Keke wants to set the place where everyone gathers for dinner after the charity work, so it will be more convenient to buy shares.”

"Okay, this document is simple, I can finish it tomorrow, I..." Pei Ziyu wanted to say that he would print it out here and send it to her, so that the two of them could meet, but, "I'm going to the court tomorrow , I don’t have time for a day, why don’t I ask my secretary to send it to you, and if you have no problems, you can sign it on the spot, and he will bring it back here.”

 It's over, it's over at 12 o'clock every day, and I'm very happy to be able to get on the card.

(End of this chapter)

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