Chapter 364 Beast Angel Fund (12)

"Okay, do you think it will be at noon tomorrow? It can be before or after lunch. Our morning classes are too full, and we don't have classes in the first class in the afternoon." Speaking of which, I was free at noon.

"Okay, I'll give him your phone number, and he will call you when he comes." After speaking, Pei Ziyu said again: "How much is the company's account number, and I will do my best."

"Ah, no need, in fact, we all donated quite a lot, and she has enough for a long time."

"Whether it is enough is one thing, and my intentions are another. But I don't have much money, so I can't donate tens of millions."

Not long after I hung up the phone, Pei Ziyu called me with money, 1000 million is indeed nothing, but 500 million is really a lot, he doesn't know where Pei Ziyu got the money, didn't he use up his family's money a long time ago?How can a person who has just graduated still have so much money.

Mei Mengzhen was too embarrassed to ask this question, so she only told Yan Keke the result.

Yan Keke was in tears, purely moved, "Zhenzhen, you are so kind to me, I never thought you would support me so much."

He Yiran was still a little unclear, so, "What's the matter, what's the matter, this is it."

"I asked Brother Pei to make a contract. Why don't I mention this matter? He just donated 500 million to Ke Ke and Ke Ke was moved."

It was indeed moved tears, not at all false.

"I really didn't expect so many people to support me just because I wanted to start my own business. Although it was a whim at the beginning, I was still very serious when I was doing it. Dad wants it, but I didn't expect you all to support me so much." Yan Keke's words of asking for you were choked up and replaced by her father, of course, maybe she really asked for her father.

"We really support you, and Lawyer Pei supports Zhenzhen."

"No matter who you support, the money has been paid to me anyway. If things continue like this, isn't it too miserable for my small apartment to be used as an office? Why don't I rent a bigger office space?" Yan Keke said Wan Wan suddenly turned to He Yiran's side, "Yiran, are you going to build an office building in Shiguang? Save one for me. Maybe I can really move there. It won't be long..."

He Yiran quickly interrupted, "Stop, stop here soon, or your company should go public."

But there is no pressure to keep an office, "If you can really do it, the office is nothing, we have shares in Xiyuan, I will not charge the rent from you, or go directly to Xiyuan to work if there is vacancy It doesn’t matter, it’s all owned by the same company now.”

Yan Ke really didn't expect such a good thing to happen, and her whole heart was satisfied.

Mei Mengzhen has the final say for Yan Keke. She, He Yiran, and Fan Tianyu all have an average of 1000 million. She and Pei Ziyu add up to 1000 million. In other words, the company has already had 4000 million in capital since its inception. up.

The sum of these two public welfare activities only cost less than 50 yuan. If you really count the money, it can really be used for graduation.

As soon as the company had more money, and her favorite Mei Mengzhen became a shareholder of the company, she couldn't help but want to talk about the thoughts in her head to everyone.

It's not a difficult thing, but it's the first public welfare activity, looking at these stray cats and dogs and the people who adopt them, whether it's the environment or other methods, it's not particularly good.

So she wants to set up a foundation for stray cats and dogs, and find a place to adopt these cats and dogs. The foundation was established by their company, and it will naturally be responsible for the food and cleaning of these cats and dogs, and I will ask someone to take care of it. Isn't the kind old man from before a good candidate?Of course, this will be paid for.

"Yes." In fact, it doesn't cost much to take care of cats and dogs. It depends on how to raise them. If the family has money, it must be very expensive. Some animals eat better than people. They certainly can't compare like this here. But it can also feed the small animals. There is a place to shelter from the wind and rain, and there are people who clean it regularly. It is better than wandering outside.

He Yiran naturally has no objection, "I think your idea is good, you bought so much cat food and dog food last time and it didn't cost much, just dozens of cats and dogs, even if the number increases in the future, I think it will be enough. We can also create an adoption project and promote it. Wouldn’t it be better if someone adopts it? Of course, when adopting it, make it clear that you can return it if you don’t like it, just don’t throw it away.”

"You don't object, do you support me?"

"Support, of course we support, Ke Ke, you are so kind-hearted." Mei Mengzhen really felt this way, how could she want to do so many good deeds without a kind heart, but there is one thing, she said solemnly: "I hope that this cat and dog foundation will not be named after me. Is this request okay?"

She was frightened by this man.

He Yiran was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and laughed so hard that he lost his image on the spot, "Zhenzhen, don't be like this, the Mei Mengzhen Stray Cats and Dogs Foundation is so nice."

Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished speaking, she was opposed by Yan Keke, "No, the Mei Mengzhen Charity Project Foundation is the full name of our company. How can there be any fund under this name? I already know the name of this fund." After thinking about it, it’s called the Beast Angel Love Foundation.”

This one is also good.

But He Yiran still wanted to persist, "Do you think this sounds good? Don't you think the Mei Mengzhen Stray Cats and Dogs Foundation actually sounds better?"

"It sounds good, but it doesn't matter if it's good or bad. This foundation is a distribution of funds from our caring organization, so it can't be called such a name."

Yan Keke made such a decision, and He Yiran was still a little disappointed.

But Mei Mengzhen was really relieved. If the foundation called her name again, she would be very embarrassed.


The next day.

After class at noon, Mei Mengzhen received a call from Pei Ziyu...'secretary'.

This 'secretary' is none other than Tan Jia.

Mei Mengzhen was surprised to see him coming, "Brother Tan, why did you come here? When did you become Brother Pei's secretary?"

While taking the documents, Tan Jia said, "The secretary has something to do today, so I can only deliver it."

"Then this secretary is quite famous, and he actually asked a lawyer to deliver documents for him."

This was just a joke, and everyone didn't take it seriously, "No, Ziyu took people out temporarily, and I just sent them to you when I was free. I have just read the documents and confirmed that there is no problem. Yes, but for professional (insurance) sake, read it again."

But having said that, "Zhenzhen, you are still in school, and you are starting a company and doing charity work, but you are much busier than when we were in school."

 Two chapters are guaranteed to be updated in these two days, and the manuscript is being saved~
(End of this chapter)

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