Chapter 365 Make up an Integer (22)

"It's different. Your professional courses have high requirements, and you can't tell the extra heart. We are different. Whether you can learn well depends on your brain. The extra time will naturally be able to do other things."

Mei Mengzhen's words were very real, and Yan Keke felt that Mei Mengzhen was implicating her, but she had no proof.

Several people read the documents, and after confirming that there was no problem, Mei Mengzhen said to Yan Keke: "No problem, we bought 40% of your company's shares in Keke, because it was purchased in the name of Xiyuan, so we will pay together. I'll give you 1000 million to see if you have any opinions."

"No, of course not. My small company is not worth 1000 million to you. The 1000 million plus the previous 4000 million. Zhenzhen, I really didn't expect that my company has only been open for more than a month. I have only made two, and now I have 5000 million assets, I am too capable."

Let’s not mention whether we can do it, Tan Jia really doesn’t understand the situation, so Yan Keke’s analysis makes him very sour.

The company has been in operation for a month and a half, and only two projects have been completed, and it has a net worth of 2 million. It is impossible to earn so much money.

Of course, his own family is also rich, but after starting his own company, he realized that making money is really different from being rich. 5000 million, as far as he and Pei Ziyu are concerned now, within three years, they don't even think about it.

"I'm a little curious, how did you do it." Tan Jia was really curious, if he didn't know this person, he would definitely not ask, but this is not an acquaintance.

Yan Keke didn't hide anything, "Just everyone donated 1000 million or 500 million, and that's how much a few people put together."

There is no need to bother. Of course, even if she doesn't bother, she will cherish the money. After all, so many people support her career, and she can't let everyone down.

In other words, everyone else supported her, so why didn't her dad say anything.

After signing and returning the document to Tan Jia, they separated.

The few of them have to eat, and Tan Jia also has other things to be busy with.

But when Yan Keke finished her meal in the cafeteria, she immediately called her dad, and she was speechless, "Dad, my classmates are all supporting my career, why didn't you express it at all?"

Father Yan was also eating lunch, when he heard his daughter's questioning, he didn't react immediately.

"What do you mean, your career still needs me to say that your own pocket money is enough to play for a long time." Isn't it just for fun, why do you need to make so much money.

"No, my business is in full swing, why are you just playing, Dad, your attitude is not good, my company has only been registered for a month and a half and already has assets worth 5000 million, how can it still be playing."

Father Yan thought he heard it wrong, "What are you talking about, isn't it 500 million, it's 5000 million, messy frame father, how can you double it so many times in a short time?"

"Really, I will send you the screenshot in a while, and others have told me, Dad, you are not allowed to hold me back."

Yan Keke hung up the phone and sent the balance of the company's account to Father Yan, and also sent the documents just acquired to Father Yan. In more than a month, it really has 1000 million assets.

Father Yan panicked, and called again, "Ke Ke, where did you get so much money, didn't you only invest 500 million?"

"I only have 500 million shares, but my classmates and their relatives and friends all support me. One person invested a little and that's a lot. Xiyuan also bought 40% of the company's shares. That's a lot in total. .”

Father Yan was speechless. His daughter's career was going much smoother than he imagined. He could get so much money in such a short period of time. Naturally, he couldn't hold back. He thought about it and said, "How about it, Dad? Let’s donate 1000 million, if you don’t have too much, 6000 million is enough for you to make... long-term public welfare.”

Yan Keke naturally knew what Father Yan wanted to say, but it didn't matter, as long as he could get the money, "Thank you Dad."

The goal was achieved, Yan Keke ruthlessly hung up the phone, and told everyone the good news, "My dad also wants to donate 1000 million, what else do you think I have, hurry up and get ready, hey, I'm just a freshman Well, how can you be so busy, the key is to have a sense of accomplishment."

Seeing Yan Keke's arrogant look, He Yiran's brain twitched, and he said to Yan Keke, "Keke, this company is considered to be with us. In order to congratulate myself for joining, I decided to donate an additional 1000 million yuan to the company." .”

After He Yiran finished speaking, Mei Mengzhen coughed violently. This was really unnecessary, very unnecessary, but before Mei Mengzhen could say anything, Yan Keke held He Yiran's hand with an expression of emotion, "Yiran ~~."

Thousands of words are in this Yiran.

After finishing speaking, the two of them looked at Mei Mengzhen at the same time, and Mei Mengzhen understood what the two of them meant when she turned her head, "No, this money is already enough, and money is not made like this."

"Zhenzhen, thank you." Yan Keke thanked her with an expression of emotion.

Mei Mengzhen: ...

Did I say I want to donate?
In desperation, she could only follow suit with a follow-up investment of 1000 million.

But, does a small company need 8000 million?

I don't know if He Yiran did it on purpose or not, but after calculating the account, he immediately said: "It's only 2000 million short, why don't Zhenzhen and I make up the whole number and get a whole number of [-] million."

It's very speechless, if you want to make money, you can do it yourself, why are you pulling her, although she is rich, He Yiran's skin care products sold more than 2 million yuan a year ago, but money is not made like this.

But looking at Ke Ke's expectant eyes, Mei Mengzhen couldn't bear to say no. After all, Yan Keke was doing it for her, "That's all, no more."

After she finished speaking, she glared at He Yiran.

Yan Keke was even more moved. In just one lunch time, the company's funds went from 5 million to [-] million in an instant. Is there any peak in life, even her father, it is impossible to get so much investment so quickly, and That means she is more capable than her father.

"It's enough, it's enough, it's enough for me to build... No, it's enough for me to use it for a long, long time, it's okay, it's really okay."


As for Father Yan, after knowing what the daughter said, he immediately sent someone to investigate the whole story, for fear that the daughter would be cheated.

However, there really wasn't any, the people who donated money were all my daughter's classmates, and the donated money was all solid money.

In other words, my daughter's career, which she plans to play around, might really be able to do it.

Father Yan became energetic in an instant. What the rich generation likes to show off most is definitely not luxury cars and mansions, but the capable next generation.

Yan Keke's status in Father Yan's heart was elevated instantly, and for a long time to come, it became something that Father Yan could show off.

(End of this chapter)

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