After I was reborn, I counterattacked by farming

Chapter 366 Campus Casting Gives Carmine's Addition

Chapter 366 Campus casting (+1) adds more to Carmine
After being moved, the three of them left the cafeteria. On the way, Yan Keke suddenly understood, she looked at Mei Mengzhen and He Yiran, and asked suspiciously: "No, why didn't I know before that you two are so rich. "

They donated more than half of the company's assets.

He Yiran shrugged, saying that she has always been so rich, tens of millions is really nothing to her.

Where did Mei Mengzhen get her money?
Mei Mengzhen explained: "I sold a ginseng to Yiran before, and the ginseng sold for more than 2000 million. I also made some money before, plus the skin care products during the Chinese New Year. Anyway, I have money, but I never I've never spent so much money, I..., and it still hurts."

This has nothing to do with how much money you have or how little money you have, it’s just that you haven’t spent it like this before, and it’s normal to feel distressed.

He Yiran said: "It's okay, just get used to it."

But when it came to this, He Yiran said again: "Zhenzhen, after the project of my family's Shiguang started, there is another project that will start soon. My dad plans to build a villa manor here in Jiangcheng. Are you interested in buying one?" Come on, I want to be with you if you want."

Wait, she has little knowledge, she doesn't know what manor means.

"Manor? Farm? A vegetable grower?" There is no need to talk about Nongjiale. Is she not growing enough in the space?Still planting outside.

He Yiran said: "No, it's actually a villa. The villa is relatively large, and the surrounding area is relatively open. You can grow vegetables and flowers by yourself. In short, it is very big."

Mei Mengzhen has never seen a manor, but it does not prevent her from using TV dramas as her imagination. It is said that the houses of rich people really seem to have gardens. It turns out that it is called a manor. She is quite rich now, and she will only If you have more money, it is not impossible to buy a set.

Yan Keke echoed: "My family is a manor in Shanghai. When I was young, my dad built a small playground for me. Of course, it was for playing when I was young. Now that I am older, my dad demolished it. , my mother planted all the flowers."

"The place is so big, it's far from the city."

"It's definitely not close, and the government in the city center won't approve it, but it's too far away, and it's not convenient for rich people to go to work. Our manor is only an hour away from the city center. The piece of land that Dad took is right next to the school, and it can be reached in half an hour by car from the school."

Listening to He Yiran's description, one can imagine how big Jiangcheng is. It's not close to the city center from their side. It takes only an hour to drive to the manor, and it takes only 2 hours to get there. What about downtown.

But in fact, if the environment is comfortable, she still wants a set, and she doesn't have to live there every day.

Mei Mengzhen was a little tempted, so she asked, "How much is a set?"

"Although the house price is high now, it is still affordable with your wealth."

"No, you tell me an approximate amount, I know it well."

"2-3 million."

Not a lot, really a lot, but still affordable.

But Mei Mengzhen was really terrified, "No, how come after I met you, I used the unit of [-] million when I talked and said, I'm not down-to-earth at all, I'm going to buy a pack of spicy sticks for [-] cents, tight my skin."

After Mei Gouzhen finished speaking, she turned around and went to the canteen. She said that it was [-] cents for spicy sticks and it was impossible to buy only this one. She took a basket and filled it with what she liked, until she couldn’t fit it. , Come again to check out at the door, after paying the bill, go back to the dormitory and start eating.

Eating spicy sticks, drinking coke, and playing games, this is what contemporary students should do. Keeping your mouth shut for hundreds of millions is like bragging about X, and she has to doubt it. I took the heroine script.

But after thinking about it, I don't think so. In the ordinary world, everyone is the heroine of their own life, so she is not that special.

When she calmed down, she hurriedly said to He Yiran: "Yiran, leave me a set in that manor."

He Yiran was delighted immediately, "Let me just say, 2-3 million will scare you. When we Xiyuan will do better and earn more and more, what should you do if you can't bear it?"

"It's normal to not be able to bear it. I am a poor man and suddenly rich, so I have to go too far."

"Then are you too good now?"

"Excessive is good, but I think the manor can be lived in, and spicy noodles can continue to be eaten." What she wants to do is that she can accept and face it calmly, whether she is poor or rich.

She can take a luxury car or a bus, she can eat Xiyuan, and she can also eat 5 cents spicy strips.

When she can be neither humble nor arrogant, her life will be sublimated.

Obviously, she is still far behind.

But it doesn't matter, she is still young, and she still has a lot of time to make herself such a person.


But having said that, Mei Mengzhen really didn't care much about Liang Xiao during this time. After the chat here, she hurriedly said: "I'll go downstairs to have a look at Xiaoxiao. I'll come up later. I'm afraid I'll forget it when I come back to class in the afternoon." gone."

Yan Keke hurriedly said, "Wait, Zhenzhen, I'll go with you."

Mei Mengzhen was taken aback, "What are you doing, are you two so familiar?"

"No, Zhenzhen, you haven't read the forum recently, have you? Liang Xiao's novel is going to be filmed in a TV series."

Mei Mengzhen said: "I know this."

"That's not what I want to talk about, just your role, Mei Mengzhen, people want you to play."

"I know this too, but I refuse."

Yan Keke said: "Don't interrupt me, I just refused now, but people know that our school has a performance, so they plan to choose someone from our school to play you. Liang Xiao has been helping the crew to choose people these days , I guess I really don't have time to deal with you."

"I've been choosing for the past few days, so how many days have I been choosing, have you been elected?"

"I'm still choosing. It seems that it started two days ago. Today should be the last day."

He Yiran also knew about this, and she was very interested in it, and said at this time: "Can I watch it? Otherwise, let's all go and see it, and join in the fun."

"You can see it. People post pictures on the forum every day. Just keep quiet."

"Do you know where to choose?" Mei Mengzhen asked, she also wanted to see how they chose her.

"There's nothing on the forum, it's over there at the show, let's go, let's go now."

A few people turned off the computer, tidied themselves up a bit, and set off towards the performance.


The task of casting roles is in full swing, even in school, there is no lunch break at noon.

Liang Xiao, who followed the casting together, took on the "heavy task" of finding "Mei Mengzhen".

However, what could she know? She said she was taking on a heavy responsibility, but she was just wasting time with those professional casting directors. They all had their own ideas, so how could it be possible for her to listen to a student like her.

 Thank you Happy Kirin for your reward, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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