Chapter 367 Casting Casting to Choose Himself (12)

Liang Xiao's side finally endured for three days, and they were almost done. Out of hundreds of people, 30 people were selected.

Among the 30 people, no matter in terms of body shape or face shape, they were quite different from Mei Mengzhen.

Liang Xiao sat here for a few days, exhausted physically and mentally, almost more tired than writing novels every day.

When she couldn't bear it any longer, Mei Mengzhen, He Yiran and Yan Keke appeared at the back door of this classroom.

Liang Xiao looked around absent-mindedly, and he really saw these people who came to join in the fun.

Liang Xiao smiled and reached out to say hello, but the casting director sitting next to her saw her.

The casting director looked back, good guy, this person in front of him is simply the most ideal candidate for Mei Mengzhen.

He hurriedly asked Liang Xiao, "Who is this person you are saying hello to? Why didn't she come to choose this role? Isn't she so beautiful from the acting department? Hurry up, call her in and let me have a look. I think she is pretty good." It was chosen by Mei Mengzhen."

When Liang Xiao heard this, he paused his hand and twitched the corners of his mouth. He didn't want to hide it and sighed on the spot, "You can change someone, she is not suitable."

The casting director was anxious, "No, it's not suitable if you haven't tried it. I think it is suitable. I have been in this industry for many years. You have to trust my vision."

Seeing that Liang couldn't move his smile, if she didn't call, he would call himself. The casting director stood up, and said to the people at the back door, "Hey, those two tall girls, yes, you guys, come in."

At this time, there was no girl who was taller than Mei Mengzhen and He Yiran at the back door. The two of them were a little confused, so why were they called in after watching the excitement, but Liang Xiao was there, so it should be fine, so Also went in.

But the casting director said to her: "I think your appearance is quite suitable for the role of Mei Mengzhen. Are you interested in acting? Mei Mengzhen is the heroine of this play. The role is very important. Maybe you can Famous overnight."

As soon as the casting director's voice fell, everyone present couldn't help laughing out loud when they heard the words. Everyone laughed in various ways, including suppressed laughter, coaxing laughter, bursting laughter, and loud laughter. Only Mei Mengzhen It's a wry smile, she's just here to join in the fun, what role to choose, and what kind of question does this person ask.

The casting director didn't understand why everyone was laughing. Casting is a very serious matter.

Liang Xiao had no choice but to explain: "She is Mei Mengzhen, and I wrote it based on her prototype. Could it be inappropriate?"

The casting director was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect such a situation, and he felt a little embarrassed at the moment.

And Mei Mengzhen laughed dryly a few more times and was about to leave the stage, but was stopped by the casting director again, "No, don't leave, you can act in your true colors, what a great opportunity."

Mei Mengzhen refused without thinking, "No, I won't act. Didn't you choose people? The people you chose are very suitable."

Anyway, don't look for her.

Mei Mengzhen, the director of casting, just disagreed. Liang Xiao had no choice but to stop him, "If you can agree, you have already agreed, so don't force it. Let's continue to choose."

Although the casting director is unwilling, you can't force him if he really doesn't want to. It's useless to tie him up for acting, so he can only sit in the seat again.

But it's okay if Mei Mengzhen doesn't act, it's okay to help with the selection.

He hurriedly said: "Hey, don't leave, let's choose together, and you can give me some opinions."

Now, Mei Mengzhen couldn't slip even if she wanted to. She regretted it a little. Wouldn't it be nice to have a good lunch break?She thought about what Liang Xiao was doing, and she was afraid that today's scene would be posted on the forum again.

Mei Mengzhen and He Yiran found a seat behind them and sat down, and brought Yan Keke in along the way.

The few people sat in the back row peacefully, no matter how they looked at it, they were a bit out of place with the current atmosphere, even Yan Keke and He Yiran were still holding back their laughter.

Mei Mengzhen glanced at the two of them, and they were silent for a few seconds, but after a while, the two of them stopped laughing, and were even a little embarrassed.

In fact, when they came, the actors had basically finished their performances, and they only watched the performance of the last one, but among the 30 people, the one who satisfied the casting director the most was none other than Chen Zhi.

Who is Chen Zhi, Jiang Cheng's ex-girlfriend? She remembers who said in the dormitory that Chen Zhi resembled her very much. This, it really looks like her, otherwise she would not have been chosen to play the role of Mei Mengzhen.

If she didn't wear tinted glasses, Mei Mengzhen couldn't give any opinion, because she hadn't seen other people's performances, so she couldn't talk nonsense.

The casting director said directly: "Then call people in and act again." He didn't notice the abnormal atmosphere among the girls at all.

Chen Zhi, who was called over alone, naturally didn't know that there were so many things going on behind the scenes, but when she saw Mei Mengzhen and her party, she had a bad premonition in her heart.

But the premonition was not accurate. After watching Chen Zhi's performance, Mei Mengzhen also felt that this person acted very well, and nodded repeatedly to praise her for her excellent performance.

Seeing that she was satisfied, the casting director didn't say anything more, and the matter of Chen Zhi coming to play Mei Mengzhen was basically settled.

Of course, even if it is fixed, as long as the filming has not started, oh, sometimes even if the filming has started, the actors can be replaced, so the casting director wants to win over Mei Mengzhen again.

However, Mei Mengzhen had no idea about this role at all.

After the two separated, they didn't dare to delay for a moment and rushed to the classroom. This meant that there was no class in the first period of the afternoon, otherwise they would definitely be late.

After the group of them managed to get through the afternoon class, they were stopped by Chen Zhi as soon as they left the classroom.

Logically speaking, Mei Mengzhen didn't know this person, but even if there was an entanglement between the two of them, she would not have thought that Chen Zhi came to find her, so even if she saw him, she turned around and left.

Chen Zhi wasn't angry when she was ignored, but she came here on business, so she was worried that she would leave and immediately shouted: "Mei Mengzhen, I want to talk to you."

Sensitively, Yan Keke felt that the visitor was kind, so she stopped and immediately replied, "You don't know each other, so what's there to talk about."

This is the truth.

"I just want to talk to her. It's okay if you want to be together."

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, she glanced at Luo Yingying. Anyway, she was not afraid to talk about it in front of others if it wasn't something shameful.

Mei Mengzhen thought about it, but she didn't refuse, "Why don't you go to the cafeteria, it's time for us to eat now, we can chat while eating."

Chen Zhi nodded and agreed with Mei Mengzhen's opinion.


Everyone had a car, and they arrived at the cafeteria closest to the girls' dormitory in a short while. After the meals were prepared, everyone sat at the same table, and Chen Zhi sat directly opposite Mei Mengzhen.

Mei Mengzhen's dinner plate was rich and full of food, but Chen Zhi, on the other hand, ate very little, even a bowl of red bean porridge was gone.

(End of this chapter)

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