Chapter 368 You Are Fine (22)

The two said at the same time, "Is this enough for you? (Have you finished eating?)"

The two laughed dryly, "I've had enough. (I've finished eating.)"

Well, it's a little embarrassing.

Mei Mengzhen asked while eating: "What do you want to ask?"

"As for today's matter, when the director first selected me, I heard that he asked your opinion. I want to know why you agree with the director's idea."

The casting scene is already full of people, and it is normal for some things to leak out.

Mei Mengzhen said truthfully: "It is the director who thinks you are very good and asked me how your acting was. I said I came late and didn't see how you acted, so the director asked you to come in and act again. In fact, my opinion is not important. , the director thought you could do it, so he chose you in the end."

She didn't ask for credit at this time, and she didn't think that the director would listen to her. She probably had this idea in her heart before, so Chen Zhi's ability to get this role had nothing to do with her.

"But we two..." Chen Zhi paused, "The relationship between us is quite awkward. Logically speaking, shouldn't you be reluctant for me to play you? Shouldn't you be a stumbling block for me?"

Mei Mengzhen was taken aback, then smiled and said: "So you want to talk to me about this, let me explain this, you think my relationship with me is awkward, but it's not, what's embarrassing about our relationship, you are Jiang Cheng's daughter My friend, I'm just someone who he chased before and hasn't caught up yet, if it's really embarrassing, you and Luo Yingying should be really embarrassing."

Luo Yingying, who was eating well, was QQed by Mei Mengzhen, and choked on the spot, but she couldn't say anything in front of her, so she could only stare at Mei Mengzhen, and continued to eat her own meal. From this point of view, Luo Yingying was embarrassed of.

It's just that those things at the beginning all revolved around Mei Mengzhen alone, so it was easy to ignore Luo Yingying who had only been in love for a day.

Thinking about it this way, Chen Zhi thought it was the same. She thought for a while and continued to ask: "I'm curious, why aren't you with Jiang Cheng? It doesn't matter if you don't tell me, it's quite a personal matter."

Mei Mengzhen smiled and said: "It's okay, it can be said, I have a partner, that's why I don't stay with him, and I don't like this type very much, you can understand what I mean."

Little girl, who doesn't have a fantasy about a future boyfriend, this fantasy must have a type, it just so happens that Jiang Cheng is not her favorite type, it's as simple as that.

Of course, this was said in front of outsiders, and it was hard to mention what happened in the previous life, and it was hard to explain it, so naturally it was only an excuse.

But in this way, Chen Zhi didn't understand, "But, those posts on the forum, I feel that you are targeting her very much."

Mei Mengzhen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "From my point of view, think about where I targeted him. I just wanted to get rid of a suitor who was crazy about me. Half of the posts on the forum last semester were not inspired by me." It was issued, I really can't do anything about it, everyone pays attention to me, so I announced it spontaneously.

Later, because I was allergic to pollen, I couldn't bear it, so I asked someone to post some posts for me, but in good conscience, I didn't really target Jiang Cheng in these posts. I was telling the truth. If we look at the problem from a different angle, we will find that it is different. scenery. "

As for the post this semester, although she mentioned it, it was Luo Yingying's revenge. Although it had something to do with her, it couldn't be blamed on her alone.

Chen Zhi has her own standpoint, but after looking at the problem from a different angle, she also discovered many problems with Jiang Cheng.

For example, when the two of them were together, Jiang Cheng would not use Luo Yingying to get close to Mei Mengzhen like he did with Luo Yingying. Mei Mengzhen.

She is not Mei Mengzhen, and she doesn't want to imitate others. If others see this, they will only laugh at her for imitating others.

Gradually, she also felt disgusted, and she broke up with Jiang Cheng, saying it was because of the posts on the forum, or rather because she could no longer stand Jiang Cheng's obsession with Mei Mengzhen.

But there is one thing that she is puzzled about, that is, before and after the holiday, Jiang Cheng's fascination with Mei Mengzhen has gradually faded or he is holding back his big moves. In short, Mei Mengzhen is mentioned less, and people are always on the sidelines Thoughtful, no matter how you look at it, it will make people think that Jiang Cheng is abnormal.

Now that the two have broken up, Chen Zhi really feels relieved.

And according to what she knew about Jiang Cheng in the past few months, she had a faint feeling that Jiang Cheng was not as harmless as he appeared on the surface, and even had a somewhat daunting illusion.

But whenever she had this illusion, as long as she looked at Jiang Cheng's face, she would feel that her feeling was wrong. Anyway, no matter whether it was wrong or not, there was something wrong with this person.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but sympathize with Luo Yingying who was used and Mei Mengzhen who was implicated innocently. The three of them were poor people.


After Chen Zhi and Mei Mengzhen met for a short time, although she didn't feel what kind of charm Mei Mengzhen had that attracted so many classmates, her previous grievances were resolved on the spot.

When the two separated, Chen Zhi couldn't help but say some polite words, "I didn't expect you to get along so well."

Mei Mengzhen was taken aback, "Did I look difficult to get along with before? The school rumors didn't seem to spread this."

Chen Zhi shook her head, "No, a pretty girl is always a little headstrong, people who like her will think this is her personality, but in fact it's just a bad personality and difficult to get along with, but you are different, although I don't understand You, we only said a few words, but within a few words, my mood calmed down."

Chen Zhi paused, and said again, "You are fine, Zhenzhen."

After saying this, Chen Zhi whispered in her ear, "However, be careful with Jiang Cheng."

Chen Zhi couldn't tell the specifics, but it just didn't feel right.

Sometimes you really can't underestimate a woman's feelings, and it is often this feeling that can smell dangerous information.

But only Mei Mengzhen heard these words, she just nodded lightly to express her gratitude.

Since Chen Zhi told her in a low voice, she didn't want to say anything, and she didn't need to mention it again.


As a loyal fan of Mei Mengzhen, when Chen Zhi praised Mei Mengzhen, she was so happy that she flew up, "Of course our Zhenzhen is fine."

The feeling of saying this is simply an honor.

Chen Zhi was startled, she didn't expect Yan Keke to answer her words like this, she smiled, and said goodbye to the group, but after saying goodbye, Chen Zhi looked in Luo Yingying's direction again, thinking about it for a while.

Back in the dormitory, the atmosphere among the five of them was still very good, Yan Keke said excitedly again: "Zhenzhen, Chen Zhi must also be conquered by your charm."

 Thank you Happy Qilin, Xiaoqing, for your rewards, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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