Chapter 369 What I Learned in Class (15)

Mei Mengzhen asked sincerely: "Ke Ke, what charm do I have, although I am very happy with you like this, but I still think you should take off the filter you gave me, or turn it down a little bit. It's stressful."

Yan Keke didn't understand. After all, beauty cameras haven't been produced yet, and everyone doesn't have any other filters to use at the moment, so they don't quite understand what Mei Mengzhen means, "Zhenzhen, what kind of filter? How to adjust it, if it were me, I would definitely adjust it larger, why should it be adjusted smaller."

In the dormitory, Mei Mengzhen was startled when she put down the book, and replied: "Then you should keep it like this."

After putting away the books, Luo Yingying and Liu Pei greeted each other without delay, took their computers and left.

The business of the two people's online store is so-so, but since they want to be an online store, they must not ignore it, so even if they are setting up a night market, they must bring a computer.

One sells clothes, and the other keeps a computer. If one can sell one item, isn't it money? Besides, both of them focus on business, and they need time to write their homework. They can also do their homework with the computer.

As for the online store, Mei Mengzhen wanted to guide Luo Yingying. After all, their pictures on Taotao are all pictures taken by putting clothes on the ground without models. Such pictures on the Internet are definitely not as good as those with models. Well, of course, this is all based on her later experience.

But whenever she wanted to mention it, she found that Luo Yingying didn't particularly want to talk to her, so she looked at her with a straight face, as if she owed her, and then Mei Mengzhen didn't want to say anything.

After all, it was because of Jiang Cheng that everyone was separated.

It's okay for everyone to chat and laugh together, but it's obviously different when doing something alone, and Luo Yingying still blames her a little bit.

But as for blaming her for something, that's too much, and it's hard to make it clear.


As soon as Luo Yingying left here and was still on the road, she received a message on QQ to add friends, and this person was Chen Zhi.

Luo Yingying only glanced at it, then ignored it.

Chen Zhi, who didn't add friends, was not reconciled, and sent another message to add friends after a while.

This time, when the night market finally closed, Luo Yingying clicked Confirm.

In fact, if you really want to ask Chen Zhi why she added Luo Yingying, Chen Zhi herself can't explain clearly.

The two people who added friends didn't find anything to talk about, but just lay in their respective friend columns without any communication.

Luo Yingying didn't think too much about it, she just talked to this person if she wanted to talk to her, and she knew that Chen Zhi added her only because of Jiang Cheng, otherwise she could still be Mei Mengzhen. It is more appropriate to add her.


Yesterday's Happy Monday suddenly changed its style, and everyone was still a little overwhelmed for a while, so that the posts on this topic were neither popular nor popular, and even the popularity of the topic was average.

I glanced at it uninterested and hurriedly skipped it.

But for those who are interested, the more they watch, the more excited they become, and the more excited they are, the more interesting they feel.

After reading the post, and next week's activities, those who are interested will naturally sign up.

In just one day, the number of applicants reached thousands.

Yan Keke was stunned. There were too many people, which made her panic for a while.

"Wait, why did you sign up... 1800 people in just one night? I don't need so many people for a small charity event."

He Yiran said: "Didn't you say that registration is registration, participation is participation, and there won't be so many people by then?"

"That's what I said. There were 500 people who signed up last week, and 30 people passed in the end. These people are enough. The 1800 people, no matter how small, there are more than 100 people. How can I need so many people? man."

"Then finish the solitaire quickly." Mei Mengzhen reminded.

Yan Keke quickly loved everyone in the group, "The group solitaire ends here and I will confirm the number of people who can go again on Thursday." '

However, on Thursday, Yan Keke panicked again, because this time it was different from before, even if it was reconfirmed, there were still more than 500 people, "There are so many people, the nursing home can't fit in, what should I do. "

"It's not a matter of whether the nursing home can't be filled, and the Xiyuan Garden can't be filled with such people." He Yiran thought for a while and said.

"The two of you are missing the point. There is a problem with the registration method." Mei Mengzhen thought for a while, and then said: "Well, I will write a website myself, and you will post the website to the group, let everyone grab the number, and use this number to register. I want you to sign up, only 30 people are set up, whether you can go or not depends entirely on the speed of the Internet."

Just like grabbing red envelopes, you can set as many red envelopes and grab them as fast as possible, but if they grab it, it’s just a number. If they can’t grab it, it’s a pity to come back next time. I can confirm the number of people again. If someone has something to do, I can find someone to replace it by myself. If I can’t find them, just pick them in the group.

This idea is not bad, Yan Keke thinks it is very feasible, she looked at Mei Mengzhen with admiration, "Zhenzhen, you are so amazing, did you learn this by yourself?"

"No, Coco, this is what we teach in class. You just finished learning it. You don't know..." You didn't learn anything, so what are you doing in class.

Yan Keke was stunned for a moment, with a confused face, and asked weakly: "Did we teach this in class?"

Yan Keke set her sights on He Yiran, hoping to get the answer that Mei Mengzhen was joking from her.


He Yiran was also speechless, "I started learning this knowledge point last week, and it was officially finished yesterday. Did you not listen to it at all? But I think you were quite serious in class."

"I, I'm listening." Yan Keke wanted to quibble a few words for himself, "Sometimes I listened, and sometimes I deserted, but... did you really talk about it?"

"Ke Ke, why don't you hire someone to manage the company for you, or I think you'll fail at the end of the semester."

People are not smart in the first place, and their minds have to be divided into other things. It would be strange if they didn't fail the subject. They are still students, and students should focus on learning.

But Yan Keke said: "Didn't you have Yiran's notes? Just make up for it for a few days. I'm not stupid. It's definitely not a problem to hold Buddha's feet temporarily and float at low altitude."

"You can't just rely on notes." The two were a little speechless, but they couldn't persuade them, "You can figure it out, but you should spend more time on your studies."

But it’s okay to know this now, and it hasn’t been long since I’ve been busy, Mei Mengzhen suggested: “Ke Ke, why don’t you hire a regular worker for the company, there is no need for you to do these things yourself, please Personally do these, you can do the final confirmation, what do you think."

(End of this chapter)

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