Chapter 370 Make an APP Alone (25)

Yan Keke thought about it for a while, and felt that it was not impossible, "But I will take care of it myself, what if someone else takes my money away."

Seeing that Yan Keke showed signs of letting go, the two of them also breathed a sigh of relief, and He Yiran said: "That's fine, actually there's not much work right now, just hire one person, and you'll be in charge of the final confirmation of the books and everything, so you can I can save my mind and study."

"Okay, then where can we recruit people? Hey, we can recruit directly at the school. It's the summer graduation season again. It's not like looking for a job. It's not that there are no graduates in our school. Now we just happen to go to our company for an internship. After graduation, he will be directly converted to a full-time job.”

Why look far away.

"But the students who graduated from our school are willing to work for you as temporary workers in such a small company?" He Yiran thought it was impossible.

"It's a small company. My company has assets of [-] million yuan. It's a small company. It's decided. I'll look for it in school. Don't stop me. I... I'll go find Sissy and let her Send me a job posting on the school forum."

After Yan Keke finished speaking, she went to the dormitory next door, completely ignoring the final number of people this week.

However, "Wouldn't posting in the group have the same effect?" He Yiran felt that not all of them were fans of Mei Mengzhen, which sounded more reliable.

He Yiran sighed, Mei Mengzhen was speechless, "Why don't I write it out first, and if it doesn't work, I can change it in time."

He Yiran asked: "Why don't you just create a webpage and enter your name and phone number to sign up? It would be superfluous to grab a number."

"But it takes time to enter the name and call. Some people are not good at computer games. If the speed is slow, they have already grabbed the number. He may still be typing the name. If you think it is not good to grab the number, we can change it to another one. ’” She didn’t say she had to do as she wanted.

"It's's better...," He Yiran thought for a while and said, "We can directly enter the mobile phone number to register and log in, make a webpage and click to grab it when we reach the point, and if we grab the phone, we will receive a SMS verification code. We On the webpage here, you can directly see who the person who snatched is, and you can directly use this verification code to verify when you arrive at the scene."

This is of course feasible, "but if it is a web page, I would recommend making an app and operating it directly on the mobile phone. You need a computer to open any web page, and it is more convenient on the mobile phone. You can grab it wherever you go. By the way, design two versions. Work staff is the staff version,

We directly use the mobile phone to verify the verification code on the spot. After the verification code is verified, you can get a dining coupon for Xiyuan, which is a food ticket. This food ticket can be saved directly in the APP. You can also show this when you go to Xiyuan for dinner. Once the code is verified, you can eat directly, one-stop service, save the need to design food stamps separately, in case someone loses it. "

This will not be called creativity in later generations, but it is very novel at this time. He Yiran thinks this idea is very good, she asked: "Then the employees of Xiyuan will be able to eat like this when they move there in the future? The card is refreshed once a month, and the phone punches in for meals."

Mei Mengzhen shook her head, "It's best not to, everyone's mobile phone is different, in case there is a problem of network delay, the first class will be a row of people, and the card that has already been made is the best for Xiyuan. Meal card, door opening card, elevator card, employee card, several cards in one, the system opens background permissions, where his level can only open his level of authority, so as to reach the place where his authority reaches."

There are many floors in Xiyuan, and it is easy to go wrong if you don’t pay attention. It would be better to get this one. The rules were established directly from the beginning, "Of course, the few of us must be universal cards."

In fact, all big companies are doing this now, and He Yiran is not surprised. He just said: "The verification code verification you mentioned will be more technological and creative." It is indeed not suitable for people who slip away, "but it will be more convenient to use the card directly."

"By the way, did you get someone to write the app we talked about earlier?"

"I'm writing, let's talk about this first, this is not urgent."

"How long has it been since I wrote that APP before? No matter how urgent it is, it's not a matter of a day or two. After we talked for a long time, I suddenly felt that grabbing numbers on the webpage is not good enough. It's too untechnical. Forget it, I don't want to write." The more Mei Mengzhen thought about it, the more she felt that it was too troublesome, but after thinking about it,
"Wait, just now we just wanted to write an app or a webpage separately. In fact, this function can be merged with the Xiyuan APP. This company also has shares in Xiyuan, so it can be regarded as a share of Xiyuan.

We just need to leave a space on the APP for her to use. Just click on this module to enter the public welfare section. The public welfare section has things designed by ourselves. The time, place and verification code will be sent to the mobile phone number in the form of SMS.

There is a limited number of people for registration, and if the registration is full, just stop it, and it is impossible to only prepare for each public welfare, we can arrange a few more, this time the registration is full, and you can register next week.

Of course, if you can't come due to emergency, you can click to return, so that others can catch a leak. This forum not only has the opportunity to sign up for charity, but also donate money directly. What do you think?

Even if there is no public welfare, we can also do some healthier activities together, such as picking up garbage, or low-carbon cycling. It is not impossible for us to follow the above activities.

This is going too far, anyway, it can be done together. The verification code is verified on the spot, and a staff meal coupon of Xiyuan is directly distributed in the background. You can eat together or eat by yourself. Of course, save money It’s okay to eat with others, this has nothing to do with us. "

The more He Yiran listened, the more interesting he felt, "This is an APP, everything is included, saving time and effort, but there is a problem, the unit price of our Xiyuan is relatively expensive, and you plan to sell things on it, if someone sees it What should I do?" At that time, there may be reports or something, and it will be another troublesome thing, "Actually, what you said is very good, but the price of Xiyuan is still too eye-catching. This side is charity, and the other side is so expensive. Gao, it would be best to write an app alone."

Mei Mengzhen can think about it this way, "Yes, maybe the longer you use it, the more functions you will have, so it's better to separate it. In this case, we can also send the progress of the public welfare to the APP, so that people can monitor and check it at any time. There are many functions, so you can find someone to write the app?"

"Okay, let's not make it so complicated. Let's start with the registration. It is estimated that it will be available in half a month. Our Xiyuan APP is almost the same."

"So fast." Mei Mengzhen asked in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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