Chapter 371

Xiyuan's app has many functions and many requirements. From her understanding, it will take at least half a year to make such a complicated app. It's only been less than 2 months. Is this done?

He Yiran said as a matter of course: "I paid a lot of money to hire someone, the basic ones are already usable, and the trial version will be available for us to try in a few days. During this period, we will let us know anything that is not ideal. Feedback to them as soon as possible is good for improvement, counting the days, I guess everyone should be able to use the Shangxiyuan APP before the summer vacation.”

After He Yiran finished speaking, he paused for a moment. The focus now is not on the Xiyuan APP, "Doesn't that mean that the Keke matter is still unresolved?"

Just now I said here and there, and I said it clearly and logically, but in fact, the problems that should be solved are all in front of me.

"That's right. In other words, we still need to write a code for grabbing numbers on the webpage. Otherwise, Solitaire will definitely not work for her." Mei Mengzhen also asked with some uncertainty. After all, she is not a major shareholder of a public welfare company. Where can I go to someone else's company to talk about it? She knows that there are priorities.

He Yiran was quite speechless, there was a feeling that he was obviously reluctant to stay in front of him, and felt that he couldn't bear to stay near and far away. When he thought of this, He Yiran said with a bitter face: "Why are you doing everything so slowly?"

"The code can't be made in a day, it takes time, and it takes two months to make it as you said." After all, it's 2, and the requirements can't be too high. There are also many APP functions. Even in later generations, it is estimated that it will take such a long time to complete.

Therefore, whether to write or not to write for the webpage grabbing number, it is useless not to write, and I don’t know if it is useful or not, in short, it is very inconvenient.

It didn't take long for Yan Keke to come back. She looked relaxed, and it was obvious that the matter was going well.

As soon as Yan Keke closed the door, she said, "Sissy also said that she is only recruiting one person. There is no need for her to post. What if the post goes viral again, so let me ask in the group by myself, or through the school. Recruiting is also possible, but I prefer the former, after all, the group is full of fans of Zhenzhen, so everyone can work together more happily."

"You can figure it out, but Ke Ke, what exactly are you going to do with your registration? Yi Ran said that he wants to make an app for you alone, but the time is not so fast."

"APP is fine, let's do that first." After talking, Yan Keke thought for a while and said, "Is it troublesome to grab the account on this website?"

"No trouble." Mei Mengzhen glanced at the time, "I can write it for you before the lights are turned off, forget about this week, and use this to grab you to see how about next Monday."

"Then this time, with so many applicants, how can I solve it?" Yan Keke had never encountered such a thing, and of course she had never done anything before, so she didn't know what to do.

"Just pick the top [-] people in the ranking. It's best to only call [-] people on your side. There's no need for more." He Yiran suggested.

This is really a way.

Yan Keke immediately went to implement it when he heard the result. Although the people in the group received the result complained, there was nothing they could do. There were too many people who signed up, there were hundreds of people, but how could hundreds of people go, so In fact, it's not that I can't understand it, but it's a pity that I didn't make it.


This week's activities are in cooperation with the environmental protection department, beautifying the environment, saving energy, turning waste into wealth and promoting environmental protection.

The center of the activity is very clear, which is to save and protect the environment, so there is no need to donate money, just gather people to participate in the support on the spot.

But when it comes to support, it’s not just about standing by.

People from the environmental protection department will first assign everyone an area for environmental protection, and then the leader will lead everyone to pick up garbage.

That's right, it was what Mei Mengzhen mentioned at the beginning of the public welfare company, and then this activity really appeared in the public welfare activities.

After the event, the above departments will also give corresponding subsidies, but certainly not many are some tea money.

Yan Keke also followed the old rules and directly dragged everyone to Xiyuan for a full meal before letting everyone leave.

It has to be said that there must be some meaning to the event, but once a week would it be too compact? He Yiran asked worriedly.

Yan Keke thinks it's okay, "This means that there is not enough manpower, otherwise I would definitely not just arrange this charity event every Sunday. To be honest, after I did this job, I realized that the people in this world who need help really There are too many, I can't help everyone in the world, so I just want to help one more person, after all, I'm not overwhelmed, I have the ability to help others now."

Speaking of this, Yan Keke thought for a while and said: "I also plan to set up a student aid plan, which is to support children to go to school, but I just have an idea for the time being. As for how to do it, I still need to study it. I plan to recruit regular employees for this Let’s start later, there is no rush.”

"Ke Ke, do you plan to directly engage in this field after graduation?" He Yiran asked, "Otherwise, it's impossible for you to think about so many developments now."

"That's right, I've started my own company. What job do I need to look for after graduation? I just need to do public welfare. And the companies are all open. It's still a long time before I graduate. There's plenty of time for me to start slowly." Yan Coco's plan is very good, she plans to do it slowly, make the company bigger and better, make it a well-known public welfare company, and let everyone know the name of their company.

She was very happy to think about it.

Mei Mengzhen immediately felt a lot of pressure, "If you have this idea, the company should not be named after me, it's inappropriate."

"That's not true. Obviously, this is the most suitable way. Besides, I never thought of making the company so big at first, and I also think the company name is fine."

Forget it, the company has been registered, and the public welfare has been done for a month, so it is meaningless to talk about it.

In Xiyuan, the three of them had been chatting for quite a while. It was getting late and it was time to come back. Just as they were about to pack up their things and leave, everyone's cell phones rang.


The text message is the weather forecast. There will be a rainstorm warning tomorrow. Please pay attention to safety.


Mei Mengzhen didn't feel anything at first, but when she got in the car, she suddenly remembered something related to the rainstorm, and the more she thought about it, the more worried she became.

She remembered that at the beginning of 09, there was a heavy rainstorm in Jiangcheng. The rainstorm was so heavy that it rained all night, and the lower areas were flooded, let alone their school. It rained every year. flooded.

(End of this chapter)

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