Chapter 374 Visiting (15)

Yan Keke felt that no matter how unpalatable the food was, she still had to stuff it down, and wasting food was absolutely not allowed.

But there is one thing she knows in her heart that the requirement is to restrain herself, not to restrain others. Although she feels that it is a pity to throw away this meal, she cannot ask He Yiran to be like her because of this.

He Yiran looked at the way everyone was eating, and then at the rice in the bowl, but he still couldn't bear it, "Hey, I really can't eat it, I really can't force myself to eat it."

It's just a waste of a bowl of lunch, and it's not a big deal, "If you don't want to eat it, don't eat it, it's nothing."

In the end, He Yiran still gave up the bowl of boxed lunch that he couldn't eat and threw himself into the embrace of bread.


The drainage of the school was much faster than they expected. By night, the water was almost drained. As for the furniture that had been soaked, the school would definitely not replace it with new ones if it was not damaged.

The water here has almost faded, and the electricity is coming. Those computers and mobile phones that are used to kill time have already run out of power. When the call comes at this moment, everyone immediately recharges it, and then there are calls one after another. The ringtones were undoubtedly from people who could not be contacted before, and now they all came to ask about the situation.

Coincidentally, Mei Mengzhen was also in this ranks. When Pei Ziyu came, her voice was still very tired, but this time she was more tired than before. Even if she had a big heart, she could still hear something was wrong, " What's the matter with you, I feel that you are very tired, with such heavy rain, you are probably still working."

"It's not a rest day either, work must not stop."

"Nonsense, you didn't rest on your rest day. No matter how busy you are at work, you should pay attention to your body. Don't exhaust yourself. Otherwise, how can you work hard?"

Pei Ziyu chuckled, "Okay, I will pay attention."

"Why don't I come over to see you, anyway, I don't have homework today."

"Farewell, although it's close, it's still too troublesome."

Pei Ziyu refused, and Mei Mengzhen didn't force it, the two hung up the phone, but Mei Mengzhen always felt that something was wrong, so she sent a message to Tan Jia, but Tan Jia didn't reply for a long time, and she was too embarrassed to call for fear of disturbing her He was working, so he was naturally afraid that Pei Ziyu would know that she asked Tan Jia about his situation, so he complained in front of He Yiran, "Hey, I don't know what these lawyers are up to. I have been sending messages to Brother Tan for a long time. He None of them got back to me."

He Yiran said: "Tan Jia, he complained to me just now, wait, didn't he tell you when you called Brother Pei just now?"

Mei Mengzhen was stunned, "What's the matter, Brother Pei didn't say anything, and what news did you send to Lawyer Tan, when did you get so close, why didn't I know."

He Yiran interrupted directly, "Let's not talk about the two of us, didn't Lawyer Pei tell you that their law firm was flooded yesterday?"

"Their law firm is not on the first floor, so can the water go up there?" His law firm is on the 22nd floor, and if it could reach this level, they all had to flee.

"No, it's because the lawyers by the window didn't close the windows last night. The rainwater poured in and soaked all the computers and documents. I heard that their law firm is busy with a big project. If the documents soaked are all these If not, I’m afraid it’s too late to start from the beginning, of course, I didn’t tell me in detail whether it’s Tan Jia.”

Mei Mengzhen's heart skipped a beat when she heard this, and hearing Pei Ziyu's tired voice, it was hard not to feel that those documents were indeed ruined by water.

"Then I'll go and have a look." Mei Mengzhen felt that she should be by Pei Ziyu's side at this time.

He Yiran didn't think so, "Since he didn't tell you, he just didn't want to worry you. You were making trouble in the past. He is a lawyer and a boss. He knows how to solve the problem. He can still work well after you're gone. Well."

"I'm not here to make trouble, so why can't I work hard." After she finished speaking, she thought about Pei Ziyu's way of hiding her, probably because she didn't want her to worry about it.

At this time, Tan Jia's message replied, "What's the matter? I was busy just now, and I just saw it now."

"No, are you still working overtime? Let me bring you some supper."

Tan Jia glanced at Pei Ziyu who was in the office next door. He wanted to refuse, but he agreed in a strange way. He asked, "Will it be too troublesome? It's getting late now. You won't be able to go back to the dormitory after you come out for a while." what to do."

"Then I'll go home and sleep, it's near the school anyway."

"Okay, come here, the company is only me and Lao Pei and two secretaries for the time being."

What Tan Jia meant was to bring enough for four people, Mei Mengzhen immediately agreed, "Okay, I'll be there in a while."

Mei Mengzhen glanced at the time, it was only after 7 o'clock, she put on her clothes and said to her roommates: "I'll go and see Brother Pei, if it's late at night, I'll go home and sleep and I won't come over, but you can come tomorrow Remember to help me get the book in class."

"Okay." Yan Keke responded.

He Yiran thought for a while and said, "I'll go with you."

Mei Mengzhen paused her clothed hands, "???? What did you just say?"

"I will go with you."

Although Mei Mengzhen was worried about Pei Ziyu, she still thought about what she should think about. She glanced at He Yiran and nodded her head. It wasn't until the two of them left the dormitory that she said, "I felt strange when I heard what you said just now. ,are you……."

Before she finished speaking, He Yiran directly admitted, "Yes."

"What is it, I haven't asked yet."

"That's what it means." He Yiran was calm, and Mei Mengzhen asked curiously: "When did it happen? You hid it well enough. I don't know it at all. There is no trace of it."

"We've only been around for a few days." The truth wasn't a lie, and they met a few times in Xiyuan, and they knew each other from the beginning, and after a few more greetings, they became acquainted, and then made two appointments We felt good together and we got together, it was a very natural thing.

It's natural for the two of them to be together, the same as Mei Mengzhen's dating, the pattern of old couples, there is really no time for dating, no, not only dating, there is no time for dinner, since Mei Mengzhen asked In the past, she naturally wanted to go together.

"Before I go, I will go home to get some things, and I will bring some supper for the four of them. I haven't decided whether to buy the supper at school or outside."

He Yiran said: "Go buy it outside, the school is in such a mess, who knows if the dinner is good or not."

Mei Mengzhen originally wanted to do something in the space and send it over. If He Yiran followed, she would definitely not be able to do it herself. However, the meals she cooks cannot be sent, but Lingquan water can be sent to Pei Ziyu to drink. Although it can't solve Pei Ziyu's difficulties, But if you are in good health, can you work overtime better?In this way, she doesn't need to worry about him working overtime and ruining his health.

(End of this chapter)

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