Chapter 375 Xiyuan Milk (25)

That reason is really powerful.

Mei Mengzhen said: "Okay, let's buy ours too, I didn't finish the afternoon meal."

"Okay, pack it up and eat with them." He Yiran thought for a while and asked curiously: "What do you want to bring to them?"

Mei Mengzhen didn't hide it, and said directly: "Xiyuan's boxed milk, the taste of this milk is much better than that of the outside, I will try it for you later, don't they stay up late? I just want them to drink some Milk nourishes the body."

This milk is processed from the cows raised in the space. It tastes good, but Xiyuan doesn’t need it, so it doesn’t deliver it. Usually, it’s just processed when she remembers, and Fan Tianyu gives it to her younger brother. Send it to Xincheng. This time, her purpose of returning home is to process the milk again, and add some spiritual spring water in it when processing.

If it was any other kind of milk, He Yiran would definitely have to say a word about milk, just buy a box outside, but how could Xiyuan’s milk be the same as outside? Although she had never drunk it, He Yiran was even more surprised that Xiyuan was still Produce milk, "You are really, I don't know why there is milk in Xiyuan, and you don't tell me to taste this kind of good stuff first."

"I have had milk for a long time. I used to send it to my brother. You are not a child who drinks milk."

"My lord, why can't you drink milk, besides, is Xiyuan's milk ordinary milk? Drinking it might help...replenish your body shape."

Mei Mengzhen looked at He Yiran's..., she felt, "It's time to make up, I don't put much milk in my house, next time, I'll ask Brother Tianyu to save some for you."

"Why do you only keep a little bit? My grandparents are not young, and they still want to drink. There are so many people in my family. Since you have..." He Yiran was interrupted by Mei Mengzhen before he finished speaking, " Stop, it’s just milk, don’t you know it’s enough to be there as soon as you know it? I originally planned to supply this on the APP in the future.”

Speaking of APP, He Yiran said: "Tell me first what you want to get up, so I can know."

"Let's talk about this later, I'll go back and get the milk first."

He Yiran's heart itched unbearably, but time was short, "Okay, you go."

Mei Mengzhen turned around and went home, and He Yiran was also preparing dinner and supper for them in the chicken soup shop.

The chicken soup shop is not far from the community, and there is no one at home at this time. She first came to the room, locked the door, and then consciously entered the space, adding a few drops of spiritual spring water to the milk she had stored before. Inside, then click Process, and the milk will be processed.

From the large bucket of milk she collected, she processed five boxes of milk. Each bottle of milk is 250ML, and there are 18 bottles in a box. The logo of Xiyuan is printed on both the inside and outside of the box. You can tell it is produced by Xiyuan at a glance. This is also a function only available after the upgrade.

Although the packaging design is simple, Mei Mengzhen likes this minimalist INS style very much.

She didn't hide the 5 cartons of milk, and it was just right for He Yiran to have one carton for each person. As for how He Yiran would take it back, that was her business and had nothing to do with her.

After the milk was processed, she left the space, but 5 boxes of milk were not easy to carry no matter how you looked at it.

Mei Mengzhen carried two boxes in one hand, three boxes in the other, and five boxes of milk. Although it was not that heavy for her, it was really not easy to carry it like this. But time was running out and she just went out like this.

When she met He Yiran again, the supper in her hand had already been packed. Seeing Mei Mengzhen holding it like this, He Yiran was really speechless, "Can't you get a big bag for it? Why are you doing this?" take."

"If you want a big bag, let me tell you, it's not heavy to hold it like this, just hold your hands." After she finished speaking, she added: "I prepared a box for each of their secretaries. There are four of them there, and one box is Yours."

He Yiran quickly took a box of milk, not because she didn't want to take another box, but because her other hand was full of soup and it was hard for her to hold it.

"Can you do this?"

Mei Mengzhen asked back: "No, what should I do?"

He Yiran choked, "It's nothing to do, should I ask someone to help me with such a small amount? Or should I go find a pole."

The shoulder pole was used by Luo Yingying when she was shopping. He Yiran remembered it the first time she saw it, but this industry is only available in the wholesale market, and it is difficult to see it in other places.

The two arrived at the Shanshui Building after bickering with each other, so it is good to say that the distance is close. At this moment, the office building has almost left except for those who work overtime. Wait for the elevator.

After going upstairs, the door of the law firm was quiet.

Mei Mengzhen said: "Call your family and ask him to come out and answer."

He Yiran tilted his head and glanced at her, "Why don't you call your family?"

"I made an appointment with your family. Why should I call my family?"

What he said seemed to make sense, He Yiran put down the milk, took out his cell phone, and just as he got through the call, he heard footsteps coming towards him.

Tan Jia waved his hand towards the door, hung up the phone and opened the door, and said in a low voice, "You came here very quickly, what delicious food did you bring us?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw the milk in Mei Mengzhen's hand, "Here, milk? It's really milk. You two are feeding the children."

This is not a complaint, but a guy in his 20s. He has seen wine deliverers, cigarette deliverers, and even fruit deliverers, but he has never seen anyone deliver milk to them.

He Yiran said: "Zhenzhen specially prepared it for you, milk from Xiyuan."

Well, once he heard the word Xi Yuan, Tan Jia shut his mouth immediately, even a big guy likes to drink milk.

Mei Mengzhen handed the milk to Tan Jia and asked, "Where's Brother Pei?"

"It's in the office." After Tan Jia finished speaking, he glanced at He Yiran, and He Yiran said: "You mentioned something to me and didn't tell me not to, so I also mentioned it to her."

Now that Mei Mengzhen knew about it, Tan Jia said it with confidence. He pointed to a few windows beside the hall, "Three of the five windows are closed, and it usually rains, but it's not as heavy as yesterday. I didn’t pay much attention to it when it floated in. Didn’t it rain too much yesterday, the rainwater poured in, even if the document is wet, it can be printed again, the main reason is that the computer can’t be opened because of the rain.”

"Have you taken it out for repair?"

"Take it for someone to take a look at. Anyway, it's still not good. The main reason is that these small things haven't backed up the files." Tan Jia shook his head, anyway, it's a headache.

"Are those documents the big case you are working on?" Mei Mengzhen asked nervously.

(End of this chapter)

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