Chapter 376 Appointment (35)

"Don't worry, this is not the case. This case is very important. Basically, Ziyu and I are working on it. All important things are backed up. Be very careful. It's just that the cases that were caught in the rain are more urgent. It's time to go to court, and they can't finish it if they come for another day or two, it's better for us to do it ourselves, so this is not an extra class."

Having said that, Mei Mengzhen really felt relieved, she handed the three boxes of milk in her hand to Tan Jia, and brought over two takeaways from He Yiran's hand, "It should be convenient for me to deliver meals to Big Brother Pei now. "

"Convenient, it's convenient for you to go anytime."

Mei Mengzhen nodded, "I'll stay for a while before leaving, you guys go to eat quickly, I'll go first."

He Yiran also said: "Let's go together later, I still have something to ask you."

"it is good."


Mei Mengzhen carried her things and went to the last office. When Pei Ziyu saw her, his eyes lit up. He hurried over and opened the door, "Zhenzhen, why are you here?"

"I'll bring you supper, and besides, we haven't seen each other for a long time, don't you miss me?"

"I want to." Of course he thought, but there were too many things to do, and there was no excuse at all, and he really couldn't find time.

"Not only did I bring you a late-night snack today, but I also brought you milk from Xiyuan. Try drinking it, and the food from Xiyuan doesn't taste bad. You work overtime every day, so you can supplement your nutrition."

The two came to the sofa by the door, and she put the supper on the table first, then opened the milk for Pei Ziyu, and thoughtfully inserted the straw for him and handed it to him.

Pei Ziyu took it and said, "You drink too."

"it is good."

Mei Mengzhen opened another bottle of milk for herself, and the taste of the milk in her mouth really surprised her, "Well, this milk is delicious."

It tasted so good that she was a little surprised. To be honest, she drank the milk in space before, but it was the first time to add spirit spring water to the milk. Thinking of this, she had to blame herself for being stupid. She could add spirit before. She never added spring water.

Pei Ziyu was taken aback when he heard this, "Huh? Have you never drank?"

"I drank it, but I sent most of it to Chen Chen. I drank very little myself. I haven't drank it for a long time. Suddenly I drank it and thought it tasted really good."

But the good taste is not the reason why I haven't drank it for a long time, but the taste of it itself is very good. Pei Ziyu thinks this milk is much better than most of the milk he has drunk before, "It's delicious."

Her milk is not only delicious, but after the upgrade of the space mall, the milk processing function has also increased a lot. This kind of milk can be processed into boxed pure milk, sweet milk, and combined milk powder. You can go home and make it yourself The kind that is soaked can even use the fruit in the space to be processed into fruit milk and fruit yoghurt, and it can even be processed into milk such as lactic acid bacteria.

After upgrading these functions, she has tried everything in advance. As long as it is easy to process and does not take time and effort, she can sell it on the Xiyuan APP, and she has already stocked up a small batch of goods. .


Not to mention anything else, after Pei Ziyu drank the milk, he felt that his mind was much clearer, and the fatigue and soreness in his body disappeared, even he himself felt amazing, "The things in Xiyuan are really good. Ah, I feel that there is more than just milk in this milk, it's like drinking a magic medicine."

"It's not just milk, what else can it do? It doesn't have an ingredient list on it, so there should be no bad ingredients. Let's not talk about milk. Eat this soup while it's hot. It'll be cold in a while. I'll eat it with you." , I didn’t eat well at school just now, I’ll leave when I’m done, I won’t disturb your work.” Mei Mengzhen immediately diverted Pei Ziyu’s attention, and expressed her caring, “Is it very sweet to see me so caring? Impressed."

"Moving." Sometimes Pei Ziyu felt that Mei Mengzhen was too sensible, so sensible that he felt like a scumbag.

Pei Ziyu thought for a while and said: "Zhenzhen, if you are free on Friday, let's go to Xiyuan for dinner. I haven't been with you for a long time."

"I'm fine, but are you free?"

"I'm free. I wanted to call you again on Friday. There is only one court session on Friday afternoon. I usually don't work after the court session." So I'm free.

"That's all right, I'm free, and I'll wait for your call then."

"Then I'll pick you up at school." Pei Ziyu asked.

Mei Mengzhen naturally agreed, "Okay, it will save me walking."

Naturally, there is no other choice when it comes to eating. There is really no restaurant that can surpass the food in Xiyuan, but thinking of the food in Xiyuan, Mei Mengzhen said: "You are so busy with work, why don't you let Brother Tianyu deliver it to you every day? let's eat."

Fan Tianyu would definitely not have run away to send this to Brother Tianyu. There will always be someone in the company to help deliver it, but Pei Ziyu felt that it was unnecessary, "No, it's too troublesome. You can just come and give it to me once in a while."

Mei Mengzhen smiled and said: "You are quite good at calling people, wait for me to be free, and I will give it to you when I am free."


Pei Ziyu and Tan Jia were really busy, and they were in a hurry to eat. After finishing the meal, Mei Mengzhen felt sorry for the delay, so she cleared the table and asked to leave, "I'll go first, take your time." .”

"I send you."

He Yiran and Tan Jia were already waiting at the gate of the company, and Pei Ziyu and Tan Jia sent them back to the elevator after they met.

Mei Mengzhen glanced at the time, "It's still early, we can catch up with the gate control."

He Yiran glanced at the box of milk in his hand, "I still have to carry it back to the dormitory after such a long journey. By the way, Tan Jia said we will have dinner together on Friday."

"Well, Brother Pei already told me, wait, didn't Brother Pei and I eat alone? Are you saying that you want to eat with us?" Mei Mengzhen really didn't think much about it, she simply felt that the two of them I haven't seen you for a long time. Since we are eating, we should eat alone.

He Yiran rolled his eyes, "I've got someone to talk to, shouldn't I introduce them to some people in the dormitory? But isn't Luo Yingying and Liu Pei going to hold a night market at night? They are not free, and Ke Ke will go to the company on Friday, the dormitory Let’s change the party to next time, let’s eat your meal first.”

"Oh." There was not much disappointment in this tone, but it just made He Yiran feel uncomfortable.

"Did I interrupt your date? I'm talking about someone. Can you be more interested?"

"It's not that I don't know the person you're talking about, how much interest is there." It seems to be true, but he doesn't think so, He Yiran was entangled lazily, thinking of the question he hadn't asked before, "Zhenzhen, Xi What are you going to use in Yuan's APP, and this milk, how many good things are there in Xi Yuan that you haven't brought out?"

(End of this chapter)

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