Chapter 377 Take Your Hands Away (45)

"I took it out, why didn't I take it out? Didn't I say that I needed it before? How can I take it? There are too many things in Xiyuan. Didn't you say that the trial of Xiyuan APP is coming soon? I put Prepare a sample of everything that needs to be put on the shelves, and you can try it. Of course, the pictures above need to be uploaded in kind, that is, the food in the pictures is consistent.”

She never came to do things to deceive consumers, she did whatever she wanted, after all, the price of Xiyuan has never been low.

"Okay, but one sample is not enough. One sample is for the company to take pictures, and we have to try the other ones alone."

Mei Mengzhen twitched the corners of her mouth, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Although the upgrade of the processing function makes her work easier and saves a lot of time and effort, but because of this, the consumption of ingredients is much larger than before. For example, in the past, as long as she consumed 50 white radishes a day, she just planted 50. But now it is different. There are too many kimchi that can be processed from white radish, white radish skin, white radish core, white radish seedlings, etc. There are countless kimchi of various flavors, and other vegetables can also be processed into kimchi of.

The number of vegetables grown every day is increasing exponentially, but the time is greatly shortened. This means that the space mall has been upgraded with a quantitative harvesting function, otherwise it will make her busy. The key is that the quantity is still Not necessarily enough.

But when it came to the price, Mei Mengzhen felt that she couldn't decide it by herself, otherwise it would be too low in He Yiran's eyes, "I'll prepare a separate copy of those samples for you, and I will also give you a task."

He Yiran asked suspiciously: "Mission? What mission."

"Pricing, you can give me a reference on the price of new dishes first, and I will decide the final price."

When it came to pricing, He Yiran was in high spirits, "Pricing, I know this best, leave it to me, if I set the price of Xiyuan's vegetables from the beginning, it would definitely not be so low."

Speaking of this, He Yiran had the illusion that he had lost hundreds of millions.

Mei Mengzhen silently reminded: "Don't make it too expensive, otherwise no one will buy it. We can go high-end, but we can't be too high-end. If everyone can't afford it, it will fall into our own hands."

"I know, I'm not stupid."

Only then did Mei Mengzhen feel relieved. When she returned to the dormitory, she was the first to wash. After washing, she lay down and entered the space consciously. She packed 5 copies of all the samples that had been prepared before. This packing can only be done by herself. After all, the processing doesn't take care of it all, so she can only buy 5 identical large paper boxes in the space mall, trying to fit them all in, and then stuff them all into the boxes with her consciousness, and then glue them on by herself. After that, it was packed.

When these giant paper boxes appeared in the warehouse, Mei Mengcheng was dumbfounded, "What is this, why have I never seen it before?"

Mei Meng was worried that she had delivered the wrong goods, so she made a phone call to Fan Tianyu.

Fan Tianyu also received a text message from Mei Mengzhen in the middle of the night, saying that several large boxes of samples from Xiyuan would be sent there, and asked him to drag them back to Xiyuan's warehouse and put them away first, and she would come over on Friday to talk about it.

But as for how big the box was, Fan Tianyu really didn't know it. When he received a call from Mei Mengcheng, he reacted, but when he actually saw the carton, he couldn't react.

"How many large boxes of samples is this called? What exactly is Xiyuan selling?" Fan Tianyu pointed at the big box as tall as a person in front of him, a little confused. After all, a box as big as vegetables is too exaggerated, but it looks like a box. Home appliances, such as refrigerators.

Mei Mengzhen really didn't think so much when packing the box. After all, space can be operated with thoughts, but it's easy to put it in the space. If it's out of the space and can't be used with thoughts, how to take it out is out of her scope of consideration.

The time finally came to Friday, but I couldn't leave so early if I wanted to.

The class schedule for this semester is not much worse than last semester's. The last class on Friday doesn't even end until 6 o'clock.

When Mei Mengzhen and the others finished class, Pei Ziyu and Tan Jia were already waiting at the gate of the school. They didn't even have time to put the book away, so they handed it to Yan Keke.

"Coco, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Although Yan Keke has something to do, she is not in such a hurry, "Okay, you guys go, I want to watch you go before I go."

"No, you go first, we may still need to brew for a while, so I won't waste your time."

Yan Keke couldn't help but nodded and rode away on the bike. Mei Mengzhen looked at Yan Keke's back and sighed, "Keke's bike is getting better and better."

He Yiran also agreed, "Isn't that right, I didn't learn it last semester, but Keke's bike is good enough, can your skateboard do it?"

That's right, since Yan Keke gradually became able to ride independently this semester, Mei Mengzhen's skateboard was brought out again. Last semester she rode with Yan Keke because she couldn't ride. You also have to use your own means of transportation - skateboards.

After Mei Mengzhen bought the skateboard, she didn't skate too much or too little. At least when Yan Keke wanted to practice, Mei Mengzhen would bring her skateboard to accompany her.

Not to mention how good she is at skating, but at least she has no problem skating.

It's just that she used to skate alone before, but today she brought someone on the skateboard. To be honest, she felt a little uncertain, "Why don't I skate by myself, and you can follow behind."

He Yiran immediately kicked her, "You didn't tell me earlier, when Ke Ke was there, I could let her take me and you slid over by yourself. If you want to leave me now, don't think about it."

Mei Mengzhen suppressed a smile, "Just kidding, come up, stand behind me, and I'll just go electric."

Mei Mengzhen stood in front of the skateboard, and He Yiran stepped on the back.

Mei Mengzhen's skateboard is not small, so it's not a problem for two girls to stand on the skateboard. When they got on the skateboard, He Yiran twisted her shoulders on both sides with both hands, showing the tension. Mei Mengzhen wanted to laugh, "How tall is this skateboard?" , your legs are so long and you come down with a pad, do you need to be so nervous?"

"Yes, it's the first time I'm sitting... standing on a skateboard, why can't I be nervous." He Yiran wanted to say sit, but when he thought that there was no place to sit on the skateboard, he changed it to standing.

Such a metaphor is also appropriate, "Okay, you are steady."

As soon as Mei Mengzhen put her foot on the ground, the skateboard slid out. If it was just a simple slide, there was no problem. After a few steps, He Yiran got used to this mode of transportation. Mei Mengzhen then turned on the remote control to automatically As soon as the button for sliding forward is pressed, the skateboard will accelerate and slide upward by itself.

The sudden acceleration made He Yiran's center of gravity unstable, and his body fell forward. He Yiran hugged Mei Mengzhen's chest with frightened hands, and Mei Mengzhen was shocked, "Rogue, get your hands away quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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