Chapter 378 Funny Five (55)

After He Yiran got used to the accelerated speed, he moved his hand to Mei Mengzhen's shoulder again, and joked with a smile: "I'm a rascal, you dare say you didn't do it on purpose, why did you suddenly accelerate."

"Because it's about to speed up, just at that speed, it's better to just walk over."

Of course He Yiran knew that she had said that on purpose just now, but the hand holding Mei Mengzhen's shoulder became even stronger. The two of them slid and slid. Seeing a downhill ahead, He Yiran became anxious, "Hey, there is a road ahead. Slip, will we fall?"

"It's okay, my skateboard can brake."

When the two of them slid downhill, Mei Mengzhen lightly tapped the brakes on the remote control in her hand, and the speed of the skateboard really slowed down.

After a difficult journey, they finally came to the gate of the school. The two of them were exhausted, but they still saw Pei Ziyu and Tan Jia's car at a glance, and felt a little relieved at this moment.

"finally reached."

"finally reached."

The two spoke in unison, and they looked at each other speechlessly, "Why are you sighing, I should be nervous."

"Obviously I should be nervous, but this is my first time on a skateboard."

"It's the first time I've brought someone."

The skateboard slowly decelerated until it stopped, and He Yiran stood on the ground, finally feeling solid.



The two of them tacitly agreed that they would probably not want to have a next time whether they were leading someone or being taken.


Pei Ziyu and Tan Jia were slightly surprised to see the two of them come out in such a way. After all, the sport of skateboarding is not like a sport that these two people can play no matter how they look at it.

Pei Ziyu walked over quickly and helped Mei Mengzhen who got off the car, "Zhenzhen, is this your skateboard?"

"Yes, mine."

Tan Jia glanced at Mei Mengzhen before saying to He Yiran: "You are quite courageous, Zhenzhen is a novice at first glance, you dare to sit and you are not afraid of falling."

"I clearly see that Zhenzhen plays pretty well by herself, why is she leading others like this?"

Mei Mengzhen retorted: "It's the same as you riding a bicycle, so can riding by yourself and riding with others have the same effect?"

That must be different, the two of them shut their mouths and got into their respective cars.

Mei Mengzhen even put her precious skateboard in Pei Ziyu's trunk to rest assured.

The two people's cars stopped at the gate of the school. Mei Mengzhen and He Yiran rode skateboards all the way to attract the attention of passers-by. Now they got into the cars of two men respectively. Everyone who saw this scene was surprised No way, "Zhenzhen and Yiran are dating?"

"These two people are not students at first sight."

"If you are not a student, you can't talk? Who stipulates that college students can only talk with students."

"That's not what I mean, but the two boys just now are so handsome, especially Zhenzhen's boyfriend, why do I think this guy looks familiar, I seem to have seen him somewhere."

"But you are familiar with any handsome guy."

"No, I really have the impression, I seem to have seen it somewhere."

"Okay, let's go eat quickly, I'm almost starving to death."

At the same time as the two cars left the school, the enthusiasm of the students did not let go so quickly, and even this series of things were photographed by everyone, so you don't need to guess. After a while, the forum will probably explode again up.


But the matter of the forum has not happened now, and no one can control it.

And today's dinner is not only for He Yiran to introduce someone to them, but also for dinner with a mission. Today, Friday, is the day to try side dishes.

Fan Tianyu received the text message that Mei Mengzhen was coming soon, and went directly to the gate of Xiyuan and waited.

Fan Tianhua was even worse, she didn't even have the afternoon shift, she just stayed with her brother in Xiyuan and waited for Mei Mengzhen's arrival, so Fan Tianyu also talked about it all afternoon.

Of course, she didn't care.

It was already past 7 o'clock when they arrived at Xiyuan, and Fan Tianyu's meals had already been arranged in the private room.

Seeing several people parking the car, Fan Tianhua sighed, "It's finally here."

Didn't it finally come? Fan Tianyu said speechlessly: "7 o'clock, you have waited since noon until now, how many things can you do in this afternoon."

Fan Tianhua rolled his eyes, "I've done all the important things, and there are no urgent things at hand. You've been reading all afternoon, so you can't stop talking, am I like someone who has no number in my heart? ?”

"Yes, you know, are you hungry? I really want to eat."


The two brothers and sisters had been starving for a long time. Seeing the four of them walking towards them, they finally felt that they were very hungry today.

"Hey, I can eat now."

Before Mei Mengzhen walked over, she joked to Pei Ziyu: "Brother Tianyu must be hungry, otherwise he wouldn't be waiting outside. Sister Tianhua is here today, and she probably wants to try some side dishes."

Pei Ziyu didn't refute her words either. Although he didn't speak, he loved to hear Mei Mengzhen gossip about these little things. Listening to Mei Mengzhen's words, he felt that the surroundings were full of fireworks.

Unexpectedly, before the four of them walked over, a girl passed by and suddenly jumped in front of them.

The girl had tears in her eyes, her voice was soft, her voice was once choked up, and she opened her mouth for a long time before shouting, "Tianyu."

Mei Mengzhen walked to the front of the line, closest to Fan Tianyu, parallel to that girl, and she really got goosebumps when she yelled 'Tianyu' with a lingering lingering sound, and even her whole shoulders trembled Three shakes, the appearance is extremely exaggerated.

Fan Tianhua recognized who this woman was at a glance, seeing the hypocritical girl in front of him who was about to get angry, he was almost amused by Mei Mengzhen's actions, but fortunately, she held back at the last moment.

The anger that I wanted to express was gone just like that, and it would not have the effect if I got angry again. Fan Tianhua changed his style of painting, followed the girl's voice and said softly, "Tianyu."

After Fan Tianhua finished speaking, he blinked at Mei Mengzhen, how could Mei Mengzhen not understand, although her goosebumps were about to fall to the ground, she still quickly called softly, "Tianyu."

Mei Mengzhen was standing at the front, she turned sideways while shouting, and blinked at the three people behind her. Although the three people didn't understand why, they guessed it, and He Yiran was the first to react. Shouted, "Tianyu."

Next, Tan Jia and Pei Ziyu also cooperated and shouted, "Tianyu."

The five of them seemed to have made an appointment, and they all followed the girl and called out 'Tianyu'.

The charming scene planned by the girls did not happen, but was completely destroyed by the Funny Five. Even Fan Tianyu couldn't help laughing out, "What are you doing?"

Although the scene was funny, Fan Tianyu still felt a little panicked, and hurriedly said: "Come on in, the food is already on the table, and I'll be waiting for you."

(End of this chapter)

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