After I was reborn, I counterattacked by farming

Chapter 379 I Want To Talk To You

Chapter 379 I Want to Talk to You (15)

Several people didn't listen to Fan Tianyu, their eyes fell on the girl one after another, and they didn't intend to go in.

The girl is not worried when everyone is watching her. She has already decided to pretend to be pitiful with Fan Tianyu first, and after winning his sympathy, the relationship between the two of them can go further. We have talked, and there will always be time to go further in the future.

The girl wishful thinking is good, but people are not as good as heaven, Xiyuan can't enter the store without a password, and Fan Tianyu is either in the store or leaves immediately, she can't find a chance to appear in front of Fan Tianyu.

This time, she managed to see Fan Tianyu staying in front of her shop, but her younger sister was with him all the time, she waited and waited until he was alone. If you lose this opportunity, you will never find another opportunity next time, so you walked over recklessly.

She only wanted to get ahead of these people and get in touch with Fan Tianyu, but after she said it, she realized that these people were all people she had met, so she regretted her recklessness, but the words had already been said, And she never thought that these people would react like this.

As "these people" in the girls' mouths, what kind of reaction should they give if they don't give such a reaction? After all, although the girl in front of her is wearing loose clothes, her belly is very conspicuous, and this belly is at least 5 months old.

And this girl is none other than Fan Tianyu's ex-girlfriend, Zhang Jing who gave him a cuckold. No matter who knows what's going on behind the scenes, it's impossible to let these two people get along alone.

And not only Fan Tianyu, even they didn't understand how this man had the face to come to Fan Tianyu alone.

Fan Tianyu really didn't intend to talk to Zhang Jing, he ignored Zhang Jing's greeting and planned to go in for dinner.

Zhang Jing shouted, how could she give up this opportunity, she hurried forward and grabbed Fan Tianyu's sleeve and shouted again: "Tianyu, did you just leave like this?"

Fan Tianhua couldn't hold back his displeasure and said: "Then why don't you still recognize this other person's child in your belly?"

Zhang Jing caressed her belly in a hurry, as if she wanted to cover it up, but how could such a big belly be covered, and then she felt wronged, she burst into tears as soon as she said it, and said tearfully: "No, that's not the case Yes, Tianyu, me."

"You, what's wrong with you, you're not married? You don't have someone else's child in your belly? Or do you want to have a big belly and let my brother be your cheater! I won't agree to any of this." Fan Tianhua took it for granted. Of course he said.

Zhang Jing looked at Fan Tianhua, she remembered that she was Fan Tianyu's younger sister, "But, but..."

"But what, but you two are first love, you two have been in love, so what, you are already married, can you stop pestering my brother? Do you know that your behavior is not good for my brother? Or is it that you are acting like this to tarnish my brother's reputation."

Of course Zhang Jing didn't have such an idea, even she herself didn't know why she came to find Fan Tianyu, maybe she just wanted to find some comfort in her unhappy marriage.

But to put it bluntly, she is greedy for wealth and honor. If she had only regretted it when she didn't know the value of Xiyuan before, then now that she knows the value of Xiyuan, her intestines are green with regret. How could she know that she was so unhappy before? The humble Fan Tianyu can be so promising now, she already knew what kind of rich second generation she was looking for, and even now she knows that the rich second generation is not as good as she imagined.

Thinking of the days she lived after getting married, Zhang Jing felt regretful, "Tianyu, I know I was wrong."

"So what if you're wrong, do you still want to marry my brother? You want the rich second generation, and you want the rich generation too. Why do you think it's so beautiful? Men all over the world should surround you Is it right? Don't you think you are worth it?"

Fan Tianhua has never been very polite when speaking, let alone the woman in front of him treated her brother like this.

The grievances between her and her brother belonged to both of them, but when something happened, they kept it to the outside world. She would not allow others to bully her brother. If it wasn't for the fact that the person in front of her was a pregnant woman, she would have liked to do it directly.

Zhang Jing looked at Fan Tianyu with tears in her eyes, "Are you just letting your sister bully me like this?"

Fan Tianyu didn't speak, not because he had any thoughts about Zhang Jing, but because the person opposite was a pregnant woman, what if something hurts her, he felt very troublesome when he thought of the follow-up, so he endured it Shinobu didn't speak, but he took several steps back when he heard Zhang Jing's voice.

But Fan Tianhua became even more angry when he heard this, "When did I bully you? I was just telling the truth. Is it right for you to cry? Who doesn't know how to cry."

Fan Tianhua took out the eye drops from his bag and dripped them into his eyes in front of everyone, then blinked, under the dim light, if he ignored the scene just now, his face would be full of tears.

"Let me tell you, it's useless for you to cry with Fan Tianyu. I'm his own sister, that is, the difficult sister-in-law in the family. As long as I don't agree, you can't enter my house." With a cry, she brought everyone in, and seeing everyone's moving steps, Zhang Jing grabbed Tan Jia's sleeve who was walking at the end, and did not let go.

Tan Jia panicked, and exaggeratedly shouted: "Hey, what are you doing, why are you grabbing my sleeve?"

He Yiran hurried over when he heard the sound, glared at Zhang Jing angrily, and said sharply, "Let go."

He Yiran was already tall, and her aura was strong. Her tone was determined not to be a bargain but an attitude that could not be refused. Zhang Jing was so frightened that she took a few steps back while shaking her body, but the hand holding the sleeve was not at all. Never loosened.

He Yiran didn't know about Zhang Jing and Fan Tianyu's affairs, but she didn't understand what she said just now. As a wealthy young lady, she had seen too many such things since she was a child, and the way she looked at Zhang Jing was completely different. turned into contempt.

Although Zhang Jing was afraid, as long as she loosened her hand, she really didn't know when she would have a chance again. Zhang Jing said firmly, "No."

"You don't want it if you say no, this is my boyfriend, I let you go." He Yiran was a little angry, feeling that the woman in front of him was shameless, He Yiran glared at Zhang Jing again.

Zhang Jing loosened Tan Jia's sleeve slightly, Tan Jia took this opportunity to pull the sleeve out of her hand, then turned around and jumped to hide behind He Yiran, and even patted her little heart, frightened.

Seeing that Zhang Jing could not achieve her goal and would not leave, Fan Tianyu finally couldn't help but walked over and asked, "What exactly do you want, but no matter what you want, I will not help you."

"Tianyu, I want to chat with you." Zhang Jing didn't want to give up, especially after Fan Tianyu spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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