Chapter 380 Try something new (25)

"We have nothing to talk about. I don't know what your purpose is, but I can guess that it's impossible for the two of us."

After Fan Tianyu finished speaking, he didn't drive him away but brought him into Xiyuan and arranged him in a private room.

Fan Tianhua couldn't understand Fan Tianyu's behavior all the way, the key was that once she stopped, Fan Tianyu would scold her with his eyes, which made her very upset.

However, it wasn't just Fan Tianhua who didn't understand, they all didn't quite understand why Fan Tianyu arranged people in the private room.

Not to mention Zhang Jing, Zhang Jing was led into the private room by Fan Tianyu, thinking that he was hard-spoken and soft-hearted, and he still followed her way, and she was secretly delighted.

Just when Zhang Jing was triumphant, she didn't know that what awaited her would be the wrath of Huang's family.

That's right, Fan Tianyu was afraid that something happened to Zhang Jing and he wouldn't be able to figure it out, so he directly arranged Zhang Jing in the private room, and immediately called Huang's father after he came out.

Yes, the person Fan Tianyu contacted was Huang's father, not his son Huang Juncai. Without it, Huang Juncai's IQ is not enough. If he calls him directly, he may misunderstand that he is seducing his wife, so he directly calls Huang Juncai. Father was the most correct choice, and they kept Father Huang's phone number in Xiyuan, so naturally they had it.

When Huang's father received the call, he said that he was not surprised. He knew the relationship between his daughter-in-law and Fan Tianyu, and he had also strictly warned Zhang Jing not to get close to Fan Tianyu, but this man dared to do it, so blatantly. The key to cuckolding his son is that he still doesn't want to, so just say it's not shameful.

As for Fan Tianyu, he must have never doubted it. No matter how blind he was before, what status he is now, and what kind of woman he wants, he can't find it. Looking for a married woman with a big belly like you, this is not an eye. Blind, this is totally insane.

Father Huang hung up the phone and drove to Xiyuan. At this time, Fan Tianyu was welcoming Father Huang at the front desk. After the two met, he simply kept quiet for a while, and then he led him to the door of the private room. Fan Tianyu He left without even entering the door.

Although Zhang Jing couldn't wait for Fan Tianyu for a long time, the environment in Xiyuan is superior. Even if she just sits, she still feels comfortable and at ease. She has been blocking Fan Tianyu every day for half a month, and she really hasn't had a good rest. After sitting down, the eyelids were tightly stuck together like adhesive.

But at this moment, Huang's father opened the door and entered. Seeing the demure Zhang Jing, he sneered and said, "Whimsical."

Huang's father's voice was like a basin of cold water pouring down, pouring cold water on Zhang Jing who was in a shallow sleep. Zhang Jing had an unbelievable expression on her face, "Dad, why are you here?"

Shouldn't it be Fan Tianyu who came in?

"Shouldn't I be here?" The calmer Father Huang's voice became, the more flustered Zhang Jing became, "Dad, listen to my explanation."

The more panicked, the easier it is to reveal the truth. Once these words are said, even if it is an explanation, it is not clear.

"Okay, you explain, you explain slowly." Huang's father walked into the private room with light steps, closed the door of the private room, and gave Zhang Jing enough time to explain.


The private room that Fan Tianyu arranged for Zhang Jing was the one used by the He family. The He family had something to do in the past two days, and they all went back to BJ, so this private room was vacated, so there was room for Zhang Jing, otherwise Fan Tianyu decided not to bring people in.

But this also means that what they hear next door is very clear.

After Fan Tianyu returned to his private room, everyone gave him thumbs up one after another, "Gao, this trick is really high."

Fan Tianyu said humbly: "That's it, hurry up, let's have dinner, I'll be busy later."

Tan Jia asked: "Then you don't care about the one next door."

"His father-in-law is here, so what else do I care about, he will take care of his housework by himself."

The food in the private room was already on the order, and it was already cold after waiting, "Why don't you eat it after reheating it."

"I don't eat leftovers." Mei Mengzhen said.

"It's just reheating, how can it become leftovers." Fan Tianyu couldn't understand Mei Mengzhen's brain circuit.

"Whether the dish is heated overnight or not, it belongs to the scope of leftovers. If it is not hot, you can eat it, and I will order something else to eat."

He Yiran also said: "Actually, I never eat leftovers, or I can just eat it like this. It's troublesome if it's hot, and it's not too cold. It's already April."

The two hypocritical girls ate it directly, and the rest of the boys naturally had no objection, besides, everyone was really hungry by this time, it would take a while to get the hot food back and forth, so it would be better to just eat it.

Their dinner time was spent with the sound of begging for mercy from the next door, and as soon as the meal here was finished, the people there left.

As for the follow-up, Fan Tianyu really didn't care.

Mei Mengzhen glanced at Fan Tianyu, and teased: "The neighbor is gone, do you want to see him off?"

"What can I give as a gift, as long as nothing happens in the store." Fan Tianyu was really relieved when he left now, "I won't come here again."

"It's hard to say." He Yiran said smoothly.

"Why, it's all like this, what are you doing here?" Fan Tianyu didn't understand girls' mentality, and when he heard an answer he didn't want to hear, he naturally wanted to ask clearly.

"It's very simple. It depends on what her goal is. If she doesn't achieve it, maybe she will come again."

"But his father-in-law already knows, so why don't he just ignore it?"

Speaking of Mr. Huang, He Yiran actually knows something about it, "You said Mr. Huang, Mr. Huang is smart, but unfortunately his son is stupid, so he can't control her for a while, no matter what her father-in-law says, as long as it passes As soon as she cries in front of her husband, this matter will pass and she will be free, but you must have stopped during this time."

The dining table in the private room has been cleaned up, and Fan Tianyu has already moved the big box that was delivered earlier in the afternoon into the private room, so it can be unpacked right now.

Looking at the new products of Xiyuan in front of him, Zhang Jing's matter was immediately put aside, Fan Tianyu asked: "What are these?"

"It's all the food that I plan to shop online on the Xiyuan APP. Today's tasting is not to try the taste, but to let you try something new, and let Yiran talk about the price by the way."

Fan Tianyu was stunned for a moment, and looked at Mei Mengzhen. He felt that he needed to remind the other party. As far as the price of the cream and tea was concerned, even if it was a side dish, He Yiran's price would not be low. Mei Mengzhen naturally knew, she explained : "I'll look at the compromise, I'm not stupid."

Fan Tianyu took out a knife and opened the big box. There were so many bottles and cans in a big box that Fan Tianyu was dazzled, "I'm still a side dish."

(End of this chapter)

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