After I was reborn, I counterattacked by farming

Chapter 386 Look at the furniture

Chapter 386 Looking at the Furniture (12)

Today must be a rewarding experience. They bought a lot of things at the most expensive counters on the first floor, not to mention the second and third floors.

Even more because they couldn't take it down, they even sent it home during the period, and came back to eat in the afternoon and then go shopping.

The whole day was spent shopping, but no one felt tired even after shopping for a whole day, Mei Yinan said excitedly: "Go shopping for furniture tomorrow, by the way, where are you going to buy furniture?"

If you want to buy cheap furniture, go to the furniture city, and if you want to buy expensive furniture, go to the furniture mall.

Mei Mengzhen felt that she got what she paid for, and she was not short of money, so she bought it as long as she bought it, so she went to the furniture mall to buy it. The most important thing was that the style of furniture there was not available in the furniture mall. .

Naturally, Fan Tianyu has the same mentality as hers. Naturally, the couple has no objection to other people spending money. Fan Tianhua is the one who is most troubled by this. Without it, she has a house, and Fan Tianyu has also paid for the decoration, but the furniture can't. Let Fan Tianyu buy it for her. Although they are brothers and sisters, she doesn't have such a big face.

No, she can delay it for a day. Knowing that Mei Mengchen wants to change the furniture, the original bed is definitely not needed. Fan Tianhua immediately asked: "Then Chen Chen doesn't want the bed in the original room? Why don't you just give it to me?" Come on, I won't buy a bed."

The couple were taken aback for a moment, and then realized that their daughter had not been working here for a long time, and she hadn't saved much money, so it was really too difficult for her to buy furniture for the whole house.

Fan Hongwei said: "What old bed do you use? Ask your mother to buy you a new one. Your mother brought all the passbooks. Your brother supports you with a flat, and our parents support you with a set of furniture."

Fan Tianyu immediately said: "Aren't you stupid? I'll buy some of yours tomorrow. They're all new houses. They're so well decorated. What old furniture do you use?"

Fan Tianyu completely forgot that he himself planned to take the old set of furniture in Mei Mengchen's room.

Mei Mengzhen didn't hide it for others, she just said, "You despise this set of furniture so much, why do you still want it from me?"

"I was just looking at you piling up waste. Anyway, my guest room is empty, so I bought one less and just fit it. Besides, the bed just fills up the room, and it's not usually used."

Mei Yinan even said: "What kind of old furniture are you using? Don't take any. They are all new houses and buy new ones. If the old ones don't fit in the pile, they can be sold directly."

It seems to be OK.

The matter was decided in this way, and after going back to their rooms for a good night's rest, they drove to the furniture store early the next morning, which was the nearest home to them.

Several people went directly to the furniture area on the third floor.

Whether it's adults' or children's furniture, they are arranged in complete sets. If you have conditions, you can buy them as a set. If you don't have conditions, you can buy them individually. They can give them away anyway.

Mei Mengchen took a fancy to a set of high and low bed furniture at a glance. He looked at Mei Mengzhen and expected that the other party would buy it for him, "Sister, this Chenchen likes it."

"Is this? High and low beds, is it convenient for Chenchen to climb up and down every day?"

Mei Mengzhen didn't veto it outright, she said that if Mei Mengchen could choose by himself, he would definitely let him choose, but he just came in now, so we can't just make a hasty decision, "Chenchen, we just came in, after looking at other Let's decide."

Mei Mengchen wasn't disappointed to see that Mei Mengzhen didn't agree, anyway, if he really liked it, my sister would definitely buy it for him, and there is nothing to lose by looking at other things.

Then, I was dazzled.

No matter what kind of furniture he saw, he liked it very much. He said to Mei Mengzhen: "Sister, Chen Chen likes them all so much. Sister, let's choose. Chen Chen doesn't know how to choose."

Faced with choices, there are still so many tricks to choose from, which is too difficult for him as a child.

However, not only Mei Mengchen was confused, but also Fan Tianyu, "I like all these furniture, let me think about it again."

"Yeah, think about it again. Anyway, I don't have to buy it today." Fan Hongwei suggested: "Let's go and have lunch first and then take a look around. If we really can't, we can go shopping elsewhere tomorrow."

It doesn’t mean that the furniture will be used for decades, but it will be used for more than ten years. It’s better to choose a set that you like.

The group went to a nearby place to have lunch first, and then went shopping in the mall. Finally, Mei Mengzhen chose a set, "I like the log style, so I want this set of log furniture."

A complete set, room, living room, dining room, large pieces of furniture are provided directly, as for the small ones, she will add them slowly when she sees what is missing.

Mei Mengchen also decided, "Chenchen wants this set of sea breeze."

It's a Mediterranean style, blue and white design, but it's not a bunk bed. Mei Mengzhen asked, "Chen Chen doesn't want a bunk bed anymore."

"No, this set looks good."

Mei Mengchen chose the furniture for his room, a set of wardrobe, bed, desk, chair, and bookcase. Mei Mengzhen still wanted to put away the rest, "Let's talk about other things, have you chosen yet?"

She really didn't think about changing the other furniture in Mei Mengchen's room.

Fan Tianhua chose a set, but he was a little embarrassed to say so, Mei Yinan asked: "Tianhua, tell mom if you like it, mom will buy it for you."

"That's so embarrassing." Fan Tianhua was really embarrassed, but Fan Tianyu understood what she meant, "Okay, let me tell you which one, I'll buy it for you."

Fan Hongwei also said: "Since your brother bought it for you, you can take it."

Fan Tianhua dragged Fan Tianyu to the furniture store, she chose a simple European set, this style is quite attractive.

Fan Tianyu also thought it was good and directly placed the order, and now only his own set was left unselected. Fan Tianyu walked around the mall by himself, and also chose a set of wooden furniture, but the color was darker. , this style has the feeling of a veteran cadre at home, and Mei Yinan deeply dislikes it.

"You have really poor eyesight. Among these people, the one you chose is the ugliest." The most old-fashioned.

But Mei Yinan didn't say the last sentence, because she was afraid of hurting Fan Tianyu, but she would never let Fan Tianyu buy the furniture, so Mei Yinan also chose a set of simple European style furniture for Fan Tianyu, When paying, Fan Tianyu couldn't help muttering: "I'm already my age, and it's up to you to choose a set of furniture. Isn't this my own house?"

"The house is yours, but it's too old-fashioned, and you don't even think about how old you are this year."

"That's Chinese style. I use this style of furniture for all the veteran cadres." Fan Tianyu wanted to fight for it before the card in hand was swiped.

However, Mei Yinan disagreed desperately, "Nonsense, your dad's office is the style of a veteran cadre, why are you a P old, you have an old-fashioned vision, you choose a set of old-fashioned furniture, just buy this set, then The set won’t work, if you don’t like it, we can change it to another set, anyway, that set won’t work.”

(End of this chapter)

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