After I was reborn, I counterattacked by farming

Chapter 387 Take care of my aunt?

Chapter 387 Taking care of my aunt? (twenty two)

"You can't buy what you like. As for which one to buy, it's the same."

Fan Tianyu swiped his card resignedly, and today's task of choosing furniture was successfully completed.

As for the delivery is not so fast, it definitely won't be today. Others will call in advance before they come, but the calls must be reserved for Fan Tianyu. After all, there is no one who can control his own more freely than him. It's time.

For Mei Yinan, "That's what he's useful for."

Two days were spent shopping, and the rest of the time was naturally spent playing.

It was only then that Mei Yinan remembered to ask where Pei Ziyu was, why was there no sign of him even after the holiday.

Mei Mengzhen explained: "Brother Pei is on a business trip, he was outside before, and he couldn't make it back on May [-]st."

Mei Yinan frowned, "Being a lawyer is so busy."

"Nothing usually, but isn't this a big project that their law firm has taken on? Not only Brother Pei is busy, but their law firm is also busy." In other words, there must be no one to see during the May Day holiday.

Speaking of which, Mei Yinan was still a little disappointed.

Mei Mengzhen quickly changed the subject, and she asked, "Auntie, how is little aunt? Are you still in the hospital? Are you feeling better?"

Mei Yinan's disgusted expression was exactly the same as the one she had when she asked Fan Tianyu about the situation. As expected of a mother and son, they both disliked and disliked exactly the same.

Mei Yinan said: "You don't need to worry about your aunt's affairs, you are still a child, just take care of your own Chen Chen, your aunt has been in the hospital recently, and she has already had an operation, it won't help much, There was no improvement at all, and there was still no feeling in the lower body. The doctor suggested sending him to Jiangcheng for surgery, but who would take care of him became a problem, so he never sent it here. Her father hired a nurse in Xincheng. It’s okay to watch with me too.”

But whether they send it off or not, it has nothing to do with them, Mei Yinan said again: "You guys remember not to expose the house at home, otherwise the two of you will not be able to leave after coming here and living in it for a while."

Maybe they won't want to leave in the future. It's not that the couple can't do such a thing.

But Mei Mengzhen was thoughtful. Judging from the progress of her previous life, in fact, my aunt was on the verge of dying at this time, but hearing what Mei Yinan said, her situation seemed to be fine. Could it be that my aunt's future Has something by chance changed?So the couple's marriage is still inseparable.

But if you think about it, it has nothing to do with her. Anyway, it's fine not to look for her in the future.

However, she thought so, but others didn't.

Jiang Xiumei and Mei Yongfu have already made up their minds that they plan to come to Jiangcheng for surgery during the summer vacation, and Mei Mengzhen, who is studying in Jiangcheng, happens to be on summer vacation. It is no problem for her, a niece, to take care of an aunt for these two months. Bar.

Mei Yongfu didn't respond, but Jiang Xiumei felt that there was nothing wrong with it. She took it for granted that it would be impossible for her little aunt to use her little niece.

But Jiang Xiumei didn't think about it at all. She is a niece who has no father and no mother. She doesn't go to work during the summer vacation but takes care of her aunt, so what will happen to the tuition fees for the next semester.

Because according to Jiang Xiumei's urine, it is definitely impossible to give money to Mei Mengzhen.

When Grandpa Jiang heard Jiang Xiumei's idea, he clearly disagreed, "The child has no father or mother, so you can't spoil it like this. You also said that she has no money, and she has to work to earn tuition and living expenses. You let her To take care of you, what will happen to the tuition fee if they don't work."

When will Jiang Xiumei think about others, "If she has no money, don't go to school. No matter how bad the elder sister is, she won't watch her fail to go to school. This is actually better. If she doesn't come, let the elder sister come. I'm still worried about her alone." The little girl can't take care of me well."

What Jiang Xiumei said was taken for granted, as if everything other people did was what they should do.

And Mei Yongfu didn't refuse or agree to Jiang Xiumei's words, his face was full of thoughtfulness, and there was obviously something wrong.

Grandpa Jiang looked at Mei Yongfu and said, "Yongfu, you also agree with Xiumei to do this."

"It doesn't matter if you agree or not, Xiumei doesn't listen to me either."

Yes, that's the point. Even if Grandpa Jiang persuaded him, Jiang Xiumei wouldn't listen.

And there is nothing he can do if he disagrees or disagrees. He has to go to work, and the family still needs him to take care of him. The family has no money now. The surgery and nursing here are all paid by Grandpa Jiang, but they can go to Jiangcheng Is Grandpa Jiang still willing to pay?Even if the operation fee is paid, as for the nursing money, to be honest, even if it is nursing money, he feels that the family cannot afford it.

Jiang Xiumei felt that her father was coy, "What's the big deal, are you so entangled in using it? Anyway, it's settled like this."

Hehe, it's a deal if you make a decision, and no one agrees, "I don't think it's okay anyway, this matter is not authentic, you listen to me, I will pay you for a caretaker."

Hearing that Grandpa Jiang said please take care of her, Mei Yongfu was no longer worried, "Since Dad has already paid for it, don't bother Zhenzhen."

Jiang Xiumei refused, "No, why did I torment her, am I saving money for us, the nurses here are not cheap, and the ones in Jiangcheng are not more expensive, who am I thinking this for, not for this family? .”

"Then you sacrificed too much, but this family doesn't need it." Grandpa Jiang clearly disagreed, but the more Jiang Xiumei was like this, the more she wanted to settle the matter as soon as possible. After some disputes, Jiang Xiumei directly Called Mei Mengzhen.

At this time, Mei Mengzhen was playing outside with the Fan family. When she saw that the caller was Jiang Xiumei, she frowned. Mei Yinan is such a sensitive person, and immediately asked: "What's wrong?" .”

"Auntie, Auntie called me."

Mei Yinan's excitement subsided immediately, and she pursed her mouth and said, "She called you, there must be nothing good. Turn on the speakerphone, and I want to hear what she has to say."

Mei Mengzhen just answered the phone and pressed the speakerphone. The whole Fan family put down their entertainment and gathered around to listen to her call.

After the call was connected, perhaps the other party had waited too long, Jiang Xiumei said impatiently: "Oh, Zhenzhen has become a college student after all, and she has to wait for a long time to answer a call."

"Auntie, I'm working part-time. I was busy just now. Is there anything wrong with you? I'm going to work." Mei Mengzhen deeply remembers that she is a poor student. Isn't it normal for poor students to work during their vacations? ?

"Working, then my aunt will tell you the business directly. That's it. Do you know that my aunt is seriously ill? I had an operation before and it didn't work. I plan to go to Jiangcheng for an operation this time. , Auntie knows that you go to school there, and my operation time is just during the summer vacation, so it depends on your availability, I want you to come and take care of me."

Hearing Jiang Xiumei's words, the Fan family looked upset, but they didn't speak.

(End of this chapter)

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