Chapter 388 Old Confused (12)

Mei Mengzhen replied: "But auntie, I have to work part-time during the summer vacation to earn tuition fees for the next semester. I usually work part-time only to cover my living expenses. If I don't work during the summer vacation, what should I do if I can't afford the tuition fees for the next semester? Why don't you let me do it? Take care of you, and then you will pay me tuition."

What Mei Mengzhen said is not unreasonable. She earns her tuition by working part-time, but she doesn’t ask others to pay for it. You suddenly interrupted her tuition to take care of her. , shouldn't be too much.

But Jiang Xiumei became anxious when she heard this, "Hey, why is your child falling into the eyes of money, you need money to take care of your aunt."

"I don't want money. What about my tuition for the next semester? If I take care of you, I won't have time to work. What about my studies?"

Compared with others, it must be her own affairs that are more important, especially if the other party is the aunt she doesn't like, so naturally it is more about her own affairs.

Who knows that Jiang Xiumei took it for granted and said: "What does your tuition have to do with me? I just asked you to take care of my aunt. Why are you pushing back and forth? You don't have any sympathy at such a young age. Mei Mengzhen and I Let me tell you, during the summer vacation, you can come here if you want, or if you don’t want to, or I will go to your school and see how you have the face to stay in school again."

Jiang Xiumei's words must have been too much, even Grandpa Jiang couldn't bear to listen to him and planned to scold others, but before Grandpa Jiang scolded, Mei Yinan took the lead, "Good job Jiang Xiumei, you! #@ !@!, I @¥¥..., #!%321."

Mei Yinan cursed angrily, the swearing was as bad as it could be, Mei Mengzhen covered Mei Mengchen's ears on the spot, for fear that the child would learn badly, and unfortunately, Jiang Xiumei on the opposite side also opened the swearing words. Not only Mei Yongfu heard Mei Yinan's scolding, but Grandpa Jiang also heard it all. He was really powerless to complain, whether it was his daughter or Mei Yinan.

When Mei Yinan was almost done swearing, he quickly snatched the phone and comforted him in a low voice: "Yongfu, big sister, calm down, why are you swearing so much?"

Mei Yinan could also hear the voice of the old man. It was okay not knowing that Grandpa Jiang was here, but Mei Yinan was even angrier when he knew that Grandpa Jiang was here, "It turns out that you are also here, which means that you also agree with what your daughter did. By the way, Zhenzhen is such a good child. Jiangcheng University is the first job in our family. It is very difficult for a child to support himself without a father or a mother. Listen to what your daughter is saying.

It's understandable that she doesn't care about Zhenzhen, no one can say anything. In the end, she is just a little aunt, but she can't let Zhenzhen live no matter what. What does paying your tuition have to do with me? I don't have sympathy and fall into the eyes of money Come on, is this something that people can say?You don't like to hear what I say, but your daughter is nothing. "

"No matter what you think, Zhenzhen has to work part-time to earn tuition fees, and she has no time. If your family has no money, and you can't even afford the money, why don't you do surgery at all, exploiting a child who has no father and no mother, you I'm sorry, what a face, you are so old, why are you still so confused, if your grandson is like this, can you bear it?"

Mei Yinan talked with Grandpa Jiang calmly, and now he just said: "You give Jiang Xiumei the phone, I have something to say to her."

Grandpa Jiang persuaded: "Xiumei still needs to be on the hospital bed." He wanted Mei Yinan to stop being angry with her daughter, but thinking of her virtue, he did not dissuade her. In all fairness, Jiang Xiumei was indeed too much.

"Jiang Xiumei is still in the hospital bed. She is still in her teens and her father still hurts her, so she can bully her daughter who has no father or mother at will. But even if our family Zhenzhen has no father or mother, there is still me, my eldest aunt. , I will never let anyone bully her, tell Jiang Xiumei now, just wait and see how I deal with you."

After Mei Yinan finished speaking, she hung up the phone, and the three people in the hospital naturally looked at each other after hearing Mei Yinan's words.

Jiang Xiumei wanted to cry even more, "I just asked her to take care of me, what's the matter, isn't this saving money for the family? Why can't she take care of me, I'm still her aunt, and I can't handle a niece."

Grandpa Jiang pointed to Jiang Xiumei, and said helplessly: "Don't look at others who don't know what you think, Zhenzhen lent the 5 yuan to Yong'an, and the money is not in her hands, even if it is under your nose You can't come here, and they have to work part-time to earn tuition fees, so there's nothing wrong with not coming."

Grandpa Jiang shook his head, a little regretful, "Wrong, confused, I'm really stupid, I should stop you, why did I let you call."

Seeing that Grandpa Jiang had such an attitude, Jiang Xiumei became a little anxious, "Dad, the eldest sister said that she is coming to clean up me, so you must stop her."

Grandpa Jiang thought to himself: Stop P, you should be punished.

But still said: "What age is your father, you can stop his eldest sister."

Jiang Xiumei looked at Mei Yongfu again. Mei Yongfu had never expressed an opinion from the beginning to the end, and it was even more impossible to say anything now, "I knew that the elder sister was not in Jiangcheng after listening to this phone call. When she came back, I was all angry. , what kind of account is it?"

Hearing this, Jiang Xiumei was relieved.

However, things are not so simple, Mei Yinan couldn't sit still after hanging up the phone, and said directly to Fan Tianyu: "Tianyu, drive back to Xincheng."

Fan Tianyu was taken aback, "Mom, it's only the 3rd, it's the same when I go back and teach my aunt a lesson, there's no need to go back so early."

"I can't go back and give me a lesson before I come back. You don't have to go, you can just drive me back."

After Mei Yinan finished speaking, she got on the bag and was about to leave, Fan Tianyu had no choice but to follow, but is it really okay for the rest of them not to go?
Mei Mengzhen said: "Why don't we follow behind, if someone dies or something, we can still stop it."

She was serious about what she said, and she really wanted to go, after all, she was the one who caused this.

But Fan Hongwei said: "It's okay, let's go back and wait, or go to Xiyuan and wait. Your aunt is such a big person, she can do things properly."

Jiang Xiumei really went too far this time. He didn't stop her before, and he won't stop her this time.

Fan Tianhua also thought it would be better if they didn't go back, so she said to Mei Mengzhen: "When you go back, should you try to persuade them to fight or fight with them, it doesn't matter whether you stop or not."

"What you said makes sense, then let's go to Xiyuan." She didn't want to stop the fight, but she didn't worry that her aunt would suffer at all.

After watching Fan Tianyu and Auntie leave, Mei Mengzhen also got into the car and the group went to Xiyuan.

They ate and drank in Xiyuan and waited for the elder aunt and Fan Tianyu to come back, but the elder aunt who went to Xincheng to settle accounts was really high-spirited, with the attitude of not giving up until she taught her well, even Fan Tianyu was afraid.

"Mom, take it easy for a while." Fan Tianyu persuaded, after all, there are many ways to help others, and it's not worthwhile to use yourself.

Mei Yinan glanced at Fan Tianyu and said, "Is your mother so clueless?"

(End of this chapter)

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