Chapter 389 The nature is hard to change (22)

Fan Tianyu was a little relieved, but that peace of mind disappeared when he arrived at the hospital.

In Jiang Xiumei's ward, Grandpa Jiang was still blaming Jiang Xiumei for what happened just now, while Mei Yongfu was also pouring water for Jiang Xiumei but didn't say anything.

The atmosphere in the ward is not without loopholes. Mei Yinan observed outside the ward for a while, and after spotting a leak, she opened the door of the ward and rushed over to Jiang Xiumei's nearest location without hesitation. A slap fell on Jiang Xiumei's face.

However, how can it be possible to fight with a slap in the face.

Especially Mei Yinan who was full of anger.

Mei Yinan's anger towards Jiang Xiumei had already reached a critical point. This meant that something happened to Jiang Xiumei, and she didn't settle the score. Who knew that even if this person was paralyzed, he would not be restless. The anger grew higher and higher, and Mei Yinan also The more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and finally found a chance to vent, but a slap was not enough. After slapping Jiang Xiumei a few times, Mei Yinan directly got her nails on, scratching her face and pulling her hair. For a while, she didn't shake. The exaggerated Jiang Xiumei was beaten and screamed again and again.

Fan Tianyu outside the ward after this fat beating wanted to applaud his mother, it was so cool.

The key is that Mei Yinan is fast, and her strikes are urgent and heavy. By the time Grandpa Jiang and Mei Yongfu reacted, Jiang Xiumei's face had already been scratched by her, and it would be useless to stop her. Everyone who should be hit has already been hit. It's almost there.

Mei Yongfu was the first to stop. Mei Yongfu was young and strong, but he was still a little afraid of Mei Yinan. What are you doing, big sister, stop quickly."

How could Mei Yinan listen to his non-painful words, and continued to beat him fatly.

It wasn't until Grandpa Jiang came forward to stop it that Mei Yinan quickly stopped, and said: "I stopped to save face for you. I'm afraid that if I continue to beat you, I won't hurt you. I'm not afraid of this shameless Jiang Xiumei."

Jiang Xiumei was indeed stunned by the beating. This time the beating stopped. Looking at Mei Yinan in front of her, she didn't care whether she was a big sister or not. Anyway, her father was backed by someone. What are you doing, do you think I'm not hurt enough? I did something wrong and you want to hit me. "

"What did you do wrong? There are fewer things you did wrong. I can't finish talking about each one until it gets dark, but you know what you did yourself. Did you call the person on the bed next door?" Didn't you hear that? Jiang Xiumei, I didn't beat you because I didn't think you were injured enough, but I thought you died not fast enough. At such an old age, you still have to bully an orphan who has no father or mother. You really have face. "

Jiang Xiumei was originally unable to move on the hospital bed. It's not that the people in the two next-door beds couldn't hear the call just now, but they were too lazy to take care of the housework at home, so they just listened, but they really felt that this was the case. Jiang Xiumei seemed to be really not a good person.

Jiang Xiumei refused to admit it, "Why can't I let Zhenzhen take care of me, she has no father and no mother, so she won't rely on her uncle and aunt in the future, and the aunt is in trouble now, why can't she help me. "

"Is that a helping hand? The little girl has no father or mother and has to take care of a younger brother in kindergarten. The tuition fee can only be earned by working part-time during summer vacation. You don't let people work, and you don't give them money. You don't even study. Is it helping others to make trouble in other people's schools? You are regretting your child's future."

"What's so good about her study? It's as if there are no college students in Lao Mei's family."

"My family's Zhenzhen scored 702 in the college entrance examination. The university is also Jiangcheng University. It's the first job of our old Mei's family. Why don't you need to study? Listen to your tone, as if you can get in, you don't care Look at my junior high school education, compared with other children, I have no brains and I don’t let others study, I have never seen a poisonous woman like you, you just don’t get beaten enough, I beat you today Do justice for the heavens."

After Mei Yinan finished speaking, he raised his hand to beat her again, Grandpa Jiang immediately grabbed her hand, "His elder sister, stop, stop, this matter is Xiumei's fault, I apologize for her."

Jiang Xiumei was not reconciled and refused to admit her mistake, "Dad, what did I do wrong."

Mei Yinan said: "It seems that Xiumei of your family didn't feel that she was wrong. It's still not enough to be beaten, but if you want me to say, if you don't teach father and son, it's because you, the parent, didn't behave well, and the daughter you taught didn't do well. Tutor, selfishness is not a thing."

Grandpa Jiang naturally felt that Mei Yinan's words were too much, but it was true, she did not teach her daughter well, but he is an elder after all, "His elder sister, your words are really too much."

"Of course my words are too much, but when I say this, think about it in another way. Your precious grandson, Jiang Cheng, has passed away. Kidnapped by the family’s aunt Daode, not allowed to make money, but to take care of her, not even let her go to school, don’t you feel guilty? Is your Jiang family all dead? You want a dead parent to take the younger brother home You don’t have a niece to take care of her for a penny, and you don’t give a penny with confidence, how can you let her live, and the next day will not be able to survive.”

Mei Yinan was still very angry, and he didn't have any taboos when he spoke. Grandpa Jiang was angry, but his daughter did something wrong. Facing Mei Yinan's accusation, even if he felt that it was too much, but what others said That's right, Grandpa Jiang said: "Elder sister, don't worry, I will definitely not let Xiumei provoke Zhenzhen, we all know that girl is difficult, I am wrong about this matter, I did not stop Xiumei .”

Seeing that Grandpa Jiang was reasonable, Mei Yinan's anger gradually subsided, and now she was willing to speak calmly, "Don't blame me for speaking harshly, your daughter does this kind of thing not every day or two."

Mei Yinan talked about what happened when Mei Mengzhen got the notice in her senior year of high school, and how she and Mei Yifan planned to get the money in Mei Mengzhen's hands. Of course, the two of them "teasing" Mei Mengzhen Mengchen didn't hide anything either.

Grandpa Jiang really couldn't hold his head up after talking about it one by one. It turned out that his daughter did such a thing when he didn't know it, "You, you, you are really not a thing. I'll clean you up again."

And Grandpa Jiang was also somewhat ashamed to face Mei Yinan, and even more shameless to face Mei Mengzhen.

"His eldest sister, I will definitely teach Xiumei well."

Mei Yinan didn't believe this, "This is a person in his tens of years, his nature is hard to change, and he can't change it."

"I'm definitely optimistic about him. It's my fault. I didn't know that Xiumei had done such things before. Now that I know, I will definitely not allow her to continue to make mistakes."

(End of this chapter)

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