Chapter 390 Threat?warn? (12)

"You really don't know how difficult it is for Zhenzhen to live. That child is strong. She works outside to do promotions. She only has 10 yuan for 100 hours a day. I went to Jiangcheng this time to see it. Don't mention how distressed she is. It's hard enough for her to live on her own, we can't exploit if we don't mention help, otherwise when will the child be big."

Mei Yinan didn't say whether she believed Grandpa Jiang's words, but obviously she didn't believe it, and she not only didn't believe it, but also felt that Grandpa Jiang couldn't control Jiang Xiumei at all.

But the old man, the older he gets, the softer his heart is, and it really has been substituted into his own grandson who stands from morning to night to earn a little tuition and living expenses, not only to be angry with the outside world, but also to eat tightly , but also by the family... hey.

Grandpa Jiang sighed, and said unbearably: "His elder sister, that child is so difficult, and my old man still has some money in his hand, which is not as good as the tuition fee for this semester... It is an apology for this matter, do you think so?"

Grandpa Jiang was interrupted by Mei Yinan before he finished speaking, "You want to help Zhenzhen, so no need, Zhenzhen has a lot of backbone, if she doesn't accept help from us, she just wants to work hard Sincerely rely on my own hands to support myself, unlike some people, who obviously have money but want to worry about other people's families, not even a child."

Grandpa Jiang couldn't bear it and wanted to make up for Jiang Xiumei's mistakes, so he wanted to fight again, "His eldest sister, I..."

"The old man really doesn't need it. Zhenzhen doesn't even want my money. How could she want your money? Besides, people can support themselves by working hard, as long as some people don't care about it."

Mei Yinan didn't want to talk to these people too much, she beat them and scolded them, anyway, it didn't make sense that she would be fine when she got angry, but the follow-up... Whether it was Grandpa Jiang or Mei Yongfu, it didn't matter If you want to live with this person, then find someone who can take care of her.

Mei Yinan came in a hurry, and left in a hurry when she got angry. When she returned to the car, Mei Yinan told Fan Tianyu about her concerns. Fan Tianyu is sometimes very smart. He reminded: "Tell her Big brother, Grandpa Jiang is too old to control her, but her elder brother Jiang Sheng is not too old, besides, the eldest brother is like a father, so his father can’t control it, so it’s okay for him to control it.”

This suggestion is really good. Regardless of whether it is useful or not, let's do this first, and then think of other ways if it doesn't work.

Since Fan Tianyu came up with the solution, then the matter will be handed over to Fan Tianyu, "Tianyu, I will leave the matter of Zhenzhen to you. Mom also saw it in the hospital that day. This Jiang family elder brother treats you very well. It seems different, it should be better if you go to communicate with him, in just a few years, it will be fine when Zhenzhen graduates."

Fan Tianyu did not shirk, "Okay, no problem."

The two of them finished their quarrel here, and drove back to Jiangcheng. The two of them received a text message from Mei Mengzhen while they were still on the way, saying that they had prepared dinner in Xiyuan and asked them to come directly to Xiyuan.

When the two of them arrived at Xiyuan, it was already past 7 o'clock in the evening. While eating, Fan Tianyu told about his aunt's great achievements one by one, listening to them, they were stunned for a while, and they couldn't recover.

Fan Hongwei didn't expect that Mei Yinan would fight, he confirmed again: "I did it, I really did it, what if I didn't fight?"

"So what if it's broken, it's already been beaten, you don't even know that this person is lying on the bed and can't move, but the crooked thoughts in his head haven't stopped for a moment. When I passed by, her father was teaching her a lesson. The point is that she can't listen to a word, and thinks her father taught her wrong, so just say I'm not angry."

"I beat this person not only because of Zhenzhen. After so long, my patience has almost run out. This person has been like this before, and her heart will only become darker and darker when she lies on the bed. Maybe she will make trouble again. So many things." Speaking of this, Mei Yinan felt sorry for Mei Yongfu, "My family Yongfu really did something wrong, marrying such a thing in this life has ruined most of his life, I can't let this The woman ruined the rest of Yong Fu's life."

Co-authoring Mei Yinan, while feeling sorry for Mei Mengzhen, she also felt sorry for her younger brother, but what good is Mei Yongfu?
Does it hurt you?

In the final analysis, they are brothers and sisters who are related by blood. The younger brother is not a thing, and the responsibility is also the responsibility of the younger sister and daughter-in-law. This is the difference between a family.

Of course, as far as their family is concerned, the sister-in-law and the daughter-in-law are not wronged either.

However, they were smart enough not to say things that Mei Yinan didn't like to hear, so they quickly let Mei Yinan eat and skipped the topic.

But Fan Tianyu never forgot about looking for Jiang Sheng.

Jiang Sheng was invited to Xiyuan the next day.

Jiang Sheng was naturally flattered when he received Fan Tianyu's call. After all, after knowing that Fan Tianyu was the owner of Xiyuan, he worked hard for a long time and still didn't get close to Fan Tianyu.share.

He felt that the two of them should not be close if they were not close. After all, there is still a relationship of relatives. As long as they don't annoy people, they will always read more.

So when he received Fan Tianyu's call, Jiang Sheng was very happy, thinking that Fan Tianyu finally wanted to get close to him, but after chatting for a while, he found out that it was actually because of her sister.

Listening to Fan Tianyu's narration of her sister's evil deeds, Jiang Sheng felt as if the fig leaf had been ripped off his face. He knew that his sister was not a thing, but he didn't know that his sister was such a thing.

Fan Tianyu didn't like those annoying relatives of the Mei family. Not only did he tell about Jiang Xiumei's affairs, but he also kept nothing from his own family, that is to say, the things Jiang Xiumei, Mei Yongfu and Mei Yifan conspired to do. Son Jiang Sheng knew everything clearly.

Jiang Sheng wouldn't doubt Fan Tianyu, because he didn't need that, so he didn't have to say it before, so why did he say it now.

Jiang Sheng asked curiously.

Fan Tianyu also gave an explanation, "It's not your sister and my aunt who are planning Zhenzhen's idea, let me tell you the truth, I am the boss of Xiyuan, but the major shareholder of Xiyuan is actually Zhenzhen, I That is to say, it’s all about managing these things on the surface, and all subsequent operations are controlled by Zhenzhen.”

This is quite clear, which means that the real boss of Xiyuan is Mei Mengzhen, and Mei Mengzhen, a college student, will definitely not be given face by anyone, which means that giving face is her backstage.

Everyone in their circle knew that Xi Yuan had a background. It might be nothing if his sister offended Mei Mengzhen, but because his sister made him offend Mei Mengzhen, the problem was not small.

Jiang Sheng's fear welled up in his heart. After all, his sister had offended Mei Mengzhen this time, otherwise she wouldn't have let Fan Tianyu come over... Was it a threat or a warning.

(End of this chapter)

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