Chapter 391 Was Beaten Again (22)

But no matter what it is, Jiang Sheng listened to it, not only because he was afraid of the relationship behind him, but also because what his sister did was really shameful and shameful, shameful, too shameful.

Jiang Sheng said: "I really didn't know the things you said before."

Fan Tianyu naturally followed the words, "We all know this, so I hope you will discipline your sister well this time. After all, your father has more than enough heart but not enough power."

Regardless of whether Jiang Sheng likes to hear this or not, it must be accepted.

After the two chatted, they naturally wanted to have a meal in Xiyuan, so the matter stopped there.

During the meal, Fan Tianyu intentionally or unintentionally revealed the future development of Xiyuan, that is, relocation.

Jiang Sheng was naturally even more shocked when he heard that. The land in Shiguang was an SSS+ project, and it was taken down without making it public at all. What small companies like He's Group can compare with? Not to mention sending another building to Xiyuan to open a store. Under such circumstances, Mei Mengzhen can still be the major shareholder, which shows that she has a lot of ability behind her.

Hearing Fan Tianyu's words, Jiang Sheng's spine felt a little chilled, and he couldn't wait to teach his sister a lesson.

Seeing that Jiang Sheng was anxious, Fan Tianyu's purpose was about the same, and after a meal, he said at this time: "Zhenzhen doesn't like to be in the limelight, and she is still in school, so these things have not been made public for the time being, and I hope you It can be kept secret for now.”

"Of course, of course."

After a meal, Jiang Sheng was fed too many things in his mind, and he was a little confused for a while, but he knew one thing from the information, that if his sister didn't care about it, it would really affect his development.

When Jiang Sheng returned home, he couldn't sleep, couldn't sleep, and couldn't sit still. He drove to Xincheng at dawn, and when he arrived at Jiang Xiumei's ward, he slapped Jiang Xiumei in the face without saying a word.

The slap this time was stronger and louder than Mei Yinan's slap, showing how worried Jiang Sheng was about his company.

Jiang Xiumei was beaten by Mei Yinan just two days ago, and today she was beaten by Jiang Sheng again. She didn't know what she did wrong. "Brother, why did you hit me? I tricked you into messing with you."

Grandpa Jiang was also dazzled by Jiang Sheng's aura. He didn't react after two slaps. He didn't respond until Jiang Xiumei spoke, "Boss, what are you doing? Why are you beating your sister?"

"I haven't asked you yet, why didn't you stop Xiumei when she went to harass Zhenzhen?"

It turned out that it was because of this incident, and Grandpa Jiang was also a little wronged, "I didn't expect his elder sister to react so strongly. You came here this time because of this incident."

Jiang Xiumei snorted coldly, "Eldest sister has learned how to sue. What is wrong with me? I'm going to Jiangcheng for an operation. It would be wrong to ask Zhenzhen to take care of me."

"Don't you have a daughter? Doesn't your daughter have to take summer vacation? Is Zhenzhen eating your food? Wearing your clothes? Relying on you to raise her? Why should I take care of you? What about your daughter? Why don't you use your daughter to take care of her?"

"Mengying is still a child."

"Zhenzhen is also a child." Jiang Sheng said in an unhappy tone: "Jiang Xiumei, I warn you, if my company suffers damage because of you, I will not let you go."

Compared with his own sister, in Jiang Sheng's heart, the company he worked hard for is more important.

Grandpa Jiang also heard that something was wrong, and after a few words of persuasion, he persuaded him out of the ward. The two stood outside the ward and asked in a low voice: "Boss, what's the matter, why is your company involved? Does your sister have any problems?" Involve your company."

"But if she goes on like this, our company will be involved. Dad, your daughter is a dozen years old. Don't you feel ashamed of doing things that these children can't do? I'll tell you now, you still One day, I will take a look at this sister, if you are not here, I will not care about this sister."

Jiang Sheng said very seriously, obviously he was serious, but Grandpa Jiang panicked, "Boss, what do you mean by that, what's the matter, you are brothers and sisters, why don't you care about your sister."

"As far as your daughter is in trouble, if it continues, I can't protect myself. How can I manage her, Dad, this is the last time, really, don't let Xiumei offend Zhenzhen again, that child is not simple. .”

Grandpa Jiang listened in a cloud of confusion, but he didn't understand the meaning of Jiang Sheng's words, "Boss, what does this mean? What is behind Zhenzhen is not simple, what exactly does it mean?"

"Anyway, you just listen to me and don't mess with her anymore. Also, if Xiumei is dishonest these days, I don't think Jiangcheng's surgery will be done."

After Jiang Sheng finished speaking, he left the hospital without looking back, leaving Grandpa Jiang stunned and at a loss.

It's just that neither of them noticed the figure of Mei Yongfu who had been listening to the conversation between the two at the corner.

Mei Yongfu tightened the bottle of water in his hand, analyzing in his mind what Jiang Sheng's words meant.

But when Mei Mengzhen went to Jiangcheng, Mei Yongfu didn't know anything about her. The one she knew the most was that Mei Mengzhen talked about a lawyer, so it was not difficult to guess, it should be Mei Mengzhen's lawyer. What did you say, maybe you caught Jiang Sheng’s company’s secrets and warned Jiang Sheng, that’s why today’s incident happened, look, the benefits of finding a lawyer boyfriend came out, it’s really a silent person The best way to hold back big moves.

But these are actually not important to Mei Yongfu, because Mei Mengzhen, who has no money, is of no use value to him, and after Jiang Xiumei's incident, the desire for money is not as important to him as before. Heavy, he just wants something else now….

I have to say that whether it's the Jiang family or Mei Yongfu, the brain supplements are quite in place. Mei Mengzhen, who is far away in Jiangcheng, doesn't know why she has an extra strong backer, but it doesn't matter, no one is looking for it. She's fine with the trouble.


There were only seven days off on May [-]st. During the seven days off, Jiang Xiumei was beaten twice and scolded countless times. It was quite pitiful, but poor people must have something to hate. After knowing what she did, no one sympathized with her. she.

Jiang Xiumei had a concussion in the first place, and she was beaten twice in the face. It's not that the injury has worsened, but it's true that she feels uncomfortable all day long.

Jiang Xiumei's discomfort made even Grandpa Jiang feel quiet all over. At this moment, he felt some sympathy for Mei Yongfu.

With his daughter's temperament, Mei Yongfu has been with her for more than ten years.

With Jiang Xiumei's stability, the May Day holiday is finally over. No matter how unhappy the front is, Mei Yinan, who is exhausted, feels so refreshed. He goes out early and returns late for several days in a row. Playing around until 7 That night, Mei Mengcheng sent him home.

(End of this chapter)

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