Chapter 393 Unknown Money (25)

Mei Mengzhen's direct question made Jiang Cheng an ant on the hot pot, and everyone realized at this time, yes, Mei Mengzhen's life experience has actually been announced by Liang Xiao long ago, but it has not been personally admitted by the person concerned. And after it is confirmed that Mei Mengzhen is an orphan, then, there must be some purpose, is it just to announce that she is an orphan?

Everyone was confused by this wave of operations, and immediately believed that the person who posted anonymously was Jiang Cheng, and even more believed that Jiang Cheng really had a purpose, but what exactly was the purpose.

Everyone unconsciously thought of one thing, that is revenge.

To get revenge on Mei Mengzhen for not being with him, if you can't get it yourself, then destroy it.

Such a man feels horrible no matter how he thinks about it.

The female students in the school all had chills down their spines, fearing that they would meet such a boy.


To say that the person who posted the post was really not Jiang Cheng, but Jiang Cheng couldn't get away with it, because the person who posted the post was Liu Bochao, and Jiang Cheng also provided these contents. But it was well concealed, which made Jiang Cheng a little unhappy.

Regarding the fact that everyone on the forum thinks that the person who posted the post is him, Jiang Cheng naturally denies it, but it is useless to deny it. If everyone thinks it is you, then this person can only be you, otherwise you find the person involved and let the person come out Clarify, otherwise people will not believe it.

And the person involved is Liu Bochao, so it is difficult for Jiang Cheng to distinguish even if he speaks.

Now, everyone distrusted Jiang Cheng's character even more.

It doesn't matter if this person is a scumbag, but it's even worse if he is a wicked scumbag.

Jiang Cheng didn't know why he was still involved in everything going around, so he felt helpless for a while, but it was precisely because of this that he attracted the attention of a woman.

This woman is Zhao Qingyi, Pei Ziyu's admirer.

Zhao Qingyi couldn't help but love Pei Ziyu, but she never gave up. She knew that Pei Ziyu had a partner from others, but no matter how much she asked, she couldn't find out who it was.

Just when she was at her wit's end, this girl unexpectedly appeared in the school.

When Zhao Qingyi found out about this, she couldn't believe it. After all, the two had different majors, one was a student and the other was a graduate. No matter how they thought about it, there was no possibility that they would be together.

However, the photos in the forum can no longer be faked, and Zhao Qingyi can only believe that Mei Mengzhen is indeed Pei Ziyu's girlfriend.

Afterwards, Zhao Qingyi paid close attention to the forum all the time, and read all Mei Mengzhen's posts on the forum from beginning to end. Mengzhen is very fake, because she doesn't believe that all the favorable things in this world are in favor of her alone, but everyone is like this, so there must be something strange about it.

After reading the posts on the forum, Zhao Qingyi found Pei Ziyu and told him everything about the school. However, when Pei Ziyu found out, he remained calm and said, "I know everything about my girlfriend, no I need to learn something from you."

Zhao Qingyi was completely irritated by this sentence, "Do you really understand what kind of person your girlfriend is? Ziyu, don't you think this girl is fake? Trust me, Ziyu, this girl is not suitable for you."

"Then what kind of girl is suitable for me? Are you like this? I don't think it's suitable." After finishing speaking, Pei Ziyu turned around and left without giving Zhao Qingyi any delusions.

The more Zhao Qingyi thought about it, she accidentally thought of Jiang Cheng in the forum. Like Mei Mengzhen, she also felt that this post was made by Jiang Cheng. After she found Jiang Cheng and confessed her intentions, a woman for a man, a woman For the sake of the woman, the two hit it off and 'fucked' together.


To be honest, Mei Mengzhen's biggest "black material" is her own life experience, no matter how the two of them "dig", they can't find anything worse.

If you can't tarnish Mei Mengzhen's reputation from "black material", then you can only start from other aspects.

For Zhao Qingyi who is already working, checking a person's assets is still very simple.

Soon, Zhao Qingyi found out the problem. Every month, an unknown amount of money would be credited to Mei Mengzhen's account. The amount was huge. Just ask her, an orphan, how could she have so much money, so there must be someone behind it. Something 'illegal'.

Zhao Qingyi took the evidence and went to Pei Ziyu's law firm again, but looking at the evidence in front of him, Pei Ziyu's mood was still very calm, on the contrary, he was a little annoyed at Zhao Qingyi's behavior, "What are you going to do, who allowed you to check on my girlfriend. "

Zhao Qingyi couldn't sit still anymore because of the partiality of Pei Ziyu's words, "Ziyu, there is obviously something wrong with Mei Mengzhen behind her, how could she get so much money as an orphan, don't be fooled by her again."

"I know all these things, and I also know where the money came from. I just don't know who gave you the right to investigate my girlfriend in private, Zhao Qingyi. For the teacher's sake, I will definitely not I will let you go."

Zhao Qingyi looked at Pei Ziyu in disbelief, "You know, how could you know, since you know, then you have never doubted it? Or are you also covering her, Ziyu, I never knew you were like this People, do your parents know?" Zhao Qingyi said more and more, and even mentioned Pei Ziyu's parents.

Pei Ziyu frowned and asked, "Why, you want to tell my parents, there's no need, my parents know."

Zhao Qingyi couldn't believe it, "How is it possible, if Uncle Pei found out, how could he indulge Mei Mengzhen... No, you haven't been together for long, and you've already..."

Zhao Qingyi shook her head, and said firmly, "I will prove to you that there is really something wrong with Mei Mengzhen."

Pei Ziyu scolded: "Can you stop being crazy, whether she has any problems has nothing to do with you."

"Ziyu, I don't understand why it's her and why not me." Zhao Qingyi's tears told of grievances she had never had before.

She, Zhao Qingyi, has been excellent since she was a child, and her life has been smooth sailing. If you say that the only setback in her life is Pei Ziyu.

Pei Ziyu is equivalent to a knot in her heart. It's okay not to know the other party's news. Once she knows, she can't help asking and inquiring, let alone the other party has a relationship. She can't tolerate this matter at all.

No matter whether the object is Mei Mengzhen or not, and whether Mei Mengzhen has problems or not, she will destroy it, and it can be regarded as fighting for herself.

However, such behavior annoyed Pei Ziyu even more.

(End of this chapter)

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