After I was reborn, I counterattacked by farming

Chapter 394 The irreversible thing

Chapter 394 Irreversible Things (35)

"Emotional things can't be forced, just like I don't like you, you can't force me to like you, you like me, but you can't force me to like you, Zhao Qingyi, don't pester me anymore, and we are not so Familiar, don't call him so affectionate." His family Zhenzhen had never called him that.

Zhao Qingyi finally couldn't bear it anymore and ran out of the law firm crying. As soon as Zhao Qingyi left, Tan Jia came in with a gossip face to inquire about the situation.

"What's the matter, what's the matter, why are you still crying and running away?"

This gossip looks very gossip, but it also agrees with his temperament.

Pei Ziyu was a little confused, "With your temperament, how could He Yiran fall in love with you?"

"Of course it's because I'm handsome, unrestrained, and connotative." After Tan Jia finished speaking, he said, "Why are you talking about me? Talk about your business. What's the matter with Zhao Qingyi?"

Pei Ziyu handed Zhao Qingyi the receipt for investigating Mei Mengzhen's account to Tan Jia. Tan Jia looked at it and widened her eyes, "I'll go, this little girl can really make money, you just found a golden bump."

Pei Ziyu glanced at him, "Don't you think there is a problem with this asset?"

Tan Jiayihui, "Oh, then Zhao Qingyi is here to tell you that the assets behind Zhenzhen are unknown, right? Hey, I would have doubted this before. This is normal, but it's not that I don't know that she is the boss of Xiyuan , plus Yi Ran sells tea and skin care products with her.” Talking about this, Tan Jia was very emotional, “Hey, women’s money is really good.”

After finishing speaking, Tan Jia felt something was wrong again, "Hey, women really know how to make money."

This is not only for Mei Mengzhen, but also for He Yiran, both of these women will make money.

On the other hand, he and Pei Ziyu are much worse.

This matter can't be mentioned, it will hurt my dignity, and it will be full of tears.

But, "This private investigation is against the law."

Pei Ziyu glared at him, "Of course."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"If there is no follow-up, it's fine. After all, if there is a follow-up with classmates, this is evidence. You take this thing, and copy it from the office monitoring. When the time comes, I will hand it over to you. I will come forward It's inconvenient."

Tan Jia was speechless, "If you leave it to me, you must know that there will be a follow-up, and with Zhao Qingyi's temperament, if you don't give up until you achieve your goal, there will definitely be a follow-up."

Tan Jia thought for a while and said, "Well, let's remind Professor Zhao first, otherwise something will really go wrong, and the teachers and students will not be able to explain it to each other."

"Then you can deal with this matter."

Tan Jia never procrastinates in handling affairs. As soon as he left the office, he called Professor Zhao and explained the situation.

Professor Zhao is also tired. "This child is stubborn. She is a law student herself. She knows what to do and what not to do. Don't worry, I will remind her."

"Teacher, we just want to tell you. Of course, the purpose is to hope that nothing will happen. You don't know how much Ziyu treasures his girlfriend. If something happens, he really doesn't care about the relationship between teachers and students." of."

In short, if you take good care of your daughter, if you don't care about Pei Ziyu, he certainly can't care about it. Even if Mei Mengzhen is not Pei Ziyu's girlfriend, she is also her girlfriend's best friend and partner. From any point of view, he will help Mei Mengzhen's.

I was afraid that there would be a bad scene at that time, and I was in a dilemma, so I made this statement a little clearer.

Professor Zhao hung up the phone tiredly and called Zhao Qingyi home.

A family meeting between two people started, but it was useless, Zhao Qingyi was completely overwhelmed by anger, she just wanted Pei Ziyu and Mei Mengzhen to break up, just break up.

Professor Zhao had never seen Zhao Qingyi's face before, and accused him: "Pei Ziyu doesn't like you, he just doesn't like you. Even if there is no classmate Mei, there will be other classmates Wang, Qian, and Li. Anyway, that person won't It's you, it's never going to be you."

Zhao Qingyi burst into tears on the spot, "Dad, you should still be my own father."

"If I hadn't been for your own father, I wouldn't have given the opportunity to match the two of you back then, but look at what you look like now, with a face full of jealousy and hatred, not only Pei Ziyu, even if it was someone else, I wouldn't be able to like you ah."

"I don't want others to like me. Pei Ziyu doesn't like me. Why should I want others to like me?"

The current Zhao Qingyi couldn't explain it at all, but he also understood the students he brought out by himself. If Pei Ziyu hadn't run out of patience, he wouldn't have dragged Tan Jia to call him.

Both sides couldn't make sense, and Professor Zhao didn't know what to do. He just hoped that Zhao Qingyi wouldn't do anything irreversible.


The May Day holiday has just ended, Pei Ziyu finally came back from other places, just entered the office, before Mei Mengzhen saw it, he saw a complainant, Pei Ziyu felt that his heart was very tired, and explained the matter to Tan Jia Then I called Mei Mengzhen.

The person on the other side immediately picked up, "Hey, Brother Pei, why did you call me so early? Are you back?"

If Pei Ziyu is on a business trip, she usually calls at night, when she is eating after class, or after evening self-study, but it is not too early or too late now, and she still has a class in the afternoon, so she Immediately felt that this person came back.

Pei Ziyu's heart softened for a moment, and he swept away the depression just now, "Yes, I just came back for a while, and I want to ask if you are free tomorrow, so I can take you out for a walk."

"Okay, I don't have class tomorrow on Saturday."

"Okay, I'll call you tomorrow."

Mei Mengzhen remembered the coat she bought for Pei Ziyu on May [-]st, and she said coquettishly, "Brother Pei, I bought you a coat. You can wear the clothes I bought for you tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay, but why did you buy me clothes, did you buy them yourself?"

"I bought it, I bought it with my aunt when I was shopping, and I will wear new clothes tomorrow, but Brother Pei didn't say what style I bought, so you just agree, in case you don't like it."

"How could I not like the style you chose, you will wait for me at home tomorrow, and I will pick you up."


Mei Mengzhen hung up the phone with a sweet look on her face, but recalling the conversation just now, she still had a childish mentality.

He Yiran who was sitting next to her asked: "Why, your lawyer asked you out."

"Yes, he will come to pick me up at my house tomorrow." Mei Mengzhen stuffed her phone into her purse and replied.

Tan Jia is also a person who knows everything about He Yiran, and he can say all these things. He sent a message to He Yiran as soon as he knew about it. Naturally, He Yiran is also clear about the money in Mei Mengzhen's account. Yes, so she just said: "Zhenzhen, you may have some troubles recently."

"Ah." Mei Mengzhen was taken aback, and asked, "You're talking like I've never been in trouble, but why do you say that?"

He Yiran said: "Old Tan just told me."

(End of this chapter)

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