Chapter 395 Concentric Mall (45)

He Yiran was sending messages with Tan Jia right now, and there was nothing to hide between the two of them, so she directly put the conversation between her and Tan Jia in front of Mei Mengzhen's eyes, and let her see for herself.

After seeing the news, Mei Mengzhen was a little confused, "Who is this Zhao Qingyi? She likes Brother Pei, but Brother Pei doesn't like her, so she wants to trouble me. What kind of logic is this?"

Mei Mengzhen thought for a while, "Well, but it seems to be this kind of routine throughout the ages. Girls who don't like boys will find trouble with another girl, or speak ill of girls in front of boys, but what's the use of it? Well, if you like it, you have been together a long time ago, since you are not together, why increase your disgust, in fact, there is no logic at all when encountering such a thing."

She talked to herself, but the girl's attitude was not ignorant. If she were this girl, she would certainly want to fight for it, but, "What should I be careful about? Could she not kill me because of love? But it's useless to kill me, without me, Brother Pei can find someone else, shouldn't he kill Brother Pei? Hey, that's not right, isn't she a law student? She probably wouldn't do such a thing. "

"You talk a lot, and this girl is a lawyer herself. Don't you know that it's against the law to investigate people's financial situation in private? Since you know that she still does it, it means that she might really do something very unreasonable." You said you should be careful about the matter, and you have been too popular in school recently, it is better to keep a low profile and not make trouble again, I am afraid that this matter will cause trouble in school again It's okay, Zhao Qingyi is the daughter of our school's professor, it's not good to have trouble."

"Well, I know, I will be careful." Mei Mengzhen agreed quite seriously, and then she added, "I still think this matter has something to do with Jiang Cheng."

"If you can't take it off, it doesn't stop you from being careful."


After chatting for a few words, the two arrived in the classroom. After the last class of the week, they went back to the dormitory to put away the books and then went home.


The next day.

Mei Mengzhen, who didn't open her eyes until 9 o'clock, picked up her phone and saw a text message from Pei Ziyu, showing the time at 7 o'clock.

Mei Mengzhen was speechless, "Brother Pei is really, you still get up so early on the rest day."

However, the movements in his hands didn't stop, and he immediately called Pei Ziyu, "Hey, brother Pei, I just woke up. Where are you now? You didn't go out."

"No, I'm at home. Are you up? Should I go out now and bring some breakfast?"

Pei Ziyu is well aware of the characteristics of women, and will never go out without waiting for a reply from the other party.

"Okay, I'll get up right away."

Pei Ziyu hung up the phone, turned off the computer, and went out.

And Mei Mengzhen got up quickly to tidy herself up and admired the new clothes she bought for Pei Ziyu.

She bought a long windbreaker. Pei Ziyu is tall and looks good in a long coat.

The windbreaker is also a classic camel color, and the style is also a classic one. No matter how many years you wear it, it will never be outdated. I think Pei Ziyu will like it.
Mei Mengzhen was full of joy, and couldn't help showing off after seeing Pei Ziyu coming over.

"Brother Pei, how about this style, do you like it?"

Pei Ziyu just glanced at it and smiled softly: "I like it, this dress really suits me."

In fact, the clothes are similar to his usual style, except that he likes to wear dark colors, mostly black and dark blue, and he really doesn't have camel-colored clothes.

"I haven't seen you wearing this color, so I specially chose the camel color. Let's have breakfast first, and wear this to go out in a while, okay?"

She wants to see her boyfriend in the clothes she bought.

Pei Ziyu naturally agreed, it's already May, and it's still possible to wear it when the temperature has dropped in the past few days, and it will definitely not be able to wear it when the temperature rises in two days, besides, after this meeting between him and Mei Mengzhen, he may not know when the next time will be He will meet Mei Mengzhen's little request naturally.

Usually there are quite a few people here at Mei Mengzhen, but today there are no people. After breakfast, Pei Ziyu asked curiously: "Where are the Tianyu brothers and sisters? I bought their breakfast too, and they haven't woken up yet."

Although Fan Tianyu went to Xiyuan every day, it was only after 9 o'clock, he would not go so early, logically speaking, he should have woken up, but he didn't see anyone.

Mei Mengzhen remembered it now, and hurriedly said to Pei Ziyu: "Brother Pei, I forgot to tell you that Brother Tianyu and Sister Tianhua have already moved into their own house, and the furniture was bought on May [-]st. They sent it over before the festival was over, and moved out directly after the festival.”

Pei Ziyu looked at the breakfast on the table, and was a little stunned, and then said: "Let's eat more later."

"It's okay, if you can't finish eating, leave it alone, it won't be wasted."

She just puts it in the space, and the space has the function of keeping fresh without breaking. She just takes it out when she wants to eat.

After the two finished their breakfast and Pei Ziyu changed into new clothes, they went out.

At this time, the time was approaching 11 o'clock, and the two of them were really full of ink. They didn't set off from 9 o'clock until 11 o'clock.

Arriving at the parking lot, Pei Zicaiyu said after getting in the car, "There's a new shopping mall on Xiyuan Road, let's go shopping there."

Little girls like to join in the fun and like new things, he instinctively felt that Mei Mengzhen would like it too, so he proposed it.

Unexpectedly, when Mei Mengzhen heard about Xiyuan Road, she was taken aback for a moment. She asked suspiciously, "Xiyuan Road shopping mall? Is it the Tongxin shopping mall? Has the Tongxin high street been built yet?"

"Oh, you don't know, when it opened last week, all our law firm colleagues went to join in the fun. They said that there were no people, it was very quiet, and there was everything in the mall. You can have a day of eating, watching movies, and shopping. What do you want? Do you want to go? Or you can go anywhere else if you want."

"Uh, no, just go here, I haven't been there yet."

But it was obvious that Mei Mengzhen's mood was not right, why, because the place where Mei Mengzhen had an accident in her previous life was the Tongxin Shopping Center on Xiyuan Road.

Of course she wouldn't panic because of something that didn't happen, after all, it was ten years later.

But she always felt that the development of this life was very different from the previous life, and she was also a little worried whether her accident would happen in advance.

Thinking of the advance, Mei Mengzhen still had a little fear in her heart.

She recalled the details of her previous life, and the things in the coffee shop appeared in her mind like a movie. Every frame and every picture clearly flashed before her eyes. After the memory of the current life is over, the fragment of the dream in this life It suddenly appeared in her memory, and even when she fell off the elevator, Pei Ziyu told her not to sleep, saying that Pei Ziyu seemed to be wearing this windbreaker.

The bad thoughts in Mei Mengzhen's heart deepened, and she thought it was over, maybe it was really early.

(End of this chapter)

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