Chapter 397 Lotus Words Lotus Language (15)

"I don't." Mei Mengzhen looked at Zhao Qingyi and said firmly.

Zhao Qingyi was already dazzled by the way the two of them were shopping, how could she be so stimulated now, "Did you hear that I told you two to break up, you are not suitable, you can't give Pei Ziyu any help, Only I, only I can help him."

"Brother Pei doesn't need any help, what's more, I don't think you look like you can give anyone any help."

"What do I look like, what do I look like." Zhao Qingyi became even more angry when she heard her words, "What do I look like, tell me, tell me clearly, what do I look like."

Seeing Zhao Qingyi's attitude of a shrew to settle accounts, Mei Mengzhen only said indifferently: "Jealousy makes people change beyond recognition, can you imagine your current appearance after listening to this sentence?"

Zhao Qingyi is capable, she is too capable, she has known her current appearance for a long time, but no one has ever dared to say it in front of her, and no one has ever dared to speak to her in such a tone, Zhao Qingyi stretched out her hand and wanted to hit someone, but Then he was stopped by Jiang Cheng who rushed into the store, Jiang Cheng whispered in Zhao Qingyi's ear: "Calm down, calm down, why do you want to start?"

Mei Mengzhen snorted coldly. Sure enough, these two people were in the same group. Just now they said they didn't see anyone, but no, someone came.

"What a big show."

As soon as Mei Mengzhen finished speaking, both of them looked at Mei Mengzhen as if they didn't understand, and they didn't notice what they were like now.

"What do you mean by that?" Jiang Cheng asked with a frown.

"Your girlfriend is thinking about other women's boyfriends now, and you can bear it. I didn't know you were so generous before."

Jiang Cheng explained: "She is not my girlfriend."

Does it matter?

Mei Mengzhen said with a surprised look: "Ah, so it wasn't, but I thought you two were like that. After all, you are not boyfriend and girlfriend and still hug so tightly, it is really hard for people not to misunderstand .”

Jiang Cheng rushed in just now to stop Zhao Qingyi's slap, so he didn't think much about it and immediately took Zhao Qingyi into his arms. He embraced Zhao Qingyi with his left hand, held her hands tightly with his right hand, and pulled her tightly into his arms. Actions, people with innocent relationships can't do it.

When they heard Mei Mengzhen's words, they also realized that there was something wrong with this action, but couldn't it be that Mei Mengzhen's words were more irritating?
"Don't slander us, we are innocent."

"Do you know what it has to do with me? Anyway, I don't care, and Brother Pei doesn't care either."

Mei Mengzhen's words undoubtedly aroused Zhao Qingyi's anger again, and she wanted to rush up to hit someone again, but she was stopped by Jiang Cheng who hugged her with both hands, and Jiang Cheng said softly: "Zhenzhen, don't provoke her any more. gone."

"I stimulated her. What you said is interesting. I sat here. I provoked someone. I didn't say anything when I quarreled with people here. Now I stimulated her, and this little girl My sister obviously has a boyfriend, but she still wants to come over and tell me to break up with my boyfriend, what's the matter, let me hold my boyfriend with both hands so as not to irritate her, then I'm sorry, I'm not so easy to bully. "

Speaking of this, Mei Mengzhen seemed to have thought of something again, and said exaggeratedly: "Oh my god, I don't think so, you want to play with two men and one woman... Tsk tsk tsk, brother Pei doesn't like it. Don’t think about these, just find someone else if you want to play.”

The more Mei Mengzhen talked, the more she went too far, and even Jiang Cheng couldn't stand it anymore, "What are you talking about?"

"What I'm talking about is what you are doing, if not, why are you two trying to grab my boyfriend?"

Notice she's talking about both of you.

This is because there are few people in the coffee shop, but if there are more ordinary people, the two people in front of them will be pointed at.

However, Mei Mengzhen's words only made Zhao Qingyi more angry, and she rushed towards Mei Mengzhen like crazy.


The decoration of the coffee shop is quite special. The counter for ordering food is behind the entrance. After you pass by, you can order directly.

Pei Ziyu waited peacefully for his and Mei Mengzhen's coffee at the opposite place. He did hear some quarrels in the store, but he never thought that the quarrels came from Mei Mengzhen's side. Just separated for a while.

When he came back with the coffee, what he saw was the scene where Zhao Qingyi was about to hit Mei Mengzhen. Pei Ziyu rushed over and pushed Zhao Qingyi away, "What are you doing?"

The coffee that Pei Ziyu held in his right hand was hot American style. The coffee was boiling hot just after brewing. Pei Ziyu pushed the person, and a cup of coffee spilled on Zhao Qingyi and Jiang Cheng.

Both of them were hot and shook their arms, and Zhao Qingyi also stopped the movement of rushing forward.

As soon as she stopped, she heard Pei Ziyu's scolding, and she didn't even have time to do anything to cool down after scalding her skin, so she just looked at him in a daze.

Pei Ziyu glanced at Zhao Qingyi, then at Jiang Cheng, and then asked, "Why are you here, why are you arguing with Zhenzhen?"

Pei Ziyu put another intact cup of coffee on the table heavily. Mei Mengzhen saw that Pei Ziyu's hands were also stained with coffee, so she quickly wiped him with a paper towel.

But Pei Ziyu's accusation made Zhao Qingyi's eyes blush, and she asked, "Don't you even ask why?"

"Whether you ask or not is because you are looking for something to do." Mei Mengzhen glanced at Zhao Qingyi and replied, and stuffed the tissue into Pei Ziyu's hand along the way.

Zhao Qingyi's gaze was still on Pei Ziyu, "We've known each other for so many years, do you also believe that I am such a person? Do you also believe that I took the initiative to bully her?"

This is a proper lotus talk. Mei Mengzhen glanced in Zhao Qingyi's direction. This person really looks like I've been pitying him since Pei Ziyu came. Yu Duoer is still a lot worse than that.

Since Pei Ziyu came, Mei Mengzhen remained silent. She also wanted to see how Pei Ziyu would react with Zhao Qingyi like this.

Is it the same as Jiang Cheng in the previous life, or...

However, Pei Ziyu did not disappoint her, "Zhao Qingyi, I'm not a fool, I don't like you, your play may be useful for others, but it's not for me."

After finishing speaking, Pei Ziyu glanced at Jiang Cheng, and said lightly, "But you two are quite a match."

I don't know if Pei Ziyu said this in mockery or because he really felt that way, anyway, Zhao Qingyi's heart was broken at this moment.

Mei Mengzhen couldn't hold back her 'puchi' laugh.

Although her laughter was soft, it was not inaudible. This laughter undoubtedly did not add fuel to the flames for Zhao Qingyi.

She grabbed the cup of coffee that Pei Ziyu put on the table just now and threw it towards Mei Mengzhen's chest.

Zhao Qingyi moved quickly, and before Pei Ziyu could react, Mei Mengzhen was covered.

(End of this chapter)

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