Chapter 398 Accidents (25)

Mei Mengzhen's chest was cold for a while, but it was also because of this cup of iced coffee that she relaxed her whole nerves. You must know that being iced is better than being scalded, and it is the same as in the previous life. Fuck.

The most important thing is that Pei Ziyu really listened to her words and bought the ice American style. Although it seems that it is not good to be imaginative at this time, but Pei Ziyu listened to her words like this, and she was also very happy in her heart.

Mei Mengzhen raised the corner of her mouth slightly, tugged at the skirt of her chest, and then she was chilled again, and she shivered, "Hiss~."

Pei Ziyu shouted anxiously: "Zhenzhen."

"I'm fine, just like ice."

Pei Ziyu hurriedly took out a tissue and handed it to Mei Mengzhen to let her wipe the coffee stains on her clothes. Then she glanced at Zhao Qingyi and Jiang Cheng, feeling that the two in front of her were an eyesore.

The development of the matter here, not to mention the development exactly the same as in her dream, but nine out of ten it has come true, Mei Mengzhen now began to worry about the follow-up issues.

As far as the elevator in front of the coffee shop does not have an accident, it must have an accident.

In the current situation, if you want to stay in the coffee shop and hide, you can't avoid it. These two people appeared directly in front of them, and they looked like they would not give up until they reached their goals, so they can only leave the coffee shop in the future. hall.

Mei Mengzhen thought about it, as long as she avoids the escalator, it should be enough, so she said: "Brother Pei, I want to change clothes."

Pei Ziyu obviously wanted to pursue responsibility, but seeing Mei Mengzhen like this, even if she wasn't burned, she would still be unbearable if the ice hit her body, so she hurriedly said, "Okay, let's change clothes first."

Pei Ziyu ignored the two of them, bent down and took all the things he just bought into his hands, and walked out of the coffee shop holding Mei Mengzhen with the other hand.

Today’s shopping malls are a bit different from the previous ones. There will be men’s and women’s toilets on each floor of the shopping malls in later generations, but in today’s shopping malls, there is no toilet on the first floor, the second floor is the men’s toilet, and the third floor is for women. The fourth floor is also for men, and the fifth floor is for women.

The floor they are on is the fourth floor, so going to the bathroom to change clothes just needs to go down a floor, or go up a floor.

Pei Ziyu didn't think much about holding Mei Mengzhen and going up the escalator to go down. Mei Mengzhen was on guard and vigilant for fear of accidents. : "I'm afraid of heights, let's take the direct one."

Either up or down will do.

But just as she was talking, Zhao Qingyi rushed out of the coffee shop like crazy, raised her weight with both hands and leaned forward, as if she wanted to push Mei Mengzhen down.

However, it was such a coincidence that Mei Mengzhen's move made Zhao Qingyi miss nothing, but all the strength in her body was exerted, and there was no obstacle to hold her back, not to mention that she was like this, and she wanted to die with her.

Afterwards, Zhao Qingyi herself fell off the elevator just like that. The word 'fall' might not be appropriate here, but if she 'jumped' from the elevator in the way of 'jump' instead, it would fit perfectly.

Zhao Qingyi just jumped from the fourth floor directly to the third floor. If it was just a pure jump, maybe it would be okay if she just fell a leg or something, but there is a counter on the third floor, because it is in the atrium, and there is no counter. The walls and the counters in the middle are all self-supporting counters, and there are many small glass counters under the counters.

With such a jump, Zhao Qingyi jumped directly onto the counter on the third floor. She passed through the beam and smashed the counter, and fell to the ground in a prone position. In an instant, the surroundings were covered with blood, so she couldn't get up. of.

Although it is very inappropriate for her to say such things now, I still want to thank the design of the mall. In other shopping malls, the elevators are next to the elevators. There is a lot of space on the elevator side, and there are two brands alone, otherwise, with the way Zhao Qingyi fell, she would not only fall to the third floor, but directly to the first floor.

Mei Mengzhen looked at Zhao Qingyi's back lying on the ground and the pool of blood beside her, and immediately thought of the way she fell in the dream, and immediately she couldn't do it anymore, she hid in Pei Ziyu's arms in fear for comfort.

Naturally, Pei Ziyu didn't think much about it, she was only 19 years old, any little girl would be startled when she saw this scene, not to mention Mei Mengzhen would be the one who fell if she didn't dodge.

Pei Ziyu's eyes dimmed, but he was still calm. He took out his mobile phone and called 120, and then contacted the staff of the mall to get the surveillance and called the police.

That's right, Pei Ziyu wants to pursue Zhao Qingyi's responsibility, because Zhao Qingyi's behavior just now is completely justified!meaning!hurt!people!up.

Just this elevator, just this floor, if Mei Mengzhen didn't dodge, what if..., what if..., Pei Ziyu didn't dare to think about that what if..., in short, he must hold Zhao Qingyi accountable.

Pei Ziyu called Tan Jia immediately after contacting these. Tan Jia couldn't believe it when she heard it, "What are you talking about, Zhao Qingyi wanted to push Mei Mengzhen off the elevator, and then fell down by herself. What about Zhenzhen? Is there anything wrong, are you injured?"

"Zhenzhen is fine, I was just scared. I have already called the police and called the surveillance. Zhenzhen didn't touch her the whole time and couldn't touch Zhenzhen. You can come to the police station later. It's not convenient for me to come forward."

"it is good."

Tan Jia received Pei Ziyu's request to pack up and set off. He Yiran, who was staying with him, was even more nervous than him when he heard that Mei Mengzhen had an accident, "I'll go with you."

Tan Jia didn't want her to go at first, but thinking that Mei Mengzhen was afraid, Lao Pei probably had to deal with other things, so it would be good if she was with her, "Okay."

In the shopping mall, Zhao Qingyi was carried into the ambulance, and the two of them and Jiang Cheng also boarded the police car going to the police station.

The surveillance video was naturally copied and taken away.

Here comes the police!Bureau, the three people directly related to Zhao Qingyi were called in for questioning alone.

This matter was originally very simple, that is, Zhao Qingyi loved and wanted to hurt Mei Mengzhen, but Mei Mengzhen had no intention of avoiding it, and Zhao Qingyi accidentally injured herself in the end.

Combined with the surveillance and their confessions, the whole thing is clear and obvious!The police just had doubts about Mei Mengzhen's 'unintentional' avoidance.

In the interrogation room, Min!The policeman asked: "Ms. Mei, the surveillance camera shows that you are about to get on the elevator, why didn't you get on the elevator all of a sudden?"

"I didn't get on the elevator quickly. My boyfriend led me to go down, but because I'm afraid of heights, this kind of escalator has no fences on both sides. I was very scared when I stood on it, so I planned to take the direct elevator."

"What about you before, when you went shopping, did you always take the ordinary elevator upstairs?"

"No, I can look up when I come up, and it's okay if I can't see the sides and hold my hands, but it's not good when I go down."

"So you moved away when you were about to get on the elevator."

(End of this chapter)

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