After I was reborn, I counterattacked by farming

Chapter 402 Is there something wrong?

Chapter 402 Is there something wrong (15)

"Anyway, your aunt isn't against me, she's quite strong." Mei Yinan suddenly found out that there are so many shameless people in the family, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing.

But it's wrong to think about it this way. It's not a good thing to have a few shameless relatives.

Fan Tianyu answered immediately, "Okay, but we live here, you brought my aunt, what should I do if I find out what's coming." Isn't his mother determined to carry out the poor clothes to the end?Wouldn't it be nice to bring people here to reveal your secrets now?

"We don't go to your house. Are you so stupid? Your aunt and I can just stay in a hotel. You can arrange it for us."

Whether it is a hotel or a hotel does not need to be so serious. Anyway, the grade is definitely not very high. Even a poor vegetable seller can't greet a hotel that is too high-end. Everyone knows it well, so there is no need to say it too clearly.

Mei Yinan naturally knew that it was a little risky for her to bring Mei Yifan out this time, but she was really worried that she couldn't handle it alone. After all, didn't Fan Tianyu say that the other party's background was not simple?If it really broke out, she would also let the other party know that their family members are not easy to mess with.

After Mei Yinan finished speaking, she hung up the phone, and Fan Hongwei hurriedly said, "Why don't I take a few days off to go with you."

"No need, you can take Chenchen with you at home, Zhenzhen is fine, so let's not talk to Chenchen, so as to save him from worrying."

Fan Hongwei nodded, "That's fine, just call me if there is anything you can't solve."


The couple looked at each other, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Mei Mengchen was playing at a classmate's house today, otherwise these two phone calls would definitely not be avoided.


Mei Yinan hung up the phone and went to Mei Yifan's house.

The main labor force of Mei Yifan's family is Wang Gaofeng, but she is also a regular worker, but the job is more leisurely and comfortable, and the corresponding salary will be much lower. The extra time Mei Yifan either spends on making money or on on his own daughter.

Mei Yifan's daughter, Wang Qiuhe, has perfectly inherited Wang Gaofeng's appearance. She has exquisite features, pretty looks, and a tall figure. She can already be seen as a little beauty at the age of 15.

This wasn't a bad thing in the first place, but under the influence of Mei Yifan and his wife, Wang Qiuhe's temperament would be more or less problematic, even if his grades were at the bottom, no matter who saw that non-mainstream hairstyle, it would give him a headache.

Naturally, the school had communicated with the parents, but Mei Yifan didn't take it seriously at all. She felt that there was nothing wrong with the child's current temper. As for the grades, she was even more calm. She and Wang Gaofeng Her grades were just like that, how could she have a child with good grades, so it was normal for her to understand that her grades were not good.

Furthermore, in Mei Yifan's understanding, grades do not represent the first condition for a person to be stupid or not. There are many people who just can't learn it simply by studying, but they often find opportunities to make a fortune after graduation. Mei Yifan She firmly believed that her daughter was the latter, so she really let her study go. This also caused Wang Qiuhe to go further and further in the ranks of bad children, and after entering the rebellious period, she was almost out of control.

No matter who it is, Mei Yifan can't understand this kind of thinking, and Mei Yinan is the eldest sister of the family, she usually takes care of a lot, and she always likes to say a few words from time to time, Wang Qiuhe Don't wait to see her anymore.

When Mei Yinan came to the door, Wang Qiuhe was arguing with Mei Yifan. Mei Yinan couldn't see the Wang Qiuhe dressed up in front of her with a "ghostly look", but coincidentally, Wang Qiuhe didn't want to see Mei Yinan too much, she When she saw someone, she ignored her thoughts at all, and looked at Mei Yifan and continued to do what she had just done, "Mom, 10 yuan is not enough? Just give me 10 yuan."

If this was normal, Mei Yifan would still entangle with Wang Qiuhe for a while, but Mei Yinan came to the door, so she gave Wang Qiuhe a look, reluctantly gave her 10 yuan, and said together: "This is your pocket money for a week. If you run out, don't ask me for it again."

Wang Qiuhe didn't listen at all, her mother usually said the same thing, but didn't her mother give it to her when she ran out of trouble at home?Therefore, without even looking at Mei Yifan, he took the money, turned around and got on the elevator.

Mei Yifan reminded her daughter to pay attention to safety, and after closing the door, she chatted with Mei Yinan, "Why is the eldest sister here at this time, why are you looking for me?"

Mei Yinan frowned, and sat down on the sofa unceremoniously, and couldn't help but remind her: "Your daughter is already 15 years old, it won't work if you continue like this, you take care of it."

"Big sister, all puberty girls are like this." Mei Yifan didn't think there was anything wrong with Wang Qiuhe.

"Which adolescent girl is like this, my Tianhua is not like this, my Zhenzhen is not like this, she is dressed... like that, her hair is permed like that, even if she grows twice People with big heads don't have such big heads." Mei Yinan couldn't see it, no matter how she looked at it, she didn't like it.

In fact, Mei Yifan also had a problem with that hair. She was called out by the school several times for this hair, but Wang Qiuhe insisted on not perming it back. Those who are willing to compare their own daughter with these two people, these two people are honest and honest, but that's it, they are worthless at a glance.

Mei Mengzhen is still in college, let alone Fan Tianhua, who only worked for a few days after graduating from college, and quit selling vegetables with Fan Tianyu, who needs a college diploma, but Mei Yifan doesn't I would refute my elder sister on this kind of matter, so I immediately changed the subject, "Elder sister, what's the matter?"

Seeing that Mei Yifan didn't want to continue this topic, she didn't force her, and said with a depressed face: "That's right, I want you to go with me to Jiangcheng, and come back after playing for a few days."

After Mei Yinan finished speaking, Mei Yifan paused suddenly with his polite look.

Mei Yifan's mind was spinning fast, her eldest sister, Mei Yinan was going out to play, and she actually wanted to take her with her?This is completely impossible, so the first time she heard this, she suddenly didn't dare to speak, she was afraid that something would upset Mei Yinan, so she looked for an excuse to deal with her Woolen cloth.

But thinking about it again, she really didn't do anything recently, so she had another idea, maybe someone in Jiangcheng has something to do.

Mei Yinan didn't wait for a long time to respond, so she could only continue to ask: "Yifan, I said how about going to Jiangcheng for a few days?"

"Eldest sister, why did you suddenly take me to Jiangcheng to play in this year's season? Is there something wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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