Chapter 403

Mei Yinan glanced at her, stopped beating around the bush, and said directly: "Yifan, big sister isn't beating around the bush with you here anymore, I called you to Jiangcheng for something, Zhenzhen was bullied in Jiangcheng, Her parents are gone again, one of us is an aunt and the other is a sister-in-law, shall we support her?"

When Mei Yifan heard that it was Mei Mengzhen's business again, she didn't refuse on the spot, but she was a little upset after all. You must know that since Mei Mengzhen's parents passed away, Mei Yinan has often taught them a lesson because of her. Well, they are all very old people. After a long time, they will always feel that they can't hold back their face and have some resentment.

But the resentment is the resentment, after all, they are all a family. As a sister-in-law, she heard this and asked, "What's the matter, who bullied Zhenzhen, why did she bully, Zhenzhen doesn't look so easy to bully?" ah."

Mei Yifan felt that what she said was telling the truth, didn't she feel that such a tyrannical person would always fail to please her?Mei Mengzhen can make her family unable to please her, how can she let others please her, so she really doesn't believe that Mei Mengzhen has been bullied.

But it was because of this sentence that she provoked Mei Yinan again, and Mei Yinan said angrily: "Yifan, Zhenzhen is such an obedient child, if it weren't for you people who always bully her with poles, I would always say Are you? I know you have resentment in your heart. You can ask this question and think that we are a family, but Zhenzhen is alone. Is it easy for her?

It’s really not me talking about you, you one by one..., I ¥@¥@#%, you ¥#@¥#@, Yifan, listen to the elder sister’s persuasion, the eldest sister is for your own good, we are relatives after all, You always... "

Mei Yifan didn't make it to the point where he just said a word, and was reprimanded by the elder sister again. Hearing Mei Yinan's long speech, Mei Yifan couldn't help but interrupted: "Eldest sister, just tell me what's going on." She really doesn't want to hear these words anymore, doesn't the eldest sister think that she has become a lot more honest recently?

Mei Yinan sighed, she also knew that she couldn't continue talking, otherwise this person would not be able to call out, so she said the things and purpose of coming here this time.

Mei Yinan uttered the whole thing in a simple way, and Mei Yifan was confused, but she had to say that Mei Mengzhen's college life seemed to be quite exciting, not only did she think so in her heart , and asked, "Is college life so rich?" She suddenly had the idea of ​​wanting Wang Qiuhe to go to college, but when she thought about her grades, forget it, she couldn't pass the exam at all, Even high school is..., hey.

Mei Yinan heard Mei Yifan's words and slapped the coffee table heavily, and brought Mei Yifan back to reality with a 'pop'.

"Is that the point?"

Mei Yifan shook his head, "No, big sister, what you mean is that Zhenzhen and his boyfriend were revenged by their admirers, and then that person wanted to hurt Zhenzhen, but Zhenzhen escaped accidentally, and the person got hurt It turned out that the woman's identity background is very strong, you are afraid that you can't handle it alone, so take me there to embolden you."

"Yes, that's what it means."

Mei Yifan didn't mean to excuse herself, she felt that she couldn't help if there was anything to do, and if it was just a quarrel, her elder sister was already very powerful, and she wouldn't be needed, so she might be asked to go. It's just to support her. She went to Jiangcheng not only to have nothing to do, but also to play there, which is really a good deal.

But Mei Yifan will definitely not agree so readily, she can go, but she must not be allowed to pay for the trip, "Eldest sister..."

Unexpectedly, before Mei Yifan opened her mouth, Mei Yinan knew what she was going to say, "Don't shout, I will pay for the whole process, and I won't let you pay a penny, if it wasn't for me to show that I am weak I won't take you with me either."

"Sister, what are you talking about? I just want to say how long we will go. It will take too long. I am afraid that my family Gao Feng will not be able to stay at home alone. Besides, I have to ask for leave. The leader will not approve it after a long time. "

"I don't know if your unit's fake approval or not. There is also Wang Gaofeng in your family who is dozens of years old. We can't live without you. What are you worried about him doing?" Regarding Wang Gaofeng, Mei Yinan also didn't see it.

"Elder sister, what are you talking about? It's fine, I have nothing to say, so tell me, when will you leave, tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow, I've already called Tianyu. Mengcheng will come to pick us up in a while. Let's go after dinner. You should be busy at home. I'll call you in a while."

Mei Yinan left without waiting for Mei Yifan to respond after speaking.


At dinner time, Mei Yifan told Wang Gaofeng about today's events, and Wang Gaofeng didn't object, "Go ahead, we don't need to spend money anyway, and it would be a good thing if we can ease the relationship with Eldest Sister because of this matter." .”

Wang Gaofeng felt that the relationship between them and the other side did not need to be eased, as long as they kept their mouths open and yelled, it was fine. He never expected the relationship between the two families to be so close, and that was really enough. Last year He was really afraid of that fall.

Wang Gaofeng also really doesn't understand how Mei Yinan can be so tough, and Fan Hongwei is still willing to live with her, but he will definitely not say this, even if he and Mei Yifan are married, after all, Mei Yinan Yinan is also Mei Yifan's eldest sister, if this is said, Mei Yifan might not be happy.

After getting Wang Gaofeng's consent, Mei Yifan was also happy, but she asked again: "Then I'm going out, what will you and Qiu He do?"

"It's not that you have no hands or feet. You can cook noodles or go out to eat. You can go there for a few days. We won't starve to death." But when it comes to Wang Qiuhe, Wang Gaofeng didn't see his daughter, "We My daughter hasn't eaten at home for several days, so please tell her well, why is she so lonely at such a young age?"

Speaking of this, Wang Gaofeng was also very dissatisfied with Wang Qiuhe's hair, "And her hair, don't you have any objections to going to school with that head on it? Hurry up and get it back, I think it's scary when I see it. Damn it doesn't matter anyway."

He naturally loves his daughter, but it is also a fact that his daughter doesn't look like a good child at first sight. If he doesn't care about it at this time, he won't be able to control it when he wants to in high school.

Of course Mei Yifan knew, but, "But with my daughter's grades, I guess she won't be able to go to high school, and then she can only go to a technical secondary school." This probably sounds good, and it is completely impossible for Wang Qiuhe to take the exam. Going to high school is totally impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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