Chapter 406 Unable to refuse (55)

When Mei Yifan mentioned Xiyuan, whether it was Fan Tianyu or the rest of the Mei family, they all shivered and felt a little guilty.

Pei Ziyu, who knew the inside story, naturally wouldn't talk too much. Fan Tianyu explained at this time: "It's the catering I have been cooperating with for a long time. I deliver food there. The elder brother of the Jiang family also mentioned it when I was in the hospital last time. Does it sound familiar to you, sister-in-law?" strangeness."

But when I went so early, Xiyuan didn't open the door, so there was no food.

Fan Tianyu looked at Pei Ziyu again and knew, it must be that Pei Ziyu asked Grandpa Pei to prepare it.

Mei Yifan asked again in doubt: "You give me a dish, why is everyone being so polite to you?"

She felt strange last time, and she never figured out this question, so now she has to ask anyway.

"I deliver food, but I'm also a small boss."

Seeing Mei Yifan's questioning, Mei Yinan was afraid that Fan Tianyu would be overwhelmed, so she hurriedly interrupted: "Okay, we're here to see Zhenzhen, since when did you care about my family's Tianyu's career?"

Mei Yifan really didn't mean that, it's not that she didn't understand, so she always wanted to ask a few more questions, Mei Yifan, who was away from home, accepted it when she knew it was good, so when Mei Yinan said it, she didn't say anything, everyone This can be regarded as relaxing.

This is the same even for Mei Yongan. After all, their family is now on the same boat as Fan Tianyu’s. If they didn’t know about it before and just thanked Mei Mengzhen for her kindness, then it’s been a long time. I fully understand that Fan Tianyu's ability to become like this is not all due to Fan Tianyu's own ability, Mei Mengzhen is the big boss behind his career.

To be honest, Mei Mengzhen, who is only 19 years old, has been able to change from almost penniless to her current appearance in a short period of time. That method is not at all powerful. Mei Yinan's family has such a big family. It's cheap, and it's actually justified to protect Mei Mengzhen like now.

What's more, since their family faces Mei Mengzhen, their life is much better than before.

This old days refers to in!color!In the days before the ticket, and regardless of the fact that Mei Mengcheng is just a driver now, when Xiyuan grows bigger, he will definitely be promoted. These are what Fan Tianyu promised him, and the benefits and wages will increase accordingly When he gets up, his life will only be better than now, he doesn't dare to dream of getting rich anymore at all, he is already satisfied with living in peace and stability, and he won't say anything more.

When everyone didn't follow what Mei Yifan said, Mei Yifan naturally stopped talking.

Mei Mengcheng put the breakfast he bought just now on the table, and said, "Brother Pei, you can eat your breakfast first before leaving, we bought your breakfast."

Fearing that Pei Ziyu wouldn't eat it, Mei Yinan took out the porridge and steamed stuffed buns herself, "Hurry up, little Pei eat some first, and then leave after eating. No matter how busy you are, you still have to eat breakfast."

With the pressure of the elders, Pei Ziyu couldn't refuse. After eating a bowl of porridge and being forced to stuff two buns and an egg by Mei Yinan, he finally stopped stuffing it.

But after he finished his breakfast, Mei Mengzhen still didn't wake up. It was getting late, and he really couldn't stay any longer.

"I'm leaving, let's go see what's going on over there first."

"Okay, keep in touch at any time, my mother still wants to watch the video."


As soon as Pei Ziyu left, Mei Yifan found a seat and sat down, "Oh, I'm exhausted."

"What did you do this early in the morning? You're exhausted." Mei Yinan couldn't help asking, but she didn't really want to hear what she did. Some nonsense, so I said again: "You sit down and watch Zhenzhen there. When classmate Zhenzhen comes, we will go to the bureau to watch the video. We have already made an appointment with her lawyer."

Several people sat in the hospital for more than an hour, Mei Mengzhen still had no tendency to wake up, Fan Tianyu once wondered if Mei Mengzhen was in a coma.

But the doctor came to see once, and there was nothing abnormal, so everyone was relieved.

After another half an hour, at 10 o'clock, He Yiran's lunch arrived.

When He Yiran came to the ward, she suddenly saw so many people surrounding Mei Mengzhen in the ward. She didn't realize it for a while. After seeing Fan Tianyu, she guessed that these people should be relatives of Mei Mengzhen's family. .

He Yiran first greeted her politely, "Hello, I'm Zhenzhen's classmate named He Yiran, and the one who delivered the meals to Zhenzhen, you are..."

Mei Yinan smiled politely: "You girl looks familiar, haven't we met before?"

"Should have met in Xiyuan, when it opened." Fan's family had been there on the day Xiyuan opened, and He Yiran was there that day. She also knew about it. If they met, it would probably be that day. As for other things... He Yiran knew the situation of Mei Mengzhen's family, so he was afraid of saying the wrong thing, so he didn't dare to speak rashly.

Fan Tianyu quickly introduced her family members, "This is my mother, this is my uncle, and this is my aunt."

Everyone knew Mei Mengcheng, so there was no need for an introduction, and the two of them nodded, as they had greeted each other.

After He Yiran called out to the elders one by one, everyone didn't stay for long. After all, they still had to watch the video, so they left directly after almost saying hello.

In the car, Mei Yifan said: "That girl is so tall, she must be taller than Zhenzhen, she is also beautiful."

"Yes, a little taller than Zhenzhen. That girl is Zhenzhen's classmate and the girlfriend of our lawyer Tan Lawyer. She has a very close relationship with Zhenzhen." And she is also the boss of Xiyuan, but there is no need for this Talk to Mei Yifan.

Mei Yifan became quiet all of a sudden, not because she wanted to be quiet, but because she felt a little uncomfortable, why.

It wasn't long since she came to Jiangcheng, but in this short time, she had already seen a lot of good girls, no matter how against her will, she couldn't say that her precious daughter was better than others.

The daughter she is proud of, the daughter who is outstanding in her eyes, turns out to be so ordinary in the big city. When she thinks about it, her daughter is actually not even comparable to Mei Mengzhen, let alone Mei Mengzhen. It's a strange look.

Mei Yifan suddenly became anxious, her daughter was ordinary-looking, her personality was not good, her grades were not good, and it was strange, what would she do in the future.

Mei Yinan can see Mei Yifan's state, she can roughly guess why Mei Yifan is like this, she just said: "Yifan, I'll be back at the hotel in a while, let's have a good chat."

At this moment, Mei Yifan was really willing to chat with this eldest sister, and agreed immediately, "Okay, eldest sister."

Even Fan Tianyu was surprised by such a straightforward answer, but everyone wisely chose to ignore it, fearing that if something good or bad came out, they would have to take responsibility for it.

(End of this chapter)

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