Chapter 407 Abnormal Body (15)

It has to be said that this was all caused by Mei Yifan's personality, otherwise how could it be like this.

When they came to the bureau, Tan Jia immediately led them in. First, he told the story of the incident, and then he watched the thrilling video. This video did not mention Mei Mengzhen, even if they watched it suddenly, it would be too frightening. Not to mention, Mei Yifan immediately said: "Why is this person so bad-hearted, doesn't she know that pushing people down will cause trouble."

"Maybe I really don't know, otherwise I wouldn't suffer the consequences."

Fan Tianyu replied, but judging by Zhao Qingyi's appearance, it is typical to be dazzled by hatred, who cares about the consequences or not.

Mei Yinan now also understood why Mei Mengzhen was so frightened. They felt scared when they saw it in the video, let alone Mei Mengzhen, the person involved. At this moment, Mei Yinan felt distressed again. Mei Mengzhen said, "Why is life so hard for our family Zhenzhen? We have to meet such a pervert even if we are talking about a partner, and Jiang Cheng, Jiang Shengjiao's good son."

Tan Jia said: "I met Jiang Sheng yesterday when I was in the bureau. I heard Jiang Sheng's tone seemed to want to reconcile with you. After all, you are relatives..."

Mei Yinan interrupted him before the good talk was finished, "Whoever wants to reconcile with him is because he is a relative, and this kind of behavior is even more excessive. Who can't get our Zhenzhen?" I conspired with other women to kill her, and I said that Zhenzhen's failure to agree was the right choice, and this family is not a good thing."

Mei Yongan asked: "How is that woman doing now?"

Tan Jiadao: "I'm still in the hospital, and I've been rescued twice during the period, so the situation is not optimistic."

"She's not in good condition. My family's Zhenzhen is in good condition. Zhenzhen was frightened and sent to the hospital. She hasn't woken up since yesterday."

There is definitely no comparison between the two, but to the Mei family, Mei Mengzhen is an innocent disaster, and it is not wrong to feel sorry for Mei Mengzhen.


Let's talk about the day before.

After Mei Mengzhen got home, she went directly to her room and lay down.

The moment when Zhao Qingyi jumped down the stairs kept flashing in her mind, until the person lying on the ground, but the person on the ground was Zhao Qingyi for a while, and her again for a while, and she couldn't tell who was lying on the bloody ground for a while. Who the hell is that person.

Immediately after, the images of the previous life and the dreams of this life filled her mind, and gradually exhausted her little physical strength, and her consciousness gradually blurred. The reality was still a dream, and it was even more unclear whether it was Zhao Qingyi who jumped down the stairs or herself.

Mei Mengzhen felt that her whole body was surrounded by pain, and she also murmured some words that others could not understand.

After Fan Tianyu and He Yiran came in, they couldn't wake her up for a while, and they immediately sensed something was wrong, so they sent her to the hospital.

In being doctor doctor!Note!shoot!After taking the medicine, Mei Mengzhen's mind briefly recovered. Seeing Pei Ziyu's anxious expression and the hand holding her tightly, she felt that the fear in her heart was instantly calmed down.

At this moment, the vision in her eyes was replaced by a beam of light. The beam was so dazzling that even if she closed her eyes, it was useless. The beam could still pass through the eyelids and shine in her eyes, giving her what she needed. all the warmth.

Gradually, Mei Mengzhen's consciousness relaxed, and she even felt that she was sleepy, her head tilted, and she fell into a deep sleep.

This time she slept for a long time, and when she opened her eyes again, she was shocked to find that she was actually in the space.

When did she come in? She has no memory at all.

Mei Mengzhen tried her best to recall what happened before she entered the space, but she couldn't think of any clues, but when she found that she only came in consciously, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Without it, the consciousness entering the space means that the body is outside. Even if she can't sleep for a long time, it is only because of her poor health. It doesn't matter when she wakes up, but if the body changes without everyone knowing How could she explain why she disappeared for no reason?

Of course, it's okay to disappear without being seen by everyone, but if it disappears under the nose of others, it's hard to tell.

Fortunately, her rationality allowed her consciousness to enter the space.

But why did she enter the space under such circumstances? Could it be that the space sensed her discomfort, so it deliberately summoned her in?

Mei Mengzhen really has no memory, so she can't remember what happened.

But if you can't remember it, don't think about it.

Perhaps it was because of sleeping for too long, her body was sore and weak, she hurried to the Lingquan to drink some Lingquan water to recuperate, but before she drank the water, she heard someone talking beside her.

The voices of these people were very close to her. There was He Yiran who brought her lunch, and her aunt, uncle and sister-in-law who came to see her. Mei Mengzhen didn't expect their relatives to rush over so quickly. She stopped drinking the spring water, and subconsciously wanted to go out and say hello to them. However, no matter how hard she tried, her consciousness seemed to be sealed in the space, and she couldn't get out no matter what.

Mei Mengzhen was startled, and then panicked.

She has been in the space for so long, and such a thing has never happened, she can't get out of the space.

But she can't go out for the time being, or she won't go out in the future.

At this time, she was terrified. She felt fear again. She was afraid that her body would sleep forever, and she was also afraid that she could hear the voices outside but could not respond. She would stay alone in the space in the days to come. .

Suddenly, a burst of sweet-scented osmanthus smelled from her nose, filling the whole space in an instant, and her doubts intensified. There had never been any smell in the space. Why can she smell the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus?

There was only one sweet-scented osmanthus tree in the space. Mei Mengzhen hurried to the front of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree. The petals of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree seemed to be blown up and down slowly. This scene reminded her of when she was still in Xincheng. The sweet-scented osmanthus tree also blooms and fades in the same way when it is in season.

Mei Mengzhen raised her hand and caressed the trunk of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree. In the past, when she did this, the virtual screen of the Space Mall would flash in front of her eyes. This time it was the same, but this time the virtual screen did not show the Space Mall. Instead, a paragraph of text was displayed, [Warning, the owner of the space is abnormal].


The owner of the space must be referring to her, but what should she do if her body is abnormal, and how can the space mall detect her abnormal body?

As soon as this idea came to Mei Mengzhen's mind, the text on the virtual screen in front of her changed to [Whether to upgrade. 】

(End of this chapter)

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