Chapter 419 Number Stolen (35)

Jiang Cheng definitely didn't know, Jiang Cheng didn't go to school to find out about it, not only Jiang Cheng didn't know, but Chen Zhi didn't know either.

And this relationship, no matter how innocent it is in private, but the public thinks that you two are not innocent, and you two cannot be innocent, so in the eyes of students, if these two people can be friends together, the purpose is not innocent .

What could be the purpose? It's not aimed at Mei Mengzhen.

Mei Mengzhen was originally a poor little girl, but now she has just been discharged from the hospital, and this kind of news came out suddenly, what if it is aimed at her..., I can't think about it, just thinking about it makes me want to be a keyboard warrior for Mei Mengzhen and scold me These two people.

Then he started cursing directly.

When Chen Zhi found out, she was so angry that she called Luo Yingying on the spot.

"I have no background, no connections, and I haven't graduated yet. Do you know how difficult it is to have a starring role? What should I do if I miss this opportunity? We made an agreement at the beginning, let's not say that we are friends, You made this request in the first place to guard against this, why are you still saying it yourself now?"

Chen Zhi was very angry. If it was really because of this incident that she was sent back by the film crew, she might become the laughing stock of many classmates. During this time, everyone has ridiculed her because they are jealous that she can get this role. Seeing that she was about to join the group, she was really afraid that there would be some problems.

The key is that the role she played is based on Mei Mengzhen, Duo Min!Luo Yingying still does this kind of thing when she is feeling emotional, "What should I do, I already posted it, I'm sorry Zhi'er, I'm just not clear-headed, I never thought of harming you."

Chen Zhi sighed and said, "Where are you now? Why did you post this all of a sudden? Is something wrong?"

Hearing Chen Zhi's concern, Luo Yingying couldn't help crying anymore. She told Chen Zhi all the grievances just now. She thought she could hear Chen Zhi's partiality and care, but she didn't expect to hear It was still Chen Zhi's accusation, "Why provoke her when you have nothing to do?"

"You don't know how much they go too far. I didn't say anything. Three of these people will move out, leaving me alone. People don't think I have a problem." Luo Yingying said aggrievedly.

"But it's not uncommon for these three people to be rich. Isn't it normal to move out after a sophomore year? And didn't we agree that if we can't change the dormitory next year, the two of us will go out and rent a house? It's not a problem at all, you see what's going on now."

The two of them did agree, but at that time Luo Yingying was so angry that she couldn't remember so much, "Then what should I do, what if it affects you."

No matter how bad she was, she really didn't intend to use Chen Zhi's future career as a slap in the face. At this moment, she really knew that she was in a hurry.

Chen Zhi thought for a while, "I came out of the dormitory, where are you now?"

"I'm in the hallway next to your dormitory."

Chen Zhi was taken aback, turned around and went to the corridor, almost turned a corner and saw Luo Yingying, Luo Yingying was really soft-hearted, she stepped forward to comfort her: "Don't cry, let's Find a way together, don't blame me, it's not that I don't want to disclose our relationship, but..."

Before Chen Zhi finished speaking, Luo Yingying said, "I know, I know, I'm wrong, but what should I do now."

Chen Zhi thought for a while, and said: "You delete the content of the post just now and then say on the original post that your account has been stolen, and say that we are ordinary friends, please spread the rumor."

Luo Yingying paused, "Is this possible?"

"I don't know if it's okay, but isn't it normal for us to know each other? It's good to be careful not to get too close at school in the future, but who told us about this, the warehouse..."

"Liu Pei said it, but I really don't know how much Liu Pei listened to the conversation in the warehouse, but I guess she didn't hear much from her expression, and we didn't say anything."

Chen Zhi nodded, and didn't say any more, "Okay, actually we didn't say anything, maybe you were kicked out of the business, so Liu Peixin is unwilling to talk nonsense."

"Hmm." When Chen Zhi said this, she also felt that it should be so, but what matters now is not Liu Pei, but the issue of the post, "Let me change the matter of the post first."

Luo Yingying quickly took out her mobile phone and deleted the content of the original post. It was written in red in enlarged font, 'The account was stolen. The content of the original post is not true. Please discuss it again. '

As a result, the post was changed, and this post was pushed to another hot spot again.

'Cut, how is it possible. '

'This is the number stolen. '

'Just now I was arguing with Zhenzhen and the others in the dormitory, and after the quarrel, I posted that post, and now it was suddenly changed, there must be something wrong. '

'~~~ Upstairs, what is the quarrel, what is the quarrel between her and Zhenzhen, as far as I know, Zhenzhen has just been discharged from the hospital. '

'That's the most hateful thing, Zhenzhen just came out of the hospital, she came to make trouble. '

'That's right, but Zhenzhen is so interesting. I think I can use the PPT memes for ten years. '

'PPT, what PPT. '

What kind of stalk is PPT, the upstairs will talk about it in detail. '

'People in the fan group have benefits, the whole process has been reproduced completely by friends, almost didn't make me laugh. '

'Yes, yes, PPT can still be used like this, Zhenzhen is so talented. '

'Hey, I'm not in the group, I beg kind people to copy it to the forum. '

'Please kind people copy it to the forum. '

'Please kind people copy it to the forum. '

'Please kind people copy it to the forum. '


The following are all asking for the content to be copied to the forum, but no one will copy this kind of thing. Not only that, Yan Keke immediately canceled Luo Yingying's group administrator and removed the person from the group chat, so Luo Yingying didn't see it either. content in the group.

When she found out that she was removed from the group chat, she was so angry that she almost threw the phone away, but luckily Chen Zhi kept it for her.

"Don't throw things away when you're angry, it's all bought with money." Money is not wasted like this, it's too prodigal, "I should still be in the group, I'll see what the content is."

However, Chen Zhi was also removed from the group chat by Yan Keke, "Forget it, yes, how could you still let me be in the group? You should remember how you two quarreled. Tell me, you didn't say anything. If so."

It doesn't matter anything else, don't interfere with her filming, there are too many people who are jealous of her getting this role, if her role is changed, how will she stay in school in the future?

Of course Luo Yingying remembered, "Don't worry, I'm not talking nonsense, and I won't say those things when I talk nonsense. I'm still clear-headed and not stupid."

(End of this chapter)

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