After I was reborn, I counterattacked by farming

Chapter 420 See Tricks and Tricks

Chapter 420 Seeing Tricks and Dismantling Tricks (45)

"Let's do this first, you go back to rest quickly, the door will be closed after a while, if they take the initiative to provoke you, you can bear it, and change the dormitory with Liu Pei tomorrow."

Luo Yingying nodded, now that's the only way to go, "Then I'll go back."

"I'll take it to you."

"No need, you won't be able to get in if you send me back, you can go upstairs quickly."

They were all at school anyway, and Chen Zhi didn't force it, "Be careful when you go back."

Luo Yingying left just like that, and returned to the dormitory. The three people in the dormitory were playing with the computer on their seats, and Mei Mengzhen was also typing on the keyboard in her hand. The computer screen also showed that she seemed to be checking something. But the frowning told her that she didn't find out.

Seeing that Mei Mengzhen didn't find what she wanted, Luo Yingying was inexplicably happy. She ignored everyone and went straight to the bathroom to wash up. Looking at Luo Yingying's happy back, Yan Keke couldn't help but rolled her eyes .

Mei Mengzhen raised the corners of her mouth and held back her laughter. He Yiran also took the phone and moved a chair to sit next to Mei Mengzhen. She asked, "What's wrong, haven't you found out yet?"

"No, why can't this be cracked." Mei Mengzhen was looking up the IP of the account that posted the video on the school forum. She just wanted to know who the other party was and why the other party took her The video was posted on the school forum.

Her accident happened outside the school, as long as she didn't mention it, the school would never know about it, and this person deliberately posted the video in the school, obviously because he wanted to make this matter a big deal, this person should be right It's good that she didn't have any malicious intentions, but if she had any malicious intentions, she had to find out who the person was in order to prevent it.

Don't blame her for thinking too much, who made strange things happen around her.

But now, the matter of falling off the elevator is over, and she is not as resistant to the matter of the coffee shop as before. After all, it has passed after it happened. She even planted several coffee beans and coffee beans in the space yesterday. Tree of cocoa beans.

She said: "Yiran, isn't the fifth floor of our Xiyuan new building empty? You forgot to add the ginseng counter last time, and I want a coffee shop."

Hearing this word, both He Yiran and Yan Keke looked at her, and He Yiran even said: "You really don't learn a lesson, aren't you afraid at all? And let me give you a coffee shop come out."

"No, I'm confronting my fears and dissolving them. In short, fighting fire with fire."

"Coffee shop, does that mean that we will have coffee in Xiyuan in the future, and it turns out that the coffee is also available." When it comes to coffee, He Yiran is also a little surprised.

"Yes, there are chocolates."

It takes a week for a tree like this to grow. She just planted these trees yesterday, so let’s forget about this week. Maybe next week I can really try them, "Yi Ran, I remember you like coffee. "

"I'm more than just love. I drink one cup every day, but Xi Yuan's coffee is delicious without thinking about it."

Mei Mengzhen said again: "Ke Ke, I remember you also like chocolate."

"Zhenzhen, is there anything I don't like? But I really like chocolate. Is it pure chocolate at Xiyuan? Or is it with hazelnuts?"

"It should be all there. I'll see when the time comes. I asked. It won't be available until next week. I should be able to bring it to you when we meet after this weekend." Speaking of which, if the chocolate needs hazelnuts, she would still It is necessary to plant a few hazelnut trees, otherwise how can there be raw materials processed into it.

While talking, Mei Mengzhen opened the space mall again, and bought a few hazelnut trees. After buying them, they could only store them temporarily. The space mall can be used outside, but the space is not. She is sitting outside now, consciously It's too dangerous to go in, wait a while and fall asleep before planting trees.

Just after buying the saplings here, Yan Keke said, "Zhenzhen, don't forget the diet pills you gave me. It's going to be summer vacation soon. I won't be able to stop until I lose 50 catties this summer vacation."

"I remember that you were 150 in the first year of the new year, which means that you have to lose 100 catties directly. This goal is quite big, but do you want to lose 50 catties in one summer vacation? Even if you have medicine, it will be difficult. "He Yiran is seeking truth from facts. If you have more fat, you will naturally lose more. But after Yan Keke lost weight, the body fat will be less. Even if you use Xiyuan's diet pills, it probably won't have this effect.

"No, it's 160 catties. I've gained another 10 catties in the past few months, but I really don't blame me for that. I get hungry easily when I'm hungry. Otherwise, I won't have the energy to work. Dry it and eat it, it's a cycle, and then I get fat again."

Yan Keke really felt that she didn't make excuses for herself. It is really difficult to lose weight. Fortunately, Xiyuan's diet pills have no side effects, otherwise she wouldn't dare to have the idea of ​​taking medicine to lose weight.

"I can give it to you, but do you have time to eat? You don't go home on vacation, where do you go to swim and practice yoga?" Without these things, the effect is definitely not as good as at home. "And after you lose weight, you must control it." Don't eat snacks anymore, I guess your 10 catties of meat are eaten from snacks."

"Uh, I can't rent a swimming pool." But when she thought about the pool of water she soaked at home during the winter vacation, she also felt that it didn't seem right. "Let me think about it again. It's just a swimming pool. A suite, the one with a swimming pool, I am so promising now, my dad will definitely be willing to buy it for me."

But, "I want to live closer to you, and there is no house with a swimming pool nearby. No, no, no, I should find a private swimming pool. I will rent one by myself. If the water is dirty, I will pay more."

"Okay, I'll give you the holidays, it's too early now, the summer vacation is long, how about 5 pieces." No more, they still have to be sold.

But just 5 pieces have already moved Yan Keke to tears, "Zhenzhen, you are so kind, I lost weight, and the first person I want to thank is you."

"No need, making you thin is also for your health, too fat is not good for your health."

"It's not good for your body to be too thin, you have to make up for this meat." He Yiran reminded again when he saw the opportunity.

Mei Mengzhen chatted with them, but the movements of her hands never stopped, but in the end she still didn't have the slightest clue, so she had no choice but to give up, "Forget it, I won't check if I can't find it. If there is really any conspiracy, let’s see the trick.”

He Yiran suddenly laughed, "You really think of yourself as the heroine of a novel, all the conspiracies and tricks in the world revolve around you."

(End of this chapter)

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