Great Tang princess

Chapter 129 1 Everything goes well

Chapter 129 Everything is going well

The welcoming team beat gongs and drums all the way to the woman's home to welcome her.

Li Yuechen and several brothers and sisters were also among them, and they will be responsible for helping out later.

Walking through the street at dusk, when I knocked and knocked and arrived at the woman's house, the sun had almost completely set.

Someone in the welcoming team lit the torch and was responsible for illuminating the road.

The woman's home is also decorated with lights and festoons, with red lanterns hanging high, looking festive.

The welcoming team stopped at the gate of the woman's house, and Li Yuechen and others followed the prince and entered the gate.

According to the custom, the man will be beaten with a stick when he enters the gate, implying that there are people in his natal family and he cannot bully his wife in the future.

But this is the current crown prince after all, who dares to fight?
So just a group of people waved the sticks around a few times, and it was tantamount to a beating.

When they came to the courtyard, Li Yuechen and his brothers shouted together: "New wife, come out!"

After shouting, it was Li Hong's turn to read the makeup poem.

Li Hong took a step forward, stood in the courtyard and chanted: "One night, the east wind and a hundred flowers are new, and the red makeup is on the first day, and the marriage is happy. The red thread in the sky leads to the marriage, and this is the best day!"

After the make-up poem was finished, the surrounding crowd booed, and Li Yuechen and others shouted together again: "The new wife comes out!"

With a bang, the door of the main hall opposite opened, and Pei Qingwan, who was wearing a bright red wedding dress with a hijab covering her head, walked out with the round fan in her hand supported by two maidservants.

Someone nearby handed Li Hong a bow and three arrows with their arrows removed.

One arrow shoots the sky, one arrow shoots the ground, and another arrow shoots far away.

Pei Qingwan was rushed to the door, and her family put a saddle at the door.

Crossing the saddle means that the trip to the in-law's house will be safe and sound.

There are also golden boys and jade girls spreading grains and grains behind, implying that there is no need to worry about eating and drinking.

After the bride got into the carriage, Li Yuechen and several elder brothers sat on the frame of other carriages around them, beating and beating all the way to the East Palace.

On the way, the prepared people from her natal family ran out to stop the car, and Li Yuechen and a few brothers took a large amount of Kaiyuan Tongbao and scattered them out.

Li Yuechen thought while throwing money, it seems that this custom has been passed down for more than a thousand years.

All the way back to the East Palace, the prince got off the horse, came to the carriage to pick up the bride, and the two walked into the East Palace side by side.

A brazier has been placed at the gate, and the newlyweds step over the brazier, implying prosperity and getting rid of bad luck.

Then step over the rice bag, implying ample food and clothing.

Li Yuechen and others also surrounded the two of them at this time, and began to tease and play.

This is tantamount to making trouble in the bridal chamber, the brothers all went to mess with Li Hong, while Li Yuechen took the two older sisters to pat the bride gently, or tickled her or something like that.

There are several large braziers in the courtyard burning bamboo, making a series of "crackling" crisp sounds.

Of course, this sound is not loud, it must not be as good as firecrackers.

The emperor, empress and officials who attended the wedding banquet were already waiting in the main hall, so Li Yuechen and the others didn't make a fuss for too long, so they probably went through a cutscene and let them in naturally.

Entering the hall, the wedding banquet officially begins. At this point, most of the links are not much different from the future.

It is the speech of the emperor and empress, but there are some differences.

For example, the so-called worshiping Gaotang in this era is not only about parents, but also a large group of other elders.

For example, Li Zhi's aunt Qianjin Princess is also among them.

Li Hong lifted the hijab with a scale, and the bride had to cover her face with a round fan in her hand. At this time, she had to read a poem about the fan to show her face.

Li Hong, who had already prepared, chanted loudly: "The flowers are blooming red and beautiful, and the green trees are tender and tender. The woman's new makeup is the most beautiful woman in the world."

The bride removed the fan, revealing a face with heavy make-up.

After that, the two of them had to wash their hands and faces in the same basin, and after taking their seats, they had to eat the same portion of meat.

The folks are basically pork-based. As for the royal family, it is natural to eat beef.

Although the law stipulates that cows cannot be killed casually, it is normal for a few cows to commit suicide because of the prince's wedding today.

Then the official from the Ministry of Rites who was in charge of presiding over the wedding brought a melon. Li Yuechen didn't know what kind of melon it was, it was probably bigger than a fist, and it was far away.

Cut the melon in half, and the newlyweds will have half of each person, pour wine, drink half of each, exchange each other and drink it up in one gulp.

Then the officials of the Ministry of Rites will put the melon together and tie it with a red string, which means that it will never be separated.

Li Yuechen below looked up, thinking in his heart, maybe this thing will develop into a cup of wine in the future, right?
Finally, the bride and groom each cut off a strand of each other's hair, and the bride will tie it into a knot and put it in the kit for future preservation.

The implication is to make friends forever, and then you can send them to the bridal chamber.

After entering the bridal chamber, the men and women sit on the bed, and a group of women will throw money on and around them.

At this point, even if the wedding is over, the officials of the Ministry of Rituals are still responsible for writing a parallel prose to announce the completion of the ceremony.

After everything is over, the groom will come out again to drink with relatives and friends and receive blessings.

Li Zhi and Wu Zetian were obviously also very happy, and announced the opening of the meeting after expressing their emotions.

Halfway through the meal, the traditional performing arts of the Tang Dynasty will start again.

As the musicians started to play, people who were already drunk began to dance disco.

It doesn't matter whether the movements are standard or not, and I don't care whether they look good or not, anyway, what we want is an atmosphere.

It was lively until midnight, when the banquet was declared over, everyone rushed Li Hong back to the bridal chamber.

At this time, the groom must go in with his back to the door, and then close the door.

If it's in the private sector, people outside probably stick to the door to eavesdrop for a while, but who would dare to eavesdrop on the prince's wedding?

Li Hong walked into the room with his back turned, his slightly drunken face flushed, "I won't send you away today, everyone, please help yourself!"

When the door was closed, the guests all stood up and said goodbye.

The emperor and empress had already left, and Li Yuechen brought his two sisters back to Anfu Hall.

Along the way, the two sisters were excitedly discussing some interesting things that happened just now.

Li Yuechen asked suddenly: "Are those two elder sisters interested in getting married?"

Princess Xuancheng was the first to shake her head: "No, it's too troublesome. If you have time, why not study more arithmetic."

While speaking, there was a trace of disgust on his face.

"I think that if you meet someone you like, this process will be really interesting." Princess Yiyang had a longing expression on her face.

"Sister is a princess, the wedding ceremony of the princess seems to be different from this?" Li Yuechen turned his head and asked.

It has to be said that in this era, the marriage of princesses will be much happier than that of ordinary women.

Because the princess has a noble status, marrying an outsider is, to put it mildly, a marriage.To put it bluntly, it means that the other party is married.

Although the child has the same surname as the man, the princess is in charge of all matters in the family.

Even if the son-in-law wants to have sex with the princess, he has to report in advance, and the princess agrees.

And the consort's daily expenses are basically provided by the princess.

Besides, to be honest, because of the open atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty, the princesses were also very unrestrained.

Not to mention Princess Gaoyang during the Taizong Dynasty, but the current aunt Qianjin Princess seems to have many male favorites.

Many gossip said that these male favorites were raised by her husband Zheng Jingxuan before he died.

Li Yuechen didn't know if it was true or not, but how to put it, anyway, it was enough to prove that the princess of the Tang Dynasty was bold and unrestrained in this regard.

If it was in the past, Li Yuechen actually did not agree with such behavior.If the husband dies and finds a new love, there is nothing wrong with it, after all, everyone needs it.

But playing around while still alive is tantamount to cheating and betraying the feelings of the other party.

But then again, there is no way to enforce the concepts of different eras.

Just like now, father Li Zhi used to have a lot of concubines, but can you say that he doesn't love his mother?Not too possible.

Now the father's harem has been almost cleaned up, especially the mother and daughter Mrs. Zheng Guo and Mrs. Wei, who died for no apparent reason.

But Dad never mentioned it, nor did he think about a thorough investigation, just as if it never happened.

Li Yuechen believed that it was impossible for him not to know the whole story, but he still didn't say anything, and he was still getting tired of being with his mother every day... Every sign could show that he loved his mother.

Speaking of Princess Qianjin, it seems to be the same.

As a princess, with a noble status, what is it to find a few male pets?Not having children with a male favorite to mess with your husband's blood is already a proof of sticking to the bottom line and loving you.

Thinking wildly all the way, while chatting with the two sisters while returning to Anfu Hall, Li Yuechen yawned and planned to go to bed quickly.

There is still class tomorrow, so I can't be listless.


Just arrived at the farm the next day, before class started, the village chief took Li Yuechen to the field with a smile on his face.

After coming over, Li Yuechen nodded when he saw the ears of wheat that had gradually turned yellow drooping and dancing with the wind: "It seems that the results of the experiment are good."

"Your Highness, if things go on like this, this year's production will probably be much higher than in previous years." The village head looked excited.

Li Yuechen nodded lightly: "Don't rush to be happy, or wait for the results to come out. How about the other pieces of land?"

The village chief shook his head: "Only these two are good. The rest, because they are too densely planted, don't grow well. According to Xiao Lao's experience, I'm afraid it's not as good as in previous years."

"Well...record the conditions of these two fields. When the results come out, choose the best one, and plant according to the best one in the future."

"Yes!" The village head nodded, "If all the land can be planted according to this method in the future, there will be a bumper harvest every year!"

This is considered good news, but Li Yuechen still decided to wait for the results to come out.

The wheat side has risen, and the rest is the rice side.

These days, going abroad is really an extremely troublesome thing, and those people don't know how long it will take before they can come back.

Shaking his head, putting aside this question for now, Li Yuechen came to the courtyard and continued to teach the children.

I have to say that Lu Zhaolin's talent is really not something to brag about. Recently, I can clearly feel that these children are much smarter.

When answering questions, I can occasionally quote classics, which invisibly adds a lot of persuasion.

And he himself seems to like this kind of pastoral life. Apart from teaching the children every day, he basically spends the afternoon with his wife and daughter.

Mrs. Guo gave birth to a little girl for her, and now she is almost two years old. Lu Zhaolin only wants her to grow up quickly so that she can teach her some skills.

Taking a break in the middle of class, Li Yuechen sat in the courtyard, drinking iced yogurt and chatting with Lu Zhaolin.

"Looking good recently, the number of illnesses should be less?" Li Yuechen asked.

"Thanks to His Highness's great love, I really don't get sick recently." Lu Zhaolin nodded, "But I can still feel that time is numbered."

Li Yuechen smiled: "Don't keep saying such depressing words, since you are alive, you still have to have hope."

There was an indifferent smile on Lu Zhaolin's face: "If you want to talk about hope, now I think that my daughter can grow up soon...and that I won't be too painful when I leave."

Seeing his expression, Li Yuechen shook his head helplessly. Judging from his expression, this guy has completely let go now.

This state is somewhat similar to the feeling of being disillusioned by Buddhism, as if there is no fear of death itself.

Seeing that the time is almost up, Li Yuechen stood up: "Okay, don't say such frustrating words. Let these students hear it, and the influence will be bad. Enjoy life while you are still alive."

As he said that, he didn't bother to continue discussing this issue with him, and came to the courtyard to continue teaching the children.


A few days later, Li Yuechen went to court to listen to the news as usual.

Nothing major, the only thing worthy of attention is that Li Jinxing led troops to Liaodong to support Gao Kan.

Silla came to harass, Li Jinxing led troops to pursue, broke the enemy army, captured 2000 people, and beheaded [-] people.

While he was dispatching troops, Silla brought Mohe to invade, and his wife Liu actually put on armor and went to battle to defend the city.

Not only did he not let the city miss, but he also killed more than a thousand enemies, which made Li Zhilong very happy, and immediately ordered him to be named Mrs. Yan.

Li Yuechen, who was listening to the news in the channel, couldn't help but smile, Xinluo, I really didn't expect that this neighbor could do things like this more than a thousand years ago.

There was also laughter in the court hall. At present, the court has completely controlled the former Koryo area.

Now there has been a full-scale Sinicization there, as long as it can be kept under control, wait for a while, and when the second and third people are born, they will be Datang people.

There should be no big wars in the north in the future. Li Yuechen is thinking about whether to go mining or something to develop the economy.

As for the hinterland of the Tang Dynasty, with the increase in food production in the future, there should be no more people starving to death, and economic issues can be considered next.

As long as the people are fed and clothed, there is no need to worry about them rebelling and causing trouble.

Li Yuechen's first plan was a good start. Next, let's see if the paper workshop can bring him good news.

At the same time, the production of movable type printing has begun, but it is really troublesome to make this thing, and it is still in the experimental stage.

The only thing we can count on now is soap and glass.

 Regarding the wedding process in the Tang Dynasty, various records are different, so the author made some changes.

(End of this chapter)

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