Great Tang princess

Chapter 130 Printing Effects

Chapter 130 Printing Effects
But there is still some good news, that is, the soap has been completely developed, and finally the smell has been removed.

This thing is sold very cheaply, most people can afford it, and to be honest, this thing is quite durable.

If you spend [-] Kaiyuan Tongbao to buy one piece, it will not be a problem for a family to use it for a month.

This thing can't make a lot of money, but fortunately, it can be used in large quantities. After all, there are still a few rich people, and the lives of most ordinary people are tight.

Now that there is a thing that can wash clothes, at least it can make their clothes last longer.

Outside the Anfu Hall, the people from the Shangyi Bureau were reporting to Li Yuechen about the work she had arranged.

"The gauze Your Highness wants can be woven, but..." The palace man on the opposite side looked a little embarrassed, "The number of white dippers is not large, and it seems that it is not easy to plant a large area in the Tang Dynasty."

Li Yuechen nodded, she is still very clear about this, cotton is only suitable for planting in Xinjiang and the south.

As for places like Chang'an or Dongdu, if you really want to plant them, you can plant them, but it's not cost-effective, and the efficiency is too low.

It seems that if there is a chance, we still have to find a way to get people in the south or Xinjiang to grow it. At worst, they can grow it and spend their own money to harvest it.

In this way, it can also stimulate the economy, which is simply killing two birds with one stone.

After nodding his head, Li Yuechen waved his hand to let the palace servants go down first, then turned around and went back to think about this issue.

It's actually very simple to just send people to plant, but in this era of backward communication technology, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and the people sent out may not be able to do things well.

Therefore, it is still necessary to cooperate with the local people so that they can benefit, so that they can work willingly.

This matter still needs to be thought about carefully. After the food problem is solved, the arrangement can be started.

On the Mang Mountain side, the construction of blast furnaces of different materials has already begun, and it is expected that the test will be officially started within ten days.

In the afternoon of the next day, Li Yuechen took a carriage to the production factory outside the city to check the first batch of transparent glassware that had been made.

After a period of training, the craftsmen's glass blowing technology has advanced by leaps and bounds.

Originally a craftsman with quite rich production experience, as long as a little training, after understanding the method, the progress will naturally be very fast.

Li Yuechen picked up a transparent goblet and checked it. Except that the color is not as bright as the future glass, there is no difference in other aspects.

No air bubbles to be seen, completely transparent!

In this era, the prototype of the goblet has actually appeared, and it is used to drink wine.

But Li Yuechen has completely finalized it.

Then he looked at other cups and bottles, and Li Yuechen nodded: "You can also think about how to make patterns on it when you rest on weekdays, or the same sentence, it doesn't matter if you can't do it, it's important if you do it. reward!"

The craftsmen naturally agreed, and they couldn't wish for such a boss.

Craftsmen also have their own pursuit in their hearts, which is to make better works.

But in this era, there are often various reasons that cause them not to dare to try lightly, for fear of failure.

Now with Li Yuechen's words as a base, they dared to let go and start trying.

Li Yuechen picked two of the best glasses among them, and planned to take them back and give them to his father and mother.

"The rest, give them away and let him see how to deal with them. It doesn't matter if the price is higher now, whether it is sold to Hu merchants or other merchants, and the price will be lowered slowly when the quantity increases in the future." Li Yuechen instructed.

Fu Lai saluted: "Here! But Your Highness, do you want to send someone to watch over him? I always feel that this kid is tricky, maybe he will..."

Li Yuechen shook his head slightly: "It's okay, if he is smart enough, he won't dare to go too far. If he dares to reach out, I don't mind changing someone."

"Yes!" Fulai nodded in agreement.


In Jixianfang, Laicao looked at the dozen or so transparent glass vessels on the table in front of him, and couldn't help thinking.

All these things are handed over to him, which can be understood as trust or as a test.

To be honest, if the price was higher, he might secretly have the idea of ​​getting more, but after thinking about it carefully, he dismissed it.

The reason is very simple, this His Highness has not reached the point where he cannot be separated from him, and he really wants to change him, that is just a matter of one sentence.

Through the incident last time, Lai Cao had a general understanding of the princess's character.

First of all, she attaches great importance to a person's sense of responsibility. In a position, one must first do things well before considering other things.

After figuring this out, Lai Cao also knows where the bottom line of His Highness lies.

So although I would secretly do some benefits for myself in normal times, I would definitely do everything that was handed down beautifully.

After sending off Fulai respectfully, Laicao decided to go to work tomorrow, as long as the work is done well so that His Highness can't bear to take care of himself.

In the evening, when Laicao came home, he saw that the Hoto stall on the street outside the door was still open, and his wife, Wang Shi, was still busy at the stall, and walked over with a displeased expression.

"I told you, now there is no need to set up a stall, why come out?"

Wang turned her head and glanced at him: "No matter what you do, you won't be able to do it for long. If I set up a stall, at least I can leave a way out."

"You..." Laicao looked around, approached his wife and said in a low voice, "Now I'm working for a nobleman, and you still set up a stall here, wouldn't it be embarrassing to me?"

"Shame?" Wang turned her head, "In these years, from Chang'an to Dongdu, which day will I not be supporting this family? You spend all day doing nothing but playing with money, don't you think it's embarrassing when you are pointed at your spine and scolded?"

Seeing his wife pushing back against him again, I was worried about an unknown anger.

If it was normal, he would definitely argue with his wife in the street desperately.

But now, firstly, I was afraid of embarrassment, and secondly, thinking of the lesson the princess gave me that day, I finally held back.

He flicked his sleeves hard, turned around and left: "I won't tell you!"

Back at the home across the street, the only son, Lai Junchen, happened to be walking towards him: "Master, you're back."

Laicuo didn't speak, but turned around to look at his busy wife across the street.

She was old, her face was wrinkled, and her hair was grizzled.His hands, which were still soft when he was young, are now covered with thick calluses.

Turning his head to look at his son who was fooling around, the anger that hadn't subsided just now rose again.

With a "slap", Laicuo raised his hand and gave him a slap.


Lai Junchen covered his head and called out, "Master, why are you hitting me so hard?"

"You bastard! You've been idle all day long, please ask the teacher to make you read like a dog!" Laicao yelled, "Go out and help!"

Lai Junchen didn't know why he was going crazy today, but he could clearly feel that he was in a bad mood, so he could only agree to help his mother obediently.

Since childhood, this father would beat him whenever he was in a bad mood, which made him very afraid.


On the other side, Li Yuechen, who had returned to Anfu Hall, was also watching with the information Fulai handed over in his hand.

After what happened last time, she felt that she still needed to be more vigilant about fucking this person.

To be able to propose to the boss to help him divorce his wife, and to take up the three no-go regulations in an aboveboard manner, it is conceivable that this guy's personality is definitely of the ruthless kind.

If this kind of person can't handle it well, it will make him suffer if he doesn't make it right in the future.

Seeing the information in his hand, Li Yuechen was slightly taken aback, raised his head and asked, "Didn't he marry his wife?"

Fulai nodded: "This man gambled with a fellow named Cai. For some reason, that fellow lost tens of thousands of dollars to him. Since he couldn't pay back, he gave his wife to him. When this woman came to her home, there was already Pregnant..."

Li Yuechen nodded, so there was such a reason.It seemed reasonable to want to divorce his wife and raise a concubine.

But one yard counts for one yard. They have been working and supporting you all these years, and they have also kept filial piety for your parents. This friendship cannot be escaped.

But no matter what, you still can't be too indulgent when you come to fuck this person.This is a gambler and hooligan, the kind that shines brightly when given a little sunshine, and he must be handled carefully.

Thinking of this, Li Yuechen was suddenly taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help but shook his head.

It seems that my father still has a great influence on me, and all the emperor skills taught are used in this aspect.

For a moment, I couldn't help feeling a little emotional in my heart: I'm afraid that my pure soul is gone forever...


In June, after falling into ambush, the weather was extremely hot. Even standing in the well-ventilated hall, I still felt unbearably hot.

Li Zhi would send someone to send Sushan over every day, but even so, the heat was still hot. In this age without air conditioning, wearing long-sleeved trousers was really unbearable.

Just as he was thinking about taking his two older sisters and Shangguan Wan'er to swim, Fulai suddenly ran in.

Wiping the fine sweat from his forehead, he said: "Your Highness, the craftsman supervisor said that movable type has been made, can you go and have a look?"

Li Yuechen thought about it, and decided to take a look.

Walking out of the main hall, put on the clogs and go out.

But Fulai stopped him: "Your Highness, go change your clothes, otherwise you will be seen with bare feet..."

"Oh, the weather is so hot, why care about those things? Hurry up!" Li Yuechen urged impatiently.

Fulai had no choice but to follow her with an oil-paper umbrella to shield her from the scorching sun.

When they arrived at the Craftsman Supervisor, the craftsmen bowed their heads and saluted. Before they could say anything, they quickly closed their eyes, and after silently saying "Do not look at evil," they greeted: "I have seen Your Highness!"

"Excuse me, quickly take out the finished movable type!" Li Yuechen waved his hand.

The craftsman on the opposite side promised, and quickly took out the four engraved movable type.

Arranged in a row, dipped in some ink, and covered it with a piece of paper.

Roll it back and forth a few times with a small roller, and then turn the paper over, and the words "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang" emerge impressively.

This font is carved out with the calligraphy of old man Li Zhi, which is almost exactly the same as his usual handwriting.

This character is only as big as the fingernail of a little finger. Although it is a bit larger than the font size in future newspapers, it is quite acceptable to make it like this in this day and age.

The key is that the writing is clear, there is no sign of smudges at all, and it will not affect reading!
"Good good..."

Li Yuechen nodded very satisfied, took the paper and looked left and right: "What kind of material is this movable type made of?"

"Returning to Your Highness, it is mainly made of iron and lead, the cost is lower than pure iron, and it is relatively more durable!"

"Not bad!" Li Yuechen nodded in praise, "Keep working hard and make the rest of the fonts. In addition, for words like 'zhi' and 'also', we need to do more..."

The craftsmen nodded in agreement.

"How much material is needed, you should make an estimate in advance to see how much it will cost, and then report it to Fulai." Li Yuechen urged.


Walking out of the craftsman's workshop, Li Yuechen nodded. Now that the movable type printing experiment has been successful, he will wait for the paper workshop.

However, because bamboo needs to be soaked in water, when the first batch of paper is produced, it is estimated that most of the commonly used fonts should be able to handle it?
If the bamboo paper experiment is successful, the price of paper will definitely be lowered by a large amount, and the number of people who can afford paper will increase a lot.

However, if you want to further lower the price, you must find a way to expand the scale of production. In this era, it may not be possible to fully reach the level in the future.

Thinking of this, Li Yuechen couldn't help but sighed, he could only come a little bit, maybe he could take care of a little bit.


Back in Anfu Hall, I saw the two older sisters and Shangguan Wan'er sitting in front of the table, both looking listless.

Obviously, this hot weather makes people feel hot, but they don't want to move.

The chessboard next to the two seemed to be only half played, but it was obvious that neither of them had the energy to make any more moves.

Seeing Li Yuechen's return, Shangguan Wan'er opened her eyes wide, puffed her cheeks slightly, and looked expectant: "Your Highness, Wan'er wants to go swimming."

"And me." Princess Xuancheng raised her hand, "The weather is too hot!"

Li Yuechen nodded: "Let's go!"

Anyway, it's just after noon, and the weather is still early, so it's okay to go for a couple of laps.

As soon as she said there was no problem, the three beauties immediately moved closer, and hurried back to change into their swimsuits.

After soaking in the chilly pool, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, feeling alive.

Shangguan Wan'er happily swam around beside Li Yuechen, enjoying the excitement brought by the pool water.

After swimming for a while, Princess Xuancheng couldn't wait to go diving again.

Li Yuechen was lying on the water, only relying on his two legs to swing slightly to keep himself from sinking, looking at the sky and thinking about the next plan.

At the same time, I also allocated part of my attention to look at them. After all, strictly speaking, they are still rookies. If something happens, they can go there to save people as soon as possible.

Speaking of which, such a large pool is indeed a bit wasteful.

In the future, all members of the royal family should learn to swim, so that the summer will be much easier, and the family will often play together, which will help cultivate feelings, and maybe reduce the chance of killing each other for the throne...

 Thank you [Tong En] for the reward! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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